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India may never be a super power: LSE study

:hitwall: we know its nt going to happen why this thread starts again and again bcoz india is a country with so many problems internally which is nt going to improve so @ china today stop waisting ur time

i think you are an asTROLLoger dude!!!:cheesy::rofl:
the troll war has died down i see:undecided:..........nyways i am login out now........see you guys later!!
Who wants to be superpower not us we just want to save AP from China And Kashmir From Pak

and enough powerful tat no one messes with us rest all clear :P
I think India will not become a superpower in near future. Maybe after 100years or so.
Reasons are many, government and dirty politics let their citizens down.
The civic sense in India is appalling (eg: people throwing rubbish on the ground, spitting and really really bad DRIVING to name a few)
Corruption too is a major let down and delay in implementation of projects and short sighted old wrinkly leaders. MMS is a good person on paper but he lacks his own voice and is a puppet.
Besides India doesnt invest in making its own weapons except navy and ignores domestic weapons and go on to buy fancy weapons from abroad just will not help.
Caste discrimination I have seen now and then just disgusts me how some higher caste bhramins treat poor dalits. Its just wrong but that is not going to go anytime soon as arrogance is has developed in south asia (even in pakistan, nepal, bangladesh) They think they can do anything we are the best but they lack civic and social sense. Some or most people just hit the streets for just about no reason like anti nuclear protests they just follow like a headless chicken and do as they are told or paid in some cases.
These things will not be go anytime soon and will take generations to fade away. Social and ethnic divide plus add fanatic religious nutcases into th equation spells disastrous.
india ! with trollers Army :rofl:

couldn't back yourself up with facts on the other thread so giving a reason for India's lackiness as troller's army..... exemplary

that in itself a troll comment in the threat buddy, don't you have an knowledgeable opinion on topic?
couldn't back yourself up with facts on the other thread so giving a reason for India's lackiness as troller's army..... exemplary

that in itself a troll comment in the threat buddy, don't you have an knowledgeable opinion on topic?

it was on topic ! just pakistani members know what i say :rolleyes:
Despite India’s "impressive" rise, its ambition to be a super power may remain just that—an ambition, according to an authoritative new study by the London School of Economics to which several Indian scholars have contributed.

It pointedly dismisses what it calls the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s "unequivocal verdict" during her India visit in 2009 that "India is not just a regional power, but a global power’.

The study, India: the Next Superpower? acknowledges India’s "formidable achievements" in fostering democracy, growth and cultural dynamism but concludes that these are nullified by its structural weaknesses, widespread corruption, poor leadership, extreme social divisions, religious extremism and internal security threats.

India, it argues, still faces too many "developmental challenges" to qualify for "super power" status, or to be considered a serious "counterweight" to China, a role sought to be thrust on it by some in the West. Some of the report’s authors wonder whether India should even aspire to be a super power given its institutional weaknesses and social and economic divisions.

Historian Ramachandra Guha, currently the Philippe Roman Chair in History and International Affairs at LSE, suggests that rather than being seduced by the bright lights of great power diplomacy, India should instead focus on reforming its institutions and repairing the social fabric that seems to be coming off its seams.

“We need to repair, one by one, the institutions that have safeguarded our unity amidst diversity, and to forge the new institutions that can help us. It will be hard, patient, slow work,” he writes.

The study, a summary of which was released on Wednesday, starts off by acknowledging that" India’s rise has certainly been impressive, and warrants the attention that it has commanded".

"India has been one of the world’s best-performing economies for a quarter of a century, lifting millions out of poverty and becoming the world’s third-largest economy in PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) terms. India has tripled its defence expenditure over the last decade to become one of the top-ten military spenders. And in stark contrast to Asia’s other billion-person emerging power, India has simultaneously cultivated an attractive global image of social and cultural dynamism," it says. But then come the "ifs" and "buts".

Plunging the knife into Indian ambitions, the report says:"Still, for all India’s success, its undoubted importance and despite its undisputed potential, there is cause for caution in assessing India’s claim to superpower status. India still faces major developmental challenges. The still-entrenched divisions of caste structure are being compounded by the emergence of new inequalities of wealth stemming from India’s economic success. India’s democracy may have thrived in a manner that few ever expected, but its institutions face profound challenges from embedded nepotism and corruption. India’s economic success continues to come with an environmental cost that is unsustainable."

These problems are compounded by India’s "pressing security preoccupations" arising out of "insurgent violence" affecting large parts of the country and long-festering cross-border disputes.

The best that India can hope for—the study offers as a consolation-- is "to continue to play a constructive international role in, among other things, the financial diplomacy of the G20".

"Yet the hopes of those in the West who would build up India as a democratic counterweight to Chinese superpower are unlikely to be realised anytime soon," it concludes.

The report forms part of LSE IDEAS’ series on "Power Shifts". Authors include Mukulike Bannerjee and D. Rajeev Sibal (both LSE) and Sandeep Sengupta, a doctoral candidate in International Relations at Oxford University.

The Hindu : News / International : India may never be a super power: LSE study

time has been dramatically changed during last 60 years and the ‘central political issues’ are no more like how we used to have in past. People aren’t now categorized on the basis of religion/ race or even nationalities to that extent as it used to be in past. Even if people move to Western nations like US/ UK/ Australia/ Canada etc, they are generally willing to adopt their culture as open societies are now ready to adopt changes if it may be of good for the society. And open societies are not just the Western but also Russian, Indian, former soviet states, ASEAN nations including Japan/ Korea type countries including South American countries, South Africa etc. Whoever like me migrate to another country, is fully willing to follow laws of that country/ willing to pay taxes and ready to contribute in the society on social level, if asked. Therefore, its now less important which country may become super power and which can’t, as now we have to deal on the people to people term more.

But the main problem in this world is created by the Western nations who are struggling to retain their current positions which they can’t, if they don’t come in the position to force rest of the world. Recently I started doing part time MBA with Sydney university and I found almost all the Russian boys and girls performing very good in classes but many of them are dated by those under high school pass local Australians who proud to be born in Australia and hence they may earn a minimum of $25 an hour while in Russia, the minimum salary is around $5 per hour only. So we have number of cars running on the roads more than total number of people in Australia. But many times we argue, how long can we maintain this life style without any credibility? just because Australians are those who enjoy their life and have fun, start changing girl friends from the age of 12 to 14 year, no credibility or proper educational background, how long all these will continue? When attacks on the international students studying in universities, mainly on Indian students, were going on in Australia in 2009 to mid 2010, by mere under high school pass Australian citizens, we used to openly talk that, “Now these under high school pass people are demonstrating their superiorities on the international students by these attacks as they simply can’t study. Now by attacking on the students doing Masters from Australian universities, they can prove themselves superior, no other way. Most of them have over 10 to 20 mother fathers, majority of Australian population is result of 'casual sex' only, and with so poor cultural background, they don’t have good educational background also, almost all of them are under high school pass, like how over 98% Australian born people are?” Most of the time I myself found it hard to convince the local labors/ technicians working in the work shop of ground floor that, if I ask something from them then its not because Im the boss, I myself have to report to my boss. And if migrants like me are sitting on the top floor then its because we have master degrees from high ranked universities and we can’t bring our computers to the workshop of ground floor to do our work. A labor/ technician gotto work in workshop and an engineering professional like me gotto be in an office, regardless race/ religion or nationalities. No wonder, now days most of the white collar jobs are going to the migrants of Western countries, specially in US.

“Bluffs of superiorities based on publicity of greatness, without any credibility or proper educational background.” I openly passed my message to the Western rulers that success of this type of Western culture in this world will result in a world where only those will get success in life who may demonstrate that they can fcuk, not those who can be proved to be good in studies/ hard work. Until highly qualified people are going to US/ West, they have techs otherwise how can under high school pass people develop technologies?

And even if you look on the type of people getting protection in the country like Britain/ Australia, most of them are on run from their governments due to different criminal cases like one former Pakistani president. and even in India also, I find only the criminal and corrupt background people are considered to be of any use for the Western rulers, mainly for british rulers, who may be of any use in return of being defended by the Western governments. The reason why I openly cleared, “if education isn’t the criterion of getting success in life in a society like Western society, only committing crimes may help people of this type of societies maintain superiorities/ luxury life, obviously :meeting:.” And at the same time Western nations have organized different wars on the world platform to target all those countries, one by one, who may refuse to accept to become follower of West.

Becoming super power is now less important than having combined efforts to have equality in this world which may provide equal opportunities to all those who may study hard and get progress in life, who may help the world get more Prosperous and successful, regardless any religion/ race or nationality. And any effort to discourage equality in this world would be resisted with full and combined efforts. :tup:
The chances that any country, in future, will have the same influence as US has today is little. This not only applies to India, but to US, China and EU in future. World is going to evolve into a multi polar one.

As far as India is concerned with a population of over 1.2 billion, it is one of the only two giga countries, and given its economic growth and rapid modernization of its military, it would be in near future a force to reckon with.
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