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India may fail to defend itself from Pakistani missiles: Expert

Simple... We have satellites up there watching every Pakistani bases with accuracy of 3 square meter..... any movement there would be a trigger for us to anticipate Pakistani nuclear attack... and do a preemptive strike....
And we have Chinese satellites up there watching every Indian base with aaccurcy of 1 meter to watch Indian preemptive strike:p:
Simple... We have satellites up there watching every Pakistani bases with accuracy of 3 square meter..... any movement there would be a trigger for us to anticipate Pakistani nuclear attack... and do a preemptive strike....
what they forget is multiple and multi band & multi layered PESA & GaA & GaN AESA based gorund and Areostat radar's scanning deep into pakistan 24X7X365 from last 10-15 years and if that was not enough we already have ample grpound intellegence aswell of all pakistani missile storage & launcher/silo & possible nuclear warhead sotrage sites and even before pakistanies try to mount a mass attack we can do retaltory attack
but why will chinese fight india for pakistan ;) :azn:
Not fight just helps Pakistan to retaliate:-)

We will see if China helps Pakistan this time... I remember how they helped you guys in 1971... by doing ...absolutely nothing.
Why you guys always lives in past, we both have a common enemy "INDIA":p: then we just started our relation with China:agree:
Not fight just helps Pakistan to retaliate:-)
your living a fancy dream all china will do is give you weapons to fight india when you need it but will charge thrice for it after the war as they have doen with african war lords ;) :haha:

but keeping that thing aside if you need to counter india in space you need to have your own spy sat network and your own GPS like what europe, Russia , USA , China and now even india have for there defnce reated matters do you have that cause in times of war all internation GPS netwroks will be shutt pff for you even chinese go ask it to your chnese defnce experts ;) :sarcastic:

same goes for all navigational aides for your fighter aircraft and AWACS & Missiles borne radars and signalling equipments and forget the 5th dimenssion of cyber warfare where india is second to none what and how will you counter indians there :D ... think
Lol why you guys getting emotional over a old article if you got an issue with it go ask the Russian why he said it why you always gotta start your shit Pakistan this and that
Currently we have no ABM CAPABILITIES BUT there are the rumors that we are in the negotiations with China to buy advance version of HQ-9 aka HQ-26 ( Chinese THAAD)we are moving step by step toward long range ABM CAPABILITIES first we have medium range SAM (SPADA-2000, HQ-16 AND HQ-16B FOR NAVY) and USA and western countries arming you to their latest weapons( technologies) against China you're the puppet of western countries against China:p::enjoy:

Then tell us how this would happening in the future

Then talk to me when you have a credible ABM.
Until then, crying about ours looks pretty stupid when you yourself have none.

Also, what do you consider a puppet nation?
A country that only buys defence equipment from the US or a country that lets US drone bomb its own civilians?
Then talk to me when you have a credible ABM.
Until then, crying about ours looks pretty stupid when you yourself have none.

Also, what do you consider a puppet nation?
A country that only buys defence equipment from the US or a country that lets US drone bomb its own civilians?
You won't stop all Pakistani BM with ABM reaction time is too low to intercept all BM from Pakistan and you build better ABM sytem than Israel USA Russia and China, even US mid course defense sytem can intercept less than 50 ICBM, if Russia and China fires 100 ICBM toward USA,your ABM system is definitely worst than all ABM system that i mention above, rest is your post just face saving nothing else:lol::rofl:,:enjoy: in past yes we purchased defense articles from USA but currently no more we diverted toward Russia (slightly) and China (fully) you acept or not the reality is that you're puppet of west against China huh @cyclops turth is always bitter isn't Mr @cyclops :enjoy:
You won't stop all Pakistani BM with ABM reaction time is too low to intercept all BM from Pakistan and you build better ABM sytem than Israel USA Russia and China, even US mid course defense sytem can intercept less than 50 ICBM, if Russia and China fires 100 ICBM toward USA,your ABM system is definitely worst than all ABM system that i mention above, rest is your post just face saving nothing else:lol::rofl:,:enjoy: in past yes we purchased defense articles from USA but currently no more we diverted toward Russia (slightly) and China (fully) you acept or not the reality is that you're puppet of west against China huh @cyclops turth is always bitter isn't Mr @cyclops :enjoy:

Here's the thing, PAKISTAN IS NOT USA, and neither do you have high tech ICBMs.
LOL, comparing yourself with the US.

Our ABMs have had incredible successful intercepts, as compared to other ABMs so go and check the success rate,

So basically you now are a Chinese puppet.
Its funny how when India goes into a deal with a country its just a deal that can't be guaranteed to exist the next year, while when pak does it you literally sell off half your stuff for a couple of decades.
Here's the thing, PAKISTAN IS NOT USA, and neither do you have high tech ICBMs.
LOL, comparing yourself with the US.

Our ABMs have had incredible successful intercepts, as compared to other ABMs so go and check the success rate,

So basically you now are a Chinese puppet.
Its funny how when India goes into a deal with a country its just a deal that can't be guaranteed to exist the next year, while when pak does it you literally sell off half your stuff for a couple of decades.
We are can't compare USA,we don't need an ICBM where our enemy is our next dooryou need to build 1 ABM missile than we stand 10 BM against it you guys always compare with super powers what a low life person you are:lol::enjoy: and we have maneuverable reentry vehicle/MIRV missile in the form of shaheen 1A/Ababeel to beat your ABM system buying weapons from China doesn't meant that we are the puppet of China:disagree:but you're look at the broader perspective USA currently blockading China through central Asian republics to Japan South Korea Taiwan Vietnam and India and you're part of this plan because Pakistan can't go against with brotherly nation China so west choose you to becomes part of this blockade, think logically Mr @cyclops gai out of this universe shupa powa HIND:lol::rofl: and first build a toilets for whole India then you consider a shupa dupa out of this universe powa @cyclops :omghaha::sarcastic::jester::hang3::hang2::help:
Yet to see the MIRV capabilities. It's said to have MIRV but not demonstrated.
Butthurt use burnol on your butts its a pain killer get out of your fantasyland and wishful thinking :enjoy::lol::rofl:our army told that it has the MIRV capabilities so we believe it its not your concerns
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