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India is playing a dangerous game


Jun 28, 2010
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India’s China-centric approach: Myths and realities
India’s China-centric approach: Myths and realities | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

India at an estimated cost of $13 billion plans to raise a new mountain strike corps and four mountain divisions. The proposal to raise these troops was forwarded by India Army in the back drop of alleged Chinese build-up along its border with India.
Reportedly it has been cleared by Indian Defence Ministry and awaits clearance from Finance Ministry. Defending the move Indian Minister of State for Defence Pallam Raju said, “Whatever we feel there is a threat, adequate measures will be taken.”
At present Indian Eastern Command comprising 3, 4 and 33 Corps is responsible to look after the border with China, Bangladesh and Myanmar, while Central Command acts as Army Strategic Reserves and would reinforce Eastern Command in the event of war with China. Under ordinary circumstances present arrangement seems to be quite adequate. Increase of about 100,000 troops and its positioning along or deployment on Indo-China border would be an extraordinary event.
It was in December 2009 that then Indian Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor had claimed that Indian Armed Forces could fight a two front war. This assertion was made in the backdrop of warming Indo-US relations.
As a result of strategic nuclear deal between USA and India, western powers jumped on the band wagon to sell nuclear technologies. Memorandums of Understanding of billions of dollars were signed to transfer these technologies to India. For sure India needed to project itself as a state capable of taking on China to appease USA and other major powers as an implicit cost of their goodwill. To manifest this stand point India after about 61 years of independence started constructing strategic roads along its border with China.
New Delhi is building air strips and helipads at remote locations and has deployed supersonic cruse missiles “Brahmos” in the northeastern state of Arunchal Pradesh. An analysis of the concept of a two front war certainly would have revealed inadequacy of Indian forces to handle such an eventuality. It is in this backdrop that Indian Army has asked for an increase of about 100,000 men in its ranks.
Even if India manages to increase its army by this number, it will not be any match to China. But one thing is for sure, India doesn’t plan to reduce her troops from Pakistan’s border. The present disposition of Indian forces is definitely Pakistan centric.
Out of her twelve Corps eight are poised towards Pakistan while troops ex-Central Command (Army strategic reserves) would be in reinforcing role. Raising of a corps for her border with China will not change the equation much. Similarly, major deployment of Indian Air Force is also Pakistan-centric with about 22 air bases located along her western border. Ground realities clearly indicate that Indians consider Pakistan as its core rival. The rhetoric of her China centric approach lacks substance and at this point in time disposition of her forces and their capabilities doesn’t support this claim.
India is playing a dangerous game. Owing to the technological advancement wars have grown exceedingly destructive and as such cost prohibitive. These aren’t an option any more. The best way to move forward is to build trust based relations with all the nations of the world, especially with neighbours. On the contrary India is on the path of confrontation with its neighbors. New Delhi has chosen USA as her mentor and friend hopping that it will help her achieve at least a major power status. This has lent her in an awkward situation. India is in a dire need of energy resources to support her growth.
New Delhi also needs economically viable trade roots to compete in global markets. Pakistan is the only country in the world through which it can link to the proposed New Silk Route and gas pipeline network emanating from Iran and CAR.
It implies that India needs to have very good relations with Pakistan. At the first place it will not be possible till Delhi moves forward to resolve Kashmir issue and other border disputes with Pakistan. Secondly, in view of strategic relations between Pakistan and China, India will have to mend her fence with China also. One wonders as to what extent such an arrangement would be acceptable to Americans.
In view of Washington’s receding economic strength and stubborn resistance posed by Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan against US presence in Afghanistan beyond 2014 as demonstrated in Istanbul conference, it will be difficult for Americans to sustain themselves in this inhospitable country.
American exit will change regional scenario leaving India at odds. As neighbors can’t be changed it would be wise to befriend them.

India should stop playing dangerous games and start making friends with China and Pakistan.
India is playing a dangerous game and both China and Pakistan are angels. So says a Pakistani media. Enough said !
I think this is 50th thread by Hafizzz with wrong Title name.

I think this is your 50th time that your have not read any of my thread carefully :


I think this is your 50th time that your have not read any of my thread carefully :



You are biggest troller i ever seen on PDF. Even mods are not taking any action. Check the title name once one will see the thread name on forum " India is playing a dangerous game" and even in reply.

Hope all Indians will start threads like this which you are doing for long time.
You are biggest troller i ever seen on PDF. Even mods are not taking any action. Check the title name once one will see the thread name on forum " India is playing a dangerous game" and even in reply.

Hope all Indians will start threads like this which you are doing for long time.

Indians on this forum teach everybody how to troll, they are masters in this art!
I think this is your 50th time that your have not read any of my thread carefully :



its the title and not the headline of the news,both have no connection
india playing a dangerous game is a title
and the thing your showing should be the title
"India is playing a dangerous game. Owing to the technological advancement wars have grown exceedingly destructive and as such cost prohibitive. These aren’t an option any more. The best way to move forward is to build trust based relations with all the nations of the world, especially with neighbours. "

I find the underlined part so ironical to read coming from a Pak Newspaper !!
If India is raising mountain divisions then it is none of Pakistan's business.If we are blowing money on superior technology,then it should not be a problem for Pakistan unless they perceive them to be at the receiving end.Its our money,we decide how to blow it.

If one has to do something on the friendship front then something should be done about the MFN status.That would look like a token for friendship.I dont see anything happening there,all show,no go.
we do have good trade relationships with pakistan and china,
and since w placing the soldiers within our borders and are not sending them arcoss the borders,its ok.
"India is playing a dangerous game. Owing to the technological advancement wars have grown exceedingly destructive and as such cost prohibitive. These aren’t an option any more. The best way to move forward is to build trust based relations with all the nations of the world, especially with neighbours. "

I find the underlined part so ironical to read coming from a Pak Newspaper !!
Indian should build trust with its neighbor Kashmir.

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