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India Maoists call for strike over Koteshwar Rao killing

i am saying again dude, the report u just quoted also says pakistan supported terrorist group engage in terrorist activities in J&K.....if u refute that, u have to refute all the claims of this report.......

Can we talk about J&K on a thread that is about J&K? This is not the thread :)
The fact is that India has not taken steps to directly confront the Maoists in most of these regions, only in specific regions where Maoist activity is getting out of control. They started with very little presence initially, but their influence in different parts of India has increased tremendously. It is almost impossible for India to completely root out Maoism from its country, because it is an ideology that has become deeply entrenched in many parts of India.

Am sorry Bilal, thats your opinion, not a fact.

India doesn't have problem with Maoist ideology. If the Maoists want to contest elections, they are more than welcome to. Its the violence and trying to run a parallel government(getting out of control as you put it), which India has issues with.

Low level political activism will remain, no doubt. But armed rebellion will be crushed down.
Am sorry Bilal, thats your opinion, not a fact.

That's a fact. Increased CRPF were deployed in areas where there were increased Naxal activities.

India doesn't have problem with Maoist ideology.

This I agree with, because India is ok with Maoists & their ideology/activities as long as they don't threaten the interests of the government. In other words, the government tolerates its presence & its ideology/activities, as long as it isn't a nuisance for the center.

If the Maoists want to contest elections, they are more than welcome to.

Isn't the CPI (Maoist) a banned organization, & wasn't it labeled by India as a terrorist entity in 2009 under one of the acts (can't remember the name of that act)?
That's a fact. Increased CRPF were deployed in areas where there were increased Naxal activities.

This I agree with, because India is ok with Maoists & their ideology/activities as long as they don't threaten the interests of the government. In other words, the government tolerates its presence & its ideology, as long as it isn't a nuisance for the center.

Isn't the CPI (Maoist) a banned organization, & wasn't it labeled by India as a terrorist entity in 2009 under one of the acts (can't remember the name of that act)?

yes, but anyone is free to contest elections in india, even the criminals...and don't twist his replies, the constitution says that any ideology is acceptable in india, till they don't start an armed rebellion, if maoists think that the present structure is inefficient, they should contest the elections, form a government and then correct the wrong.....
Am sorry Bilal, thats your opinion, not a fact.

India doesn't have problem with Maoist ideology. If the Maoists want to contest elections, they are more than welcome to. Its the violence and trying to run a parallel government(getting out of control as you put it), which India has issues with.

Low level political activism will remain, no doubt. But armed rebellion will be crushed down.

Even if armed rebellion is crushed, as shown by Keralite Maoists training in Jharkhand, as well as increasing Maoist presence in N.E India & the resurgence of Maoist activity in Andhra Pradesh, the breeding grounds of Maoism are just as critical as the armed rebellion, & should be taken just as seriously. The CPI (Maoist) is a banned organization, it's been labeled as a terrorist organization, their literature is banned, so low level political activism which can translate into breeding grounds for armed rebellion should be taken just as seriously as the armed rebellion itself. The cause is just as (if not more) important as the symptom. The ideology of the CPI (Maoist) is just as big a threat as the armed rebellion.
Even if armed rebellion is crushed, as shown by Keralite Maoists training in Jharkhand, as well as increasing Maoist presence in N.E India & the resurgence of Maoist activity in Andhra Pradesh, the breeding grounds of Maoism are just as critical as the armed rebellion, & should be taken just as seriously. The CPI (Maoist) is a banned organization, it's been labeled as a terrorist organization, their literature is banned, so low level political activism which can translate into breeding grounds for armed rebellion should be taken just as seriously as the armed rebellion itself. The cause is just as (if not more) important as the symptom. The ideology of the CPI (Maoist) is just as big a threat as the armed rebellion.

thats again your opinion....wake me up when u come up with real facts.....
thats again your opinion....wake me up when u come up with real facts.....

I found the Act I was looking for. The CPI (Maoist) has been banned & labeled as a terrorist organization under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) on June 22, 2009. Sympathizers of CPI (Maoist) face action under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967.

“It has come to the notice of the Government that some Maoist leaders have been directly contacting certain NGOs/intellectuals to propagate their ideology and persuade them to take steps as would provide support to the CPI (Maoist) ideology.

“It is brought to the notice of the general public that under Section 39 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, any person who commits the offence of supporting such a terrorist organization with inter alia intention to further the activities of such terrorist organizations would be liable to be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years or with fine or with both. General public are informed to be extremely vigilant of the propaganda of CPI (Maoist) and not unwittingly become a victim of such propaganda.”

“This is being issued in public interest so that the general public are aware that the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and all its formations and front organizations are terrorist organizations whose sole aim is armed overthrow of the Indian State and that they have no place in India’s parliamentary democracy. CPI (Maoist) continues to kill innocent civilians including tribals in cold blood and destroy crucial infrastructure like roads, culverts, school buildings, gram panchayat buildings, etc. so as to prevent development from reaching these under-developed areas.”

Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967 « Resources Research
Even if armed rebellion is crushed, as shown by Keralite Maoists training in Jharkhand, as well as increasing Maoist presence in N.E India & the resurgence of Maoist activity in Andhra Pradesh, the breeding grounds of Maoism are just as critical as the armed rebellion, & should be taken just as seriously. The CPI (Maoist) is a banned organization, it's been labeled as a terrorist organization, their literature is banned, so low level political activism which can translate into breeding grounds for armed rebellion should be taken just as seriously as the armed rebellion itself. The cause is just as (if not more) important as the symptom. The ideology of the CPI (Maoist) is just as big a threat as the armed rebellion.

You found out already why the CPI(Maoist) was banned.

They are free to float another party, which doesn't have any links to terrorists and doesn't question the authority of Indian State, and then can participate in elections.

Like many other problems in India, Naxalite problem was also caused by poverty and illetracy. India was in tatters up until the 90's. We were pretty much bankrupt.

Now that India is moving up, and the prosperity and growth trickles down to these remote and erstwhile neglected areas, the very basis of Naxalism will be weeded out. Right now India's policy is to take out the main leaders, once the leaders are out of picture(either killed or ready for negotiation), the rest of them(many who are coerced into Leftwing terrorism) will fall in line.
Instead of killing Rao , We should have killed all the corrupt politicians , this should have saved 1 billion life , Our politicians are bigger threat to India then those poor maoist .

I a supporter of peaceful maoist revolution ........
The Maoists were doomed from the day when they took up arms against the state. protest and demands are acceptable but to sabotage every government initiative is outright hooliganism. the government built roads the Maoists destroyed them, schools are built they destroy them too, hospitals are built they again are destroyed. how the hell are these guys suppose to develop themselves if they keep on reverting back to their old ways. the maoists themselves have lost the support of the tribals whom they "supposedly " represent. they are running an army of misguided armed fools who have no idea themselves as to what they want. kishanji was not the first one and he will not be the last one.
Even if armed rebellion is crushed, as shown by Keralite Maoists training in Jharkhand, as well as increasing Maoist presence in N.E India & the resurgence of Maoist activity in Andhra Pradesh, the breeding grounds of Maoism are just as critical as the armed rebellion, & should be taken just as seriously. The CPI (Maoist) is a banned organization, it's been labeled as a terrorist organization, their literature is banned, so low level political activism which can translate into breeding grounds for armed rebellion should be taken just as seriously as the armed rebellion itself. The cause is just as (if not more) important as the symptom. The ideology of the CPI (Maoist) is just as big a threat as the armed rebellion.

Bilal bhai, you are spitting too much venom.:argh: :argh: :argh: Maoist insurgency is much less as it was 10yrs ago. Also see in last 20yrs most of the insurgent groups left arm and came for peace talks when they realized they can't achieve it by arm struggle. Like Naga, Mizo, ULFA etc. they will also come for peace talks some day when they will realized that they can't achieve there mission. Indication for it is already visible among them.

Anyone, read Maplecroft report, India is not even in top 10 positions but Pakistan do have 2nd rank just after Somalia.
Indian PM must be smoking some serious stuff, why else he would say Maoists are the number one threat to India. He should start exporting it to Miami. There is a good market for it.
Maoists call for strike at the drop of a hat. Nobody heeds their call. Business goes on as usual. They are fast loosing support of common people and now they are loosing their important members to CRPF :rofl:

RIP Maoists !
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