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India is our true friend: Palestinian Authority

I think alot of INDIANS don't know that Pakistanis fought in the 6 days war against the ISRAELIS.....INDIA has a HYPOCRISY approach....they support both the sides i am sorry thisis not balance....how could you buy equipment from Israel a country that is killing PALESTANIANS....when the chinese did something similar in the red square in the 80s they got sanctioned and to date are sanctioned the problem is the WEST & INDIA all are hypocrits and ofcourse they will support each other and justify each other as being correct...

Cut the crap. India has skillfully managed to have good relationships with both, Palestine & Israel. Someday we can be a negotiator between the two countries & try to establish peace in the troubled region. Who would be more trustworthy, than India, whom both parties vouch as true friend?
Cut the crap. India has skillfully managed to have good relationships with both, Palestine & Israel. Someday we can be a negotiator between the two countries & try to establish peace in the troubled region. Who would be more trustworthy, than India, whom both parties vouch as true friend?

bang , man
i was about to post exactly the same. woh kya kahate hain "muh ki baat chin li"

i wanna ask my Pakistani friends who are so whining about India intentions, what have you done for Palestinians so far at least India is helping with medical aid and food. please guys remove the curtain of hatred and see, we have same hearts as you do. we fought four wars doesn't mean we are not human any more. we also feel pain, happiness as much as you do.
we have been supporting The PLO and arafat for long...i dont know what is that you dont understand...but india is NOT an anti-Islmaic state..!
we dont support israel...nor do we oppose them...all the conspiracy theories...that you people have memorized...the Indian-israel cooperation has more of a buyer-seller nature...why cant we buy from israel?they manufacture some of the world's best military tech hardware....
Cut the crap. India has skillfully managed to have good relationships with both, Palestine & Israel. Someday we can be a negotiator between the two countries & try to establish peace in the troubled region. Who would be more trustworthy, than India, whom both parties vouch as true friend?

hahaha india peace broker in the world :rofl::rofl: don't flatter yourself mate india is not a super power...YET...and might never be but ofcourse being an indian you would disagree....it is justified....as for india being trustworthy....well let me tell you something frankly...if the palestanians had a strong one sided stand i think all the arabs as well as muslims would have rallied to there cry for help...but the palestanians don't get along with anyone and there non resident palestanians disgrace the palestanians and their cause....so the arabs don't agree with the plaestanian stand and i guess the palestaninas amongst themselves are divided into FATAH and HAMAS....so yes currently it is a mess....

and as for ARAFAT that man was a good man however not a good leader...just before the gulf war he supported SADDAM HUSSAIN....hmmm..sadam,india....makes you question his decisions.....
paritosh tell me after the red square or whatever it is called issue the world isolated the Chinese....that is acceptable to the world but when Israels do what they did to innocent civilans in january...the world keeps mum...when ahmednedijan says ISRAEL is a racist everyone walks out....i am sorry it is just hypocricy...from the WEST & INDIA....

as for what pakistan has done well pakistan fought two wars against israel and i guess that is why pakistanis can't travel to ISRAEL....

i guess the US and INDIA have a similar stand when it comes to ISRAEL and palestian....
i think the palestinian authority himself has judged india's crediblity as a friend ......no where did he mention pakistan!!!!!!

i consider his words to be more credible as he is a citizen of palestine rather than people here who only have a big mouth which goes blah blah !!! at the mention of india 's good deeds , when their country has'nt done anything credible to be worthy of a praise ,
this is case of the proverb" action speaks louder than words! " india acts when others speak!!!
yes which authority...??

errrr..... have you read the threads title ? go and read the first post before you post something n it ...... ...

guess bashng india is more imporant to you rather than being sensible.:tongue::argh::argh:
yeah how much did India repay to the Muslims in Gujarat and how many indian govt supported terrorists are prosecuted?? talk about friends when your fed hindu extremist fascist terrorists kill your own brothers and sisters within your own state how can you be friends or claim to be to outsiders..what relieves did India give to the Muslims of Gujarat let me know..
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as for what pakistan has done well pakistan fought two wars against israel and i guess that is why pakistanis can't travel to ISRAEL....

war with israel eighhh !!!! have you ever declared war with israel in the open and fought it !!!!!! you guys have not done that !
all you have done is - you sent a few plots to fly the arab's planes ...... thats like as if the arabs hired you guys for a job ,,,, like they hire for their companies ( of course indians also work in their(arab's) companies and get paid ... but we put only our talents for sale not our lives ).

and guess what israel never lost and ever since india -israel military buisness started developing pakistan has become less interested in palestine cause and wanted to actually develop good relations with israel,,,,.i do remember reading a therad here titled " should pakistan develop good relations with israel" which i believe is not going to happen:disagree:
I think alot of INDIANS don't know that Pakistanis fought in the 6 days war against the ISRAELIS.....INDIA has a HYPOCRISY approach....they support both the sides i am sorry thisis not balance....how could you buy equipment from Israel a country that is killing PALESTANIANS....when the chinese did something similar in the red square in the 80s they got sanctioned and to date are sanctioned the problem is the WEST & INDIA all are hypocrits and ofcourse they will support each other and justify each other as being correct...

But you are buying weapons from the Chinese too :tsk:
yeah how much did India repay to the Muslims in Gujarat and how many indian govt supported terrorists are prosecuted?? talk about friends when your feed hindu extremist fascist terrorists kill your own brothers and sisters within your own state how can you be friends or claim to be to outsiders..what relieves did India give to the Muslims of Gujarat let me know..

yeah how much did Pakistan repay to the Muslims in Swat, Karachi and Malakand and how many Pakistan govt supported terrorists are prosecuted?? talk about friends when your feed Islamist extremist fascist terrorists kill your own brothers and sisters within your own state how can you be friends or claim to be to palistinians..what relieves did Pakistan give to the Muslims of East Pakistan let me know.

Seriously - cut the crap and stick to the topic.
yeah how much did India repay to the Muslims in Gujarat and how many indian govt supported terrorists are prosecuted?? talk about friends when your feed hindu extremist fascist terrorists kill your own brothers and sisters within your own state how can you be friends or claim to be to outsiders..what relieves did India give to the Muslims of Gujarat let me know..

now isnt the taleban-(pakistani ) killing their own bretheren?
didnt the pak army kill balochs ?

i dont understand by what you mean by "indian govt supported terrorists ". and what do you mean by "how much did india repay muslims n gujarat?"
i agree we have some radicals too but we are taking care of it .....

this doesnt have anything to do with foreign relations....

wat has pak done for palestine other than having been hired for pilots during the arab -israel wars ?
i agree we have some radicals too
haakw i knew this would come up :) we didn't feed them u and the americans fed them armed them sent them across the border they are pure afghans i do not consider them my own anyone cross the other side of the border entering my country is my enemy..:)kid pak army killed terrorists while even if my own brother becomes one i will not spare his life unless he surrenders himself to me for the crimes..on the contrary you govt supports all such elements funded under the table by uncle SAM. for ur kind information army killed terrorists dont matter if they were buloch a terrorist is a terrorist who uses factors to justify his cause the might be religion but do they have religion?

Question what has ur govt done for those Muslims of Gujarat affected by brutalities genocides crimes against humanity by your home grown terrorists and fascists and extremists should that million dollars be spent inside Gujarat??
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If Palistinians say India is their good friend, what is the problem with anyone? India has always backed them, we have not changed our position because we have a strong defence relationship with Israel, and Palistinians acknowledge it.

By bringing in other non related issues, some posters are only showing their frustration. Its important in their world view that India be looked at as an Evil Force (satan?) :)

All the religious mumbo jumbo.

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