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India May Be Heading To Mars

Its impossible to send man to mars as of now. Do you distance between earth and jupiter ? There is a death trap layer between mars and jupiter . When US sent man to moon it was a great achievement for new space power similarly India should do . Do you think surprise when an Indian runs 100mts race in 10 sec or would you say we should do it in one second because already some one did it ?

sir putting a man on moon is a thing of the past now...we should leave moon,......we should either work on putting an indian on mars or venus.......that will be awesome..if ISRO can achieve it.

if u ask me i would say lets go to venus....cause america and russia are already working on mars.
move india to mars :rofl:
Aw...even then people will say India is existential threat for them, as they are planning massive attack on us from their. They are building spaceships to attack us. We need Inter Galactic Ballistic Missiles to counter that threat. :rofl:

Another one, India is again doing human rights violation on MARS and Martians....:lol:

Their should be in the stupid and funny section :
I guess OP being a typical Indian made a mistake. Hope mods put it to proper section.:)
Yup stupid and funny to those who don't understand a bit about space programs and its benefits.

May be MODs should start giving a different color to posters who do post Stupid and Off topic. What's your favorite color ? :azn:

Comment on topic or refrain yourself from posting here.
Yup stupid and funny to those who don't understand a bit about space programs and its benefits.

May be MODs should start giving a different color to posters who do post Stupid and Off topic. What's your favorite color ? :azn:

Comment on topic or refrain yourself from posting here.

I agree with you. We must comment on the topic.

In my opinion, instead of India who may be heading towards Mars, I think the Martians have landed in India.
I agree with you. We must comment on the topic.

In my opinion, instead of India who may be heading towards Mars, I think the Martians have landed in India.

Yes , they give us their advance technology , which can we use against our enemy when time comes,
India’s Mars mission in Nov next year, Cabinet to give nod today

Four years after successfully launching a moon probe, India has decided to make another ambitious space effort by sending an orbiter to Mars in November 2013. India will be the sixth space power to undertake such an effort after the US, Russia, Europe, Japan and China, whose maiden attempt last year was unsuccessful.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is learnt to have approved the Rs 450 crore-mission slated for launch on November 20, 2013. The final approvals are expected at Thursday’s cabinet meeting, sources said. The Space Commission gave its green signal last December.

Explaining the timing of the mission, sources said that an attempt to Mars has the best chance when the planet is closest to Earth and a launch on November 20, 2013 gives it one such window. The next opportunity, the Department of Space (DoS) has said, will only be some five years later in the summer of 2018. In fact, NASA too is said to be contemplating a Mars mission in November next year.

The proposed project schedule says that the spacecraft for the Mars orbiter will be ready for launch from Sriharikota by October-November next year. The DoS has indicated to the government that the orbiter will enter Mars’s orbit by September 2014, making it an approximately 300-day voyage. India plans to launch its orbiter on its own Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-XL).

The Chinese made their attempt last November through their satellite Yinghuo-1 that was launched by a Russian rocket from Baikonur in Kazakhstan but its engines failed to provide the momentum to escape earth’s gravity. The satellite and the craft remained locked in earth’s orbit before crashing into the Pacific Ocean in January this year.

A team of 185 scientists from different units of the Indian Space Research Organisation will collaborate for this ambitious project. The Indian Mars orbiter, the DoS has said, is “derived from the Chandrayaan heritage” and takes into account the lessons learnt from that project.

The main improvisations in the Mars mission over Chandrayaan would be to provide on-board autonomy in communication, enhanced power generation capacity given the large distance from the Sun and in the propulsion systems due to the long distance.

Besides, two ship-borne transportable terminals will be deployed in the Pacific Ocean during the launch phase of the flight. The project will necessitate augmenting the existing Indian Deep Space Network (IDSN) to meet the telemetry requirements of this mission.

So far, there have been 42 unmanned missions attempted to Mars, of which 21 have failed in the launch phase itself. However, the DoS has argued that an Indian initiative will “demonstrate our technological capability to reach Martian orbit”. Justifying the mission, the department has also said that the project would bring “strategic advantage” to India in the international decision-making process on matters related to Mars.

India’s Mars mission in Nov next year, Cabinet to give nod today - Indian Express
I agree with you. We must comment on the topic.

In my opinion, instead of India who may be heading towards Mars, I think the Martians have landed in India.
Ask isro222...he is our expert in aliens...he can enlighten you...meanwhile if you have any doubt about indian (read earthly) space program...we few can help you out...:enjoy:
Don't Mix the things , solving electricity problem mean stopping modernization ??? what a Logic ? then stop using mobile , TV , REF , Stop making cars , Industries taking too much electricity stop it , Stop the country.

doesn't make any sense.

Do you have even an IDEA ? money we are spending on Mars mission is not even Fraction of Money that we are spending on electricity problem(thank to our talented men in ISRO)

Relax. It is not about money at all. Please point me out where I used the word. It is about getting the priorities right. Even according to ISRO, the priority project remains sending IAF men to outer space first, which would easily take another 5-8 years of preparation and planning.

A mars trip or even sending a rover is quite ambitious and little more than that.

I am not against progress; what I say is that the government must get its priorities right.

As for the money you're talking, it is of no use despite spending so much money on generating power. Still the country doesn't get 100% power 24/7 all year.

But it is a different topic and we can discuss it elsewhere.

Good luck to ISRO though. It is the best government agency of strategic proportions. :tup:
Yes , they give us their advance technology , which can we use against our enemy when time comes,

No sir, you probably didn't understand. Aren't you also a Martian?


I posted this in another thread as well. This is the state of Indian economy. With an economy dwindling in a downward spiral where would the money come from for this expensive hobby? Talking big will force you to end up in a bigger and deeper hole and certainly not on Mars. Thats for sure.

India’s benchmark Sensex Index has fallen nearly 18 percent from its peak in November 2010.

Indian Rupee has slumped 25 percent against the dollar and now hovers around Rs 60 per dollar as compared to Rs 39-40 some time ago.

India’s growth has slowed to around 5 percent from the 9 percent growth rates in recent years.

India’s Planning Commission admitted just this month that the country won’t be able to meet the $1 trillion target needed for the infrastructure development.

Without infrastructural development, the desired growth may not be possible and chances of it to go down further can not be ruled out.

Morgan Stanley experts see only a 50 percent possibility of India regaining its fast growth trajectory.

The rhetoric about big India syndrome the rhetoric needs to be followed with concrete actions expeditiously as investors are unlikely to give policy makers a prolonged period of benefit of doubt.”
The drawdown in Indian economy is going to have serious impact on her defence spending as well. Money for the big ticket defence purchases may not be available and all the three services of Indian Forces are going to suffer major delays in foreign equipment inductions.

This means, no more nuclear powered submarines, no more Aircraft Carriers, no more high-tech aircraft induction, and no more raising of strike corps’ with additional artillery divisions against China – or if even some needs are met, these would be delayed in time and space.

And as India is a status quo country, we must pray that the status quo is maintained indefinitely.
No sir, you probably didn't understand. Aren't you also a Martian?


I posted this in another thread as well. This is the state of Indian economy. With an economy dwindling in a downward spiral where would the money come from for this expensive hobby? Talking big will force you to end up in a bigger and deeper hole and certainly not on Mars. Thats for sure.

India’s benchmark Sensex Index has fallen nearly 18 percent from its peak in November 2010.

Indian Rupee has slumped 25 percent against the dollar and now hovers around Rs 60 per dollar as compared to Rs 39-40 some time ago.

India’s growth has slowed to around 5 percent from the 9 percent growth rates in recent years.

India’s Planning Commission admitted just this month that the country won’t be able to meet the $1 trillion target needed for the infrastructure development.

Without infrastructural development, the desired growth may not be possible and chances of it to go down further can not be ruled out.

Morgan Stanley experts see only a 50 percent possibility of India regaining its fast growth trajectory.

The rhetoric about big India syndrome the rhetoric needs to be followed with concrete actions expeditiously as investors are unlikely to give policy makers a prolonged period of benefit of doubt.”
The drawdown in Indian economy is going to have serious impact on her defence spending as well. Money for the big ticket defence purchases may not be available and all the three services of Indian Forces are going to suffer major delays in foreign equipment inductions.

This means, no more nuclear powered submarines, no more Aircraft Carriers, no more high-tech aircraft induction, and no more raising of strike corps’ with additional artillery divisions against China – or if even some needs are met, these would be delayed in time and space.

And as India is a status quo country, we must pray that the status quo is maintained indefinitely.

sir putting a man on moon is a thing of the past now...we should leave moon,......we should either work on putting an indian on mars or venus.......that will be awesome..if ISRO can achieve it.

if u ask me i would say lets go to venus....cause america and russia are already working on mars.

Venus ? :woot:...ok lets send women to venus...
No sir, you probably didn't understand. Aren't you also a Martian?


I posted this in another thread as well. This is the state of Indian economy. With an economy dwindling in a downward spiral where would the money come from for this expensive hobby? Talking big will force you to end up in a bigger and deeper hole and certainly not on Mars. Thats for sure.

India’s benchmark Sensex Index has fallen nearly 18 percent from its peak in November 2010.

Indian Rupee has slumped 25 percent against the dollar and now hovers around Rs 60 per dollar as compared to Rs 39-40 some time ago.

India’s growth has slowed to around 5 percent from the 9 percent growth rates in recent years.

India’s Planning Commission admitted just this month that the country won’t be able to meet the $1 trillion target needed for the infrastructure development.

Without infrastructural development, the desired growth may not be possible and chances of it to go down further can not be ruled out.

Morgan Stanley experts see only a 50 percent possibility of India regaining its fast growth trajectory.

The rhetoric about big India syndrome the rhetoric needs to be followed with concrete actions expeditiously as investors are unlikely to give policy makers a prolonged period of benefit of doubt.”
The drawdown in Indian economy is going to have serious impact on her defence spending as well. Money for the big ticket defence purchases may not be available and all the three services of Indian Forces are going to suffer major delays in foreign equipment inductions.

This means, no more nuclear powered submarines, no more Aircraft Carriers, no more high-tech aircraft induction, and no more raising of strike corps’ with additional artillery divisions against China – or if even some needs are met, these would be delayed in time and space.

And as India is a status quo country, we must pray that the status quo is maintained indefinitely.

The answer is not that tough.

With an economy of $ 1.6 trillion and a growth rate of 6.5 we can afford it.

Now assume even if our growth rate falls to 5 % it still leave as a lot of money to deal with the induction of AC's,submarine,high tech aircraft and space program.

And by the way dont read much into stanley's, for example lets assume some of the pending reforms are cleared in wake of impending apocalypse for ex retail,finance and aviation, do you have any idea how much FDi it had been forcasted to flow into this country,i think u dont know.

Ans when I use assume it does not means pure assumption as India once played with it's reforms in 92 and the reason why we can flaunt a $ 1.6 trillion economy and all those high tech things you mentioned.

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