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India may get permanent seat in UNSC soon!!

India is already in violation of many international and bilateral pacts.
Your promise holds no value.

you are right..so dont take divya's promise seriously...we do not value our promises with countries like pakistan, who does not value their promise with India.
Just keep working hard, we are close and soon we will make it. I think the last fort left is get China on broad, if we develop good relationship with China that would be it.
Why are we so hung up on the UNSC seat ?

Will it make things any better within India ? Not that I oppose a seat but I do feel differently on these gung ho threads that keep popping up at regular intervals.
lets not post hindustan times or any other indian news source and post a neutral news source on this and then discuss, instead of wasting time on fictitious news.



Why are we so hung up on the UNSC seat ?

Will it make things any better within India ? Not that I oppose a seat but I do feel differently on these gung ho threads that keep popping up at regular intervals.

I think it is because when you have the chance you have to try hard to reach the finish line else we will lose the time again. Also permanent seat will matter in global geopolitics.
I think it is because when you have the chance you have to try hard to reach the finish line else we will lose the time again. Also permanent seat will matter in global geopolitics.

Why should India run in that race. All that matters is power, UNSC or no UNSC. When a nation is powerful enough to tell the UNSC to get lost, that is when existing UNSC members will invite it to join.
Just keep working hard, we are close and soon we will make it. I think the last fort left is get China on broad, if we develop good relationship with China that would be it.

chinese primo coming with largest bussiness deligation...
Indeed Indians value themselves more than West values India but as far anti-western sentiments are concerned, China is non-western, I dont care whether India becomes or not but India is technically a non-western country.

Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Canada are western in all sense but they are not on UNSC so go figure whether it is legitimate to have anti-western thought based on this or is it just another reason to hate.


They don't need it for their interests are not trampled by states like israel with help from allies like the great satan as it is the case with the Muslim states.
They don't need it for their interests are not trampled by states like israel with help from allies like the great satan as it is the case with the Muslim states.

Great Satan!!

Talking about this guy!! :lol:


All Hail! \m/
Why should India run in that race. All that matters is power, UNSC or no UNSC. When a nation is powerful enough to tell the UNSC to get lost, that is when existing UNSC members will invite it to join.

And one of the those western ways to acquire power is to arm itself to the teeth and advise its adversaries not to spend on defence. The world now knows what this UNSC stands for, it is the grand tool of the great satan and its stooges to rip off and subjugate the oppressed in the name of 'peace and stability'. Over here 'peace and stability' refers to the hegemony imposed by the great satan.

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