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India is our true friend: Palestinian Authority

We buy weapons for our protection and there is absolutly nothing wrong with that. Kudos to india for providing aid palestinians and support for palestinian state.

Please dont try to derail the thread, there is seperate thread for Kashmir problem.

gabbar bhai nobody is derailing the thread just spend that aid within India for displaced Indian Muslims and hindus alike so they may benefit..continue..

You keep believing that, given that there are lots kashmiries want indipendence but dont forget kashmir is just Srinagar area, there is also Jammu, Ladakh and some rural areas where overwhemingly support is for India. If there ever was referendom and kashmiri pandits who were forced out, voted along with people from jammu, ladakh and rural areas, India will overwhelmingly will win the referendom. Even seperatists who were boycotting election for decades are not running for election under INDIAN rule and are looking forward to developing kashmir.
gabbar bhai nobody is derailing the thread just spend that aid within India for displaced Indian Muslims and hindus alike so they may benefit..continue..

Billions are already being spend on government programs but corruption reduces that money when it reaches poor people. We dont need to spend more money, we need to deal with corruption, there are billions of dollars available for poor people. Thank you for your concern.
You keep believing that, given that there are lots kashmiries want indipendence but dont forget kashmir is just Srinagar area, there is also Jammu, Ladakh and some rural areas where overwhemingly support is for India. If there ever was referendom and kashmiri pandits who were forced out, voted along with people from jammu, ladakh and rural areas, India will overwhelmingly will win the referendom. Even seperatists who were boycotting election for decades are not running for election under INDIAN rule and are looking forward to developing kashmir.

Oh come on Gabbar, didn't expect this from you, man. "India would win overwhelmingly"? are you serious? Yes, there is support for India in Kashmir, but it is limited to the southern region. 90% of Kashmir would still choose any alternative other than staying occupied by India, and its been that way since 1947. Even Indian analysts agree to that. There has been a recent shift from violent alternatives to peaceful methods by Kashmiri separatists, but many Indians are mistakenly viewing this as the Kashmiris accepting their fate. It is just not true, try speaking with the Kashmiris some time.

But seriously, I don't want to derail this thread. Let's focus on the topic at hand. Indian aid to the Palestinians is noble, no doubt, but to call the Indians "true friends" is going a bit far. Especially when India is much more "truer" to their enemies. This is not India bashing, I'm simply stating Indian foreign policy.


I disagree that the Israel-Palestine issue is exactly the same as the India-Kashmir issue. The major difference being, the Indians are still human. What the Israelis did in Gaza is inhumane, and I don't think the BSF will ever stoop to that. At least, I hope they don't. Another way the issue is not the same is, the Israelis want to ethnically cleanse the region, eradicating the Palestinians. The Indians want to change the Kashmiris minds. Once again, it makes them much more humane than the Israelis, despite being oppressors.
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Some very interesting information which has some bearing on present Pakistan-Palestinian relations, based on actions in 1970.

On September 15,1970, King Hussein declared martial law. The next day, Jordanian tanks (the 60th Armored Brigade) attacked the headquarters of Palestinian organizations in Amman; the army also attacked camps in Irbid, Salt, Sweileh,Baq'aa, Wehdat and Zarqa. Then the head of Pakistani training mission to Jordan, Brigadier Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (later Chief of Army Staff and President of Pakistan), took command of the 2nd division.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh come on Gabbar, didn't expect this from you, man. "India would win overwhelmingly"? are you serious? Yes, there is support for India in Kashmir, but it is limited to the southern region. 90% of Kashmir would still choose any alternative other than staying occupied by India, and its been that way since 1947. Even Indian analysts agree to that. There has been a recent shift from violent alternatives to peaceful methods by Kashmiri separatists, but many Indians are mistakenly viewing this as the Kashmiris accepting their fate. It is just not true, try speaking with the Kashmiris some time.

But seriously, I don't want to derail this thread. Let's focus on the topic at hand. Indian aid to the Palestinians is noble, no doubt, but to call the Indians "true friends" is going a bit far. Especially when India is much more "truer" to their enemies. This is not India bashing, I'm simply stating Indian foreign policy.


I disagree that the Israel-Palestine issue is exactly the same as the India-Kashmir issue. The major difference being, the Indians are still human. What the Israelis did in Gaza is inhumane, and I don't think the BSF will ever stoop to that. At least, I hope they don't. Another way the issue is not the same is, the Israelis want to ethnically cleanse the region, eradicating the Palestinians. The Indians want to change the Kashmiris minds. Once again, it makes them much more humane than the Israelis, despite being oppressors.

Brother can you single out one foreign policy statement made by India which goes against the territorial integrity of a nation or which supports armed conflicts in any part of the world..!!!And thanks for considering us humans ;) but yes you may be right to some extend India would want to bring a favorable opinions in the mind of kashmiris by peaceful means..!!! But violence happens when people be it terrorists from across the border.. or the indigieneous insurgents tend to take up arms against the forces..!!!
Oh come on Gabbar, didn't expect this from you, man. "India would win overwhelmingly"? are you serious? Yes, there is support for India in Kashmir, but it is limited to the southern region. 90% of Kashmir would still choose any alternative other than staying occupied by India, and its been that way since 1947. Even Indian analysts agree to that. There has been a recent shift from violent alternatives to peaceful methods by Kashmiri separatists, but many Indians are mistakenly viewing this as the Kashmiris accepting their fate. It is just not true, try speaking with the Kashmiris some time.

Jammu and Leh/Laddakh would overwhelmingly vote to stay with India. The question is and has always been about-The Valley. Make no mistake, both the sides know this.
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guys stick to the topic and HAWK you never understood it did you what i was trying to point out about PALESTANIAN AUTHORITY...as for INDIA doing something UNLIKE PAKISTAN....well like i said since when did SHINING RISING SECULAR INDIA start comparing itself to us!!!!! and you mean it is justified to buy DEFENCE EQUIPMENT and the money will be used on more R&D and better EQUIPMENT used to kill PALESTANINANS....great going india!!
guys stick to the topic and HAWK you never understood it did you what i was trying to point out about PALESTANIAN AUTHORITY...as for INDIA doing something UNLIKE PAKISTAN....well like i said since when did SHINING RISING SECULAR INDIA start comparing itself to us!!!!! and you mean it is justified to buy DEFENCE EQUIPMENT and the money will be used on more R&D and better EQUIPMENT used to kill PALESTANINANS....great going india!!

You are confusing business with humanitarian support. I.We have condemned the Israel attack on Palestinian civilians. Indian support to palestinan people is purely on humanitarian basis. We buy defense equipments from them because our security scenario needs it. And we have no problems with Israel, and if Palestine have problem with Israel it doesn't mean India too should have a problem with Israel. Even though we differ in many policies there is nothing wrong in doing business with them.
India is our true friend, said who? Palestinian Authority! What was left to discuss after that? Don't you guys know who is PLO? PLO has done more damage to Palestinian cause than the Israel, USA, and Western world combined. All Pakistani members who have some sympathy for the Palestinians, please do not waste your time on this non-sense news. Let Indians celebrate this, I would be concerned if this kind of a statement had come from the Palestinian people, since than, chill out.

Why would you be concerned if India helps Palestinian people..?? And you are right lets not waste time discussing with some people who cant appreciate the humanitarian gesture of India because of their hate towards India..!!! :disagree:
You are confusing business with humanitarian support. I.We have condemned the Israel attack on Palestinian civilians. Indian support to palestinan people is purely on humanitarian basis. We buy defense equipments from them because our security scenario needs it. And we have no problems with Israel, and if Palestine have problem with Israel it doesn't mean India too should have a problem with Israel. Even though we differ in many policies there is nothing wrong in doing business with them.

Yes business is BUSINESS!!
Oh come on Gabbar, didn't expect this from you, man. "India would win overwhelmingly"? are you serious? Yes, there is support for India in Kashmir, but it is limited to the southern region. 90% of Kashmir would still choose any alternative other than staying occupied by India, and its been that way since 1947. Even Indian analysts agree to that. There has been a recent shift from violent alternatives to peaceful methods by Kashmiri separatists, but many Indians are mistakenly viewing this as the Kashmiris accepting their fate. It is just not true, try speaking with the Kashmiris some time.

Just look at the population in all regions, Kashmir is assigned to just to the valley. Can you provide some link on indian annlysis? You are right there has been shift. After two decades for gaining absolutly nothing, they have realize they have to bring development to kashmir and imrove the lives of kashmiries.

But seriously, I don't want to derail this thread. Let's focus on the topic at hand. Indian aid to the Palestinians is noble, no doubt, but to call the Indians "true friends" is going a bit far. Especially when India is much more "truer" to their enemies. This is not India bashing, I'm simply stating Indian foreign policy.

You have reaize that it was palestinian them selves who said that. India has always spoken infavour of Palestinians and have never changed that stand, even during Israeli and Indian business ventures.


I disagree that the Israel-Palestine issue is exactly the same as the India-Kashmir issue. The major difference being, the Indians are still human. What the Israelis did in Gaza is inhumane, and I don't think the BSF will ever stoop to that. At least, I hope they don't. Another way the issue is not the same is, the Israelis want to ethnically cleanse the region, eradicating the Palestinians. The Indians want to change the Kashmiris minds. Once again, it makes them much more humane than the Israelis, despite being oppressors.

Thank you for calling us Humans. ;) There are bad potaotes in every organization, army and police forces. It takes only two or three to label the whole organizatoin as corrupt and inhumane organizations. There soldiers perform under stressfull and dangerous conditions and it takes a toll on your mental satate. Those guys dont want to be there, it's thier duty and they dont have choice. Where they rather would be with thier families, like you and me , or constaintly ready to get in a firefight with militents. If you really want to blame, I would blame politicians not ordinary soldiers who dont have choice.

My appologies for going off topic.
Some really absurd things are being said on this thread. If India has friendly relations with Israel, India can't have the same with Palestine? I think as muse said on this thread, you guys really need to get out of this Arab-centric world view.

As far as India's help to Palestinians being all talk and no action, there are about 500 Palestinian students studying in India, how many are in Pakistan again?

Read the following -
Palestinian students in Delhi open window to their country

disturbed by the killings and bloodshed back home, Palestinian students in the Indian capital have grouped together to build up sympathy and garner support for their country, as well as promote the unknown facets of their nation’s culture, cuisine and tourism.

Fifteen Palestinian students in Delhi - studying at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi University and Jamia Millia Islamia - have reactivated a more than three- decades-old grouping called the General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS). The group was formed in the 1970s and registered with the Indian government but had become inactive after the Oslo accord, the Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement of 1993.

Saadi Farrokhyani, 28, pursuing PhD in English at JNU, told IANS, “The idea behind activating the group has been to react to whatever happens in Palestine, as well as to make people acquainted with Palestinian culture and traditions.”

Hasan-yah-Alhajhanad, another member of GUPS, said: “Anyone who knows the history of Palestine will support the Palestinian cause. Thousands of people have died in the recent Israeli attack on Gaza strip.

“India has been supporting the Palestinian cause, and there are hundreds of Palestinians living as refugees here. This sympathy was reflected when people from different universities participated in a protest against Israel here on Jan 3,” he said.

In the recent spate of violence in the Gaza Strip, at least 1,000 Palestinians were killed since the Israeli invasion began on Dec 27 last year. Around half of those killed in the Israeli attack were children and women. More then 5,000 were wounded. Deaths have been reported on the Israeli side too, but the figures are disproportionate - 13 deaths of Israeli soldiers and civilians.

The war has led to the civilian infrastructure in Palestine, including schools and hospitals, being destroyed in large numbers. Attacks continue even after the ceasefire called on Jan 18.

“Israel has violated almost all the international conventions. Though the ceasefire has been announced, the attacks continue every now and then,” Ibrahim, 23, who is studying M Tech at JNU and is a member of the GUPS, told IANS.

“Through this group we want to help in whatever possible way the refugees living in India,” Ibrahim said. The GUPS has been active for the last five months.

Presently, around 30 Palestinian families are living as refugees in Delhi.

Besides reacting to political issues, the group wants to help fellow Palestinian students and also promote cultural aspects of their nation.

The group would be putting up a stall during a food festival in JNU and at other places too so that people can enjoy dishes like ‘maqlubah’ (a kind of birayni) and ‘moleqhiah’ (meat cooked with vegetables). The group is also practising the traditional Debka dance for the upcoming festivals in JNU that would start from mid-February.

“In India I have attended many festivals and cultural programmes, but nowhere did I find anything from my country. Through our group we will try to make people aware of our culture,” Farrokhyani said.

The group is planning to extend its membership to Palestinian students in other parts of the country. There are around 500 Palestinian students in India, most of them studying in cities like Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai and Hyderabad.

The GUPS has got some booklets published on the tourism sites in Palestine such as the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the Church of the Nativity and the Shepherds’ Fields in Bethlehem/Beit Sahour.

The members interact through a group mail and plan to start a web site soon as well as online membership. GUPS has also established a welfare fund to help other Palestinian students in times of financial crisis.

Palestinian students in Delhi open window to their country

Of course, the opinions of certain Pakistani members matter more than the opinions of Palestinians on this issue, right?
guys stick to the topic and HAWK you never understood it did you what i was trying to point out about PALESTANIAN AUTHORITY...as for INDIA doing something UNLIKE PAKISTAN....well like i said since when did SHINING RISING SECULAR INDIA start comparing itself to us!!!!! and you mean it is justified to buy DEFENCE EQUIPMENT and the money will be used on more R&D and better EQUIPMENT used to kill PALESTANINANS....great going india!!

i guess you can help too. you and china stop all your animosities and terror activities against india ....and also reduce you arms ( both pak and china) that way india would not need any arms to buy from israel-lol

we do help friends in need , that does not mean we would give up our own security. for us indians are our first priority .

and i did not compare india to pak. all i said was first do something to help somebody before criticizing a person who is helping ....

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