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India is second most ignorant nation of World.


Aug 8, 2014
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LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM: A London-based market research firm has ranked India as the second most ignorant nation in the world.

Ipsos MORI conducted a survey in which they polled 25,000 people in 33 countries and found that while people “over-estimate what we worry about”, a lot of major issues are underestimated.

Based on the findings of the survey, Ipsos ranked nations on their “ignorance” level. The “ignorance” level was determined by a survey posing questions about topics such as wealth that the top one per cent own, obesity, non-religious population, immigration, living with parents, female employment, rural living and internet access.

Although the survey did not specifically mention anything about intolerance or communal divide, most Indians answered the first question wrong misjudging economic inequality since they had no clue that 1% of the population actually possesses 70% of the nation’s wealth. Additionally, most Indians overestimated the atheist population to be 32%.

Further, India fell in the list of nations which overestimate representation by women in politics and in workplace. However, the Indian population seriously underestimates the rural population of the country and thinks more people have internet access than in reality.

The survey results were published online, with Mexico on the first position, followed by India, Brazil and Peru respectively.

Here is the list of the 10 most ‘ignorant’ nations:

1) Mexico

2) India

3) Brazil

4) Peru

5) New Zealand

6) Colombia

7) Belgium

8) South Africa

9) Argentina

10) Italy

India second most 'ignorant' nation in the world: survey - The Express Tribune
There was no need of a survey we at pdf already know that- we deal with these ignorant indians thinking that they run the world and modi is a messiah and bollywood life is real indian life :lol:- also believing lca is beter than jf17 - height of ignorance -
I often don't take such surveys seriously, but the points mentioned in survey are attention worthy. Few members on PDF, almost entire Indian population on FB is reflection of that.

1: This century belongs to India.
2: With fastest increasing economy we are already a super power.
3: We are most tolerant nation
4: India is best place for minorities.
5: We can Rip apart our enemies when ever we want...... Etc etc are few "golden truths" they often mention....... :lol:
Ask US kids to point to the state in their map , also ask UK students about the basics what they studied.

The future generations of these countries are becoming ignorant because of excessive partying, school drop outs, etc...etc..,

India has many people and there are many who may be ignorant in the context of western survey.

Any way these surveys are biased and not accurate.
Maybe they asked different questions to indians than the other countries that are not in the list?

A common people here in India worry about earning his daily bread and butter rather that checking how much atheists in his country and how many people have obesity. Before making fun of others just think that how many would you have answered or your countrymen would have answered.
:mod: No Sh!t Sherlock :flame:

A common people here in India worry about earning his daily bread and butter rather that checking how much atheists in his country and how many people have obesity. Before making fun of others just think that how many would you have answered or your countrymen would have answered.
25,000 people sample is pretty big.

Sounds like you're in one of those ignorant people.
This is statistics driven poll which may not be answered by everyone. I bet even if the survey of this sort is done just among policy makers/statisticians, you will find many giving a range of numbers.

However, the Indian population seriously underestimates the rural population of the country and thinks more people have internet access than in reality.

This very point is the contradictory. if there are many many many and huge number of people without internet access, then how does this survey came to conclusion that the whole India is second most ignorant as they sample size of this survey was only limited to those who have internet access (which is just a very tiny population).
:mod: No Sh!t Sherlock :flame:

25,000 people sample is pretty big.

Sounds like you're in one of those ignorant people.

Frankly, I dont know answers of any of the questions they asked without searching in Internet. So you can very well count me on the ignorant list.. 25000 among one billion is not at all a pretty big number. Ask them questions relating to their field of work, then check how many of them are ignorant.
I strongly disagree with this report. Indians (not all) are a league of their own when it comes to ignorance and stupidity. They have no competition. Perhaps they paid to manipulate the results of this research.
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