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India Is Spending Billions to Populate a Remote Area Claimed by China

If you are eager to visit Manipur .visit during sangai festival .which will held in November. Foreigner are allowed to visit Manipur. Restrictions areas has been lifted from Manipur. So no problem of that.for further information contact Manipur bhavan in Delhi .
Umm.Manipur was never "annexed". It remained a princely state till Patel forced the 'union'. Hinduism and bengali were imposed by the manipuri rulers themselves to gain complete control of the people.
He is false flagger, Press Ignore Button Simple
Manipuris are indeed connected to tribes that migrated from present day China several thousand years ago. They look East Asian and whoship dragons. They hate to be Indians.

East Turkmen are indeed connected to tribes that migrated from present day Turkmenistan several thousand years ago. They look Caucasian and worship Allah. THey hate to be cheenia.
If you are eager to visit Manipur .visit during sangai festival .which will held in November. Foreigner are allowed to visit Manipur. Restrictions areas has been lifted from Manipur. So no problem of that.for further information contact Manipur bhavan in Delhi .

Hi ,long time no see , there is some truth in dragon (dragon like) deity worship by meties , no , those who follow sanamahism . Also manipur royalties used dragon symbol as some sort of official emblem or seal? I read.
I have to agree. Maybe since Delhi is a capital, and people from all states flocking Delhi, it might seem so. But Delhi does seem to be intolerant. Even Autowallas.
*Bangs head on the wall* Treaty of Yandaboo was between the Burmese and the Brits and concerned Assam i.e. Ahom Kingdom.
Why !! Can't you simply do a google search ?

There was no seven separate states in north-east that time. Mizoram did not exist, it was the Lushai Hills. Arunachal did not exist, it was known as North East Frontier Agency.

Your stupidity is infinite. The British allowed native rulers in India to hole to their thrones as long as they remained vassal states. In 1947 British allowed Muslims to form their country, Hindus to form their country and princely states to remain independent if they so wished. Maharaja of Kashmir was an absolute monarch and would have remained an independent ruler if not for subsequent events.

Only those rulers who rebelled against British in 1857 were liquidated. Your ignorance is pathetic.

Getting in undetected and staying from Indian intel is not the concern of Bangladeshis or the Indian agencies themselves.

Don't post any further. You are an ignorant troll who is making his own facts. Indian agencies like BSF for example have the sole responsibility of guarding he frontiers.

Unless you wish to argue that Indian sleuths are running around snooping on lungis instead of the freedom fighters.

What freedom fighters?

As I said, getting in is easy, staying in is different.

The bangladeshis have been staying in the region for decades without any problems.

He is false flagger, Press Ignore Button Simple

Who is false flagger or not is the job of the admins here. Unless you want your a$$ banned then I suggest you don't pretend to be an admin in this forum. Just mind your own effing business punk.

Also manipur royalties used dragon symbol as some sort of official emblem or seal? I read

My guess is the Ahoms used such symbols. The Ahoms had migrated from China, not so sure about the Manipuris.
Only the Indian media can frame DEVELOPMENT in such a negative and provocative way.

Delhi guys, sorry, in general I have observed them to be rude, specially towards NE girls.. I have travelled all over India and nowhere I have seen such high levels of discrimination. That's so immature.
NE LOL!! they are pretty much rude to everyone...being a south Indian...they called me madrassi every time....!!
My guess is the Ahoms used such symbols. The Ahoms had migrated from China, not so sure about the Manipuris.
no not ahoms , ahoms have nothing to do with China, except for the location they migrated from, which becmae chinese territory later on.
no not ahoms , ahoms have nothing to do with China, except for the location they migrated from, which becmae chinese territory later on.

No sh1t Sherlock. If the Ahoms migrated from location which is Chinese territory then it means they have migrated from China. Thanks for the expose, captain obvious.
No sh1t Sherlock. If the Ahoms migrated from location which is Chinese territory then it means they have migrated from China. Thanks for the expose, captain obvious.
I meant the cultural connection , in contex of use of dragon as symbols.
I meant the cultural connection , in contex of use of dragon as symbols.

I have seen contemporary art of Ahom kings and dragons. Maybe it was added later or maybe the dragons were significant back then.

Correction. Ahom dragons are not contemporary but they existed since the time of Ahoms.

I have seen contemporary art of Ahom kings and dragons. Maybe it was added later or maybe the dragons were significant back then.

Correction. Ahom dragons are not contemporary but they existed since the time of Ahoms.


Ok , i found the same thing while searching for dragon and ahoms.
I have seen this picture , always thought it was a lion
NE LOL!! they are pretty much rude to everyone...being a south Indian...they called me madrassi every time....!!

They are the most soft-spoken bunch of people. They are not communal and keep to themselves. If you make racist jokes at them then they will be rude to you.

And all south Indians are madrasi, no big deal. I have been to south India and anybody who is not from south is called north Indian. The south Indians are very xenophobic. And God help you if you speak Hindi in front of a south India.

always thought it was a lion

Lions don't have wings, just saying.
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