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India just hanged Kasab

Yup, Pune.

We do not cremate.
We either bury (very rare) or we have solar (lens) condensers.

Solar lense are not that welcomed by your community but again when the need arises you had to cremate recently as well :)

am i wrong?

BTW its good vultures are increasing in Pune

Kassab died of Dengue-

This sudden Hanged is a cover up- topi drama-

so unless Guru is bitten by the mosquito aswell- He will not be hanged-

May God have mercy on this poor unguided soul-

wohhla you are giving clue to extremist Hindu parties in India to speak against Congress . Good one
Kassab died of Dengue-
This sudden Hanged is a cover up- topi drama-
so unless Guru is bitten by the mosquito aswell- He will not be hanged-
May God have mercy on this poor unguided soul-
I smell wannabe ZH. :D

Come on yaar, enough of these conspiracy theories.
Solar lense are not that welcomed by your community but again when the need arises you had to cremate recently as well :)

am i wrong?

BTW its good vultures are increasing in Pune

Cremate? Electric maybe.

I cannot believe a flame was used.

Yup the solar lens is not ideal.

Vultures are clean and quick and efficient.

Plus they get a good meal.
It is failure of humanity, his life was hell. It doesn't make any difference if he go to hell after life too. No education, poverty, brainwashing, separation, torture, abuse. He went through trauma his whole life.

I feel very very sad considering his age. I am not sad at his death but at his pain and suffering in short life.

He belonged to a poor family like millions on this sub continent. He had two ways in front of him but chose the wrong one and preferred to butcher his humanity.He got what he deserved.
Cremate? Electric maybe.

I cannot believe a flame was used.

Yup the solar lens is not ideal.

Vultures are clean and quick and efficient.

Plus they get a good meal.

Do you support changing the custom keeping in mind the deminshing number of vultures in India?
I smell wannabe ZH. :D

Come on yaar, enough of these conspiracy theories.

Tell me-

How come Guru not dead?-
Seeing how much hype you guys create over an incident- where the video of him being hanged?- Dead?- his final words?-

How can you be sure he has not been extradited to Pakistan?-
Do you support changing the custom keeping in mind the deminshing number of vultures in India?

Open burials (without a casket) would be the next best thing.

But we are trying to breed vultures. That seems to be bearing fruit.

So no, if possible, I would not like us to change.
Tell me-
How come Guru not dead?-
Seeing how much hype you guys create over an incident- where the video of him being hanged?- Dead?- his final words?-
How can you be sure he has not been extradited to Pakistan?-
O boy, more conspiracy theories. Wait, let me make some popcorn. :D
Both your friend & you seem to talk like he was one of your own.....actually what the hell, he was....:hitwall:

he was an unfortunate soul bitten by a dengue machar-
otherwise his future was looking bright inside indian jail-
now who will eat those biryanis-
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