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Featured India lies about casualties in border clash with China

Says who? The US media? The one that reported 40+ Chinese dead the day after and then the Indian media started blindly parroting the line?

It's not in their interest to show any casualties even if they had some. It's as simple as that. Chinese have a significant appetite and national capacity to absorb casualties in order to pursue their interests. They maybe soft, as per many Indian perspectives, on account of not being bloodied recently, but that is perhaps a transient issue.
If that is the case, why do have to say "Chinese side, the number of Chinese soldiers who sacrificed their lives during the conflict was far less than the number of India's."
India never denied that Indian soldiers were taken prisoner. China did. China is a damn liar.
Your army didn't dare to release the whole videos. If you watch at the end of the video, more Chinese soldiers came down from the hill and guess that what happened the India laying on the ground just like on the picture.
Your army didn't dare to release the whole videos. If you watch at the end of the video, more Chinese soldiers came down from the hill and guess that what happened the India laying on the ground just like on the picture.
If you have whole video post it, if not then shut up.
If you have whole video post it, if not then shut up.
Same apply to you. That video only show a dozen of Indians beating up a Chinese soldier who was just tried to negotiated then you coward Indian gangs up on him. So you guys deserved to get killed.
Same apply to you. That video only show a dozen of Indians beating up a Chinese soldier who was just tried to negotiated then you coward Indian gangs up on him. So you guys deserved to get killed.
As I said, you have proof? you post it, if not then get lost.
As I said, you have proof? you post it, if not then get lost.
My proved.
INDIAN CAPTURED Header_3170876_1.1.jpg
No dear, he meant ever.

If he meant only Galwan he would have said : "During this incidence, no Chinese soldiers were captured by Indian troops".
Hu Xijin said no Chinese troops were captured at Galwan. This is a matter of fact. He did not ever say no Chinese troops were captured ... is it really hard to understand English for you guys' after being colonized by GB for 400 years :rofl: ?
As I said, you have proof? you post it, if not then get lost.
Indian proof : 5+ Indian soldiers beating up one Chinese soldier who refused to surrender
Chinese proof : A bunch of beaten up Indian soldiers getting tied up

The Chinese are still blackmailing you guys with the video of the Galwan incident ... if you guys don't bow down and kiss Chinese boots, then they are going to release the confrontation video for the whole world to see 22 to 50 Indian soldiers getting slaughtered and another 60 captured. I'm sure there will be a lot of laughter from the Chinese filming Indian soldiers jumping off cliffs :enjoy: .
And after that China lied to everyone that no Chinese soldier was taken prisoner :enjoy: :omghaha:
What a bunch of disgusting liars.

India crushed 50-100 Chinese soldiers in Galwan. Chinese are so merciless that they did not let their parents mourn their kids. Right? :enjoy: :omghaha:

Best part? They failed in preventing the leak of Chinese soldier's death stories due to internet. :enjoy: :omghaha:

Here :
View attachment 671147

Here lies China and its lies! :enjoy: :omghaha: all in ground for everyone to see.

Only delusional Indians believe a fake story. Too much humiliations about 20+ Indian soldiers dead and 60 Indian soldiers captured can make delusional Indians believe in anything.

Look at how Indian soldiers got beat up and ran away.
I'm sure there will be a lot of laughter from the Chinese filming Indian soldiers jumping off cliffs :enjoy: .
I have pictures of chinese soldiers with heads detached from this conflict in Galwan. If the site owner allows, I can post it. Wanna enjoy :enjoy: ?
The Chinese are still blackmailing you guys with the video of the Galwan incident ... if you guys don't bow down and kiss Chinese boots, then they are going to release the confrontation video for the whole world to see 22 to 50 Indian soldiers getting slaughtered and another 60 captured. I'm sure there will be a lot of laughter from the Chinese filming Indian soldiers jumping off cliffs :enjoy: .
Well as I said, if Chinese on the forum want I can post pictures of Chinese soldier in errr... not so good shape after this conflict. The site rules do not allow me. If owner agrees, I can do it.
Well as I said, if Chinese on the forum want I can post pictures of Chinese soldier in errr... not so good shape after this conflict. The site rules do not allow me. If owner agrees, I can do it.
Go ahead show it, I’ve looked all over live leak and couldn’t find any real photos of dead Chinese soldiers. On the other hand there was some photos of dead Indians that were clubbed to death posted on this forum by Rott that were quite interesting
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