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India looking at an anti-Pakistan front!

Banglar Bir

Mar 19, 2006
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India looking at an anti-Pakistan front!
Subir Bhaumik, May 13, 2017


Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s sharp initial focus on improving relations with countries in the neighbourhood, evident when he invited South Asian presidents and prime ministers to his swearing in ceremony, was reinforced once again when India launched the South Asian satellite with much fanfare recently. But there was a difference. At his swearing-in, Modi had invited the Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif and Sharif had come despite much reservation back home. At the launch of the South Asian satellite, Pakistan was absent.

Modi may not have given up on track two diplomacy with Pakistan but his national security team seems keen on isolating Pakistan in South Asia — a strategy that they adopted with some success during last year’s SAARC Summit at Islamabad which did not take off due to the India-inspired boycott with strong backing from Bangladesh and Afghanistan and with Bhutan and Nepal later falling in line.

Despite being in a very tight spot in Kashmir, where the protests are getting very violent and widespread, Delhi may feel encouraged by the recent clashes on Pakistan’s borders with Iran and Afghanistan. Both the western neighbours of Pakistan are not only accusing Islamabad of supporting terrorism against them and Iran’s military chief has threatened retaliatory surgical strikes like India claims to have done after the Uri attack. Bangladesh has already accused Pakistan and its intelligence of encouraging jihadi terrorism in the country and expelled ISI officers operating under consular cover in Dhaka. India has already backed Bangladesh’s efforts to get recognition for 25 March as “Genocide Day” that doubtlessly will add to Pakistan’s embarrassment.

Indian intelligence had tried and somewhat succeeded in cooperating with Afghan and Iranian intelligence in the past against Pakistan to thwart Sunni/Wahabi extremism, but the escalation on the borders have never been so serious and simultaneous. If Pakistan fails to control the extremist groups and its own deep state, the day may not be far off when intelligence agencies of India, Iran and Afghanistan will be cooperating with each other to hit Pakistan hard. Bangladesh and Indian agencies are already cooperating to thwart the ISI in the east. Even Indian, Bangladesh and Myanmar agencies are sharing intelligence on the Lashkar-e-Taiba’s (LeT) nexus with Rohingya militants.

Iran can join India and Afghanistan in backing the Shias in Gilgit and Baltistan who are very upset with Islamabad’s backing of Sunni Wahabi extremists in the area. The Afghans can unsettle the entire North Western Frontier Province. Proposals to step up on ground intelligence cooperation between the RAW and Afghan intelligence were finalised during the time of a former RAW chief Ashok Chaturvedi but were blocked, according to intelligence insiders, by former Indian National Security Adviser M K Narayanan, who was not kindly disposed to RAW. Narayanan also did not heed RAW’s warnings on a possible terror strike on Mumbai — so after 26/11, he and Home Minister Shivraj Patil were unceremoniously removed.

The present NSA Ajit Doval comes from a similar background as Narayanan, both having headed the Intelligence Bureau. But Doval has worked abroad under consular cover and he is close to ‘operationally minded’ RAW officials and perhaps not averse to stepping up the heat on Pakistan by closer operational liaison with Iranian and Afghan agencies to generate enough tit-for-tat response.

Though an Iranian-Afghan-India covert operational front can make things real difficult for Pakistan, that may not find much favour either in Washington and surely not in Beijing. The Iranians also may be less than encouraging of any Indian attempt to unsettle Balochistan, because two million Baloch live in its Sistan province and Tehran is uneasy with any azadi-seeking Baloch in its own territory. The Afghans may be more obliging to India but they have much trouble back home to handle and their capability for tit-for-tat operations against Pakistan may be limited. India also has much trouble in Kashmir and the Maoist-dominated central provinces and one may expect its focus to remain internally focussed.

But one should not forget India took the initiative to dismember Pakistan in 1970s just when it was pushed to a very tight corner by Pakistani and then Chinese backing of the insurgencies in Northeast India. I have detailed them in my books Insurgent Crossfire and Troubled Periphery.

The Pakistani and Chinese backing to the Naga insurgency was followed by their backing to the Mizo and then many other insurgencies in Northeast. The left- wing uprising at Naxalbari posed the worst nightmare for the security planners in Delhi — the severance of the Chicken Neck and ultimately the loss of the Northeast. That is when India’s great spymaster P N Banerji came up with the ‘either-us-or-them option — either India breaks up Pakistan by aiding the Bengali uprising or it loses its Northeast to a Sino-Pakistani pincer.

History has a bad habit of repeating itself — specially in South Asia. The more India looks like losing its grip on Kashmir, the greater would be the temptation to join up with Iran, Afghanistan and anybody else to unsettle Pakistan.
For Doval’s team in Delhi, the temptation to unleash a multi front covert war against Pakistan may be a way of saving Kashmir for India — much as liberating Bangladesh was a way to save India’s Northeast. Whether that works now, as in 1971, is a different question.

An other day dreaming . they are portraying in india as Pakistan is about to collapse but in reality indian proxies are get killed or arrest every now & then here :) .
okay buddy lets start a war then, ur house can be the first one that gets nuked
We dont need any frot against Pakistan but in last few weeks the tone of Iran , India and afghanistan is same towards Pakistan ...not sure if this is waht they call front :D :D

Guess the most impthing to live ..... ;)

But, pakistan would loose balochistan and sindh first.
indians are openly accepting supporting terrorism in Pakistan and are talking about doing it in future. But unfortunately they are un aware of the ground situation.
1) iran have already told Pakistan that it's army chief was wrongly interpreted. Indian media making news and then using that news to make their people happy.
2) Bangladesh government and opposition both have blamed RAW for interfering in it's interal and domestic matters.
3) iran and Pakistan have been cooperating against terrorism since 70s. Iran today have denied indian media wrong news on access to kalboshan and had said that they have nothing to do with kalboshan, clearly telling the fact that kalboshan ws not kidnapped from iran.
4) Myanmer and Pakistan have good relations and that's why they chose JF 17 over Tejas.
5) Afghan taliban now control half of afghanistan. Any move by afghanistan will be neutralied very easily and efficiently. So far afghan taliban have not used baktar shikan type weapons.
6) Iran covert war can easily be neutralized by using sunnis in iran and iraq against it. more ever ISIS in fghanistan wants to target iran some how. Iran wants to cooperate with Pakistan over new emerging thread.
7) Pakistani shias are very patriotic and won't work for iran. and iran will too be afgraid to play with fire which can burn it as many great powers want such sectarian situation which could be used totarget iran.
8) Balochistan is now most peacefull than ever in history of Pakistan. Sindh was the first province to join Pakistan. Indian media shows brahamdagh and altaf hussain as leaders of balochistan and sindh, which makes them think that Pakistan can easily be disintegrated but the ground situation is different. Both altaf and brahamdagh bugti have been rejected by their community. Altaf has been kicked out of his party and tougher stance against brahamdagh bugti have been taken by his very own brothers and cousins, one of them is now interior minister of balochistan.
9) Pakistan will get an opportunity to help and heavily arm kashmiris and moaists along with using extremists in india to target moderate hindus.
10) Russia and China want to cooperate with Pakistan against all those terrorist groups, which india wants to help.
We dont need any frot against Pakistan but in last few weeks the tone of Iran , India and afghanistan is same towards Pakistan ...not sure if this is waht they call front :D :D

Guess the most impthing to live ..... ;)

Like as if that has meant anything LOL Afghanistan is a coward opium nation that would seize to exist. Afghan beggars come to Pakistan. We know the score. We don't care about Iran's statements. LOL at India. A nation that only knows how to make empty threats and carry out fake surgical strikes. More than 60 years have gone by and India couldn't do anything about Pakistan other than spreading terror. You failed in that department as well.

You don't have a front. Just an imaginary one.
I thought this hypotheticla front is aginst Pakistan noy Netherland ???? I am not able to understand the cause pain for dutch in this
Like as if that has meant anything LOL Afghanistan is a coward opium nation that would seize to exist. We don't care about Iran. LOL at India. A nation that only knows how to make empty threats. More than 60 years have gone by and India couldn't do anything about Pakistan other than spreading terror. You failed in that department as well.
Every one is free to choose his or her religion .... we dont have concept of Kafir ..... but still whats the reason of pain for a dutch .......
Quickly. You better save your Dalit brothers quickly. They are converting to other religions.
But, pakistan would loose balochistan and sindh first.
Soon, you would see how we create Khalistan for sikhs and Assam, Gujarat, Bihar to be merged back to Pakistan, and Indian Occupied Kashmir is just getting independence from your coward army in coming days, just wait and see.
:D :D OK again you dodged the question whats the reason of pain for a dutch .......

No, you only discriminate based on caste, rape nuns, burn churches, destroy mosques, kill Naxalites etc. Good stuff you got going there.

You forget Haryana , Tamil Nadu , Orissa and Bengal ... what we did wrong you are not supporting us ;) :D :D :D
Soon, you would see how we create Khalistan for sikhs and Assam, Gujarat, Bihar to be merged back to Pakistan, and Indian Occupied Kashmir is just getting independence from your coward army in coming days, just wait and see.
:D :D OK again you dodged the question whats the reason of pain for a dutch .......

You forget Haryana , Tamil Nadu , Orissa and Bengal ... what we did wrong you are not supporting us ;) :D :D :D

Supporting you? Go and ask orange man for support. Remember, how afraid Pakistanis should be according to Indians after Trump's presidency. LMAO
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