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India is not a country of rapists: German Ambassador to India Michael Steiner

Brilliant comment by one non-Indian User on Buzzfeed:

I find it ironic that a German professor is talking abt the actions of a few and generalizing it onto the entire population. I mean really Germany, should we generalize the actions of a few from your past? That’s like saying:“We don’t accept German students for internships because of your country’s history of mass genocide. We cannot support such behavior as we have several Jews working in our lab who you will surely murder because that’s just what Germans do.”
And where had i discussed rape in my posts ? Or scored brownie points on it ? Can you highlight them ? This is an international forum better remember that, No poster has the right to dictate what or where they can post as long as it's subject matter

By dragging in Australia and Sri Lanka unnecessarily and more specifically of alleged rapes in those countries.. He is indeed advocating it

Very convenient and self-serving explanations. The lack of integrity is as expected.

Stick to the subject matter.. Do not derail the thread by unnecessarily dragging in third parties.. The topic is not rape.. The topic is the consequences of an documentary about rape

Hence reference to you fetishes about atrocity literature. You should stick to reading them about your own country rather than bother so much about India.
That's as silly to say as all Indian men are rapists, since it's nothing but a generalisation. You can't take the action of one person say that all Germans (around 80 millions) think the same. Anyway, my point was only wrt the docu and that it has nothing to do with the hype that was created by people that admittedly didn't even saw it.
Wrt the topic here, just heared about it and didn't checked the news so far, so can't tell what's behind it.
You still think, no damage was done, or this Psy ops was not part of BBC plan?
Can't be more naive than that.Don't cry next time if someone in Germany hits you,or the police arrest you since you look
like a Rapist Indian coming from a Rape culture.
We knew this was coming long before, we warned against hyping such things.But Our Liberals will only realize the damage done once its too late.
This is just the start, wait for other countries to start racial profiling of Rapist Indians.Good job, you effectively raised the image of India in the world :)

Do you think this correspondence is post the documentary?
Of course, this is seen as a punishment to India for banning this film.
How dare India ban this Doucmentary and India committed a suicide in International Arena was the outburst of the film maker.
Wait for more punishments to come from Feminist groups who are part of Education and other matters.
Director calls banning rape documentary international suicide for India| Reuters
If you don't see this Sanctimonious attitude of the British here, then i think you must be blind.
I don't necessarily disagree.

But why then, is the Western/International media only focusing on India for this issue lately?

I read the international news every day after reading my local news, they seem to have a fetish for social problems in India, especially this issue.

In the beginning I had the noble notion that how India compares with other countries and that we should not be concerned about 'image' issues- just focus on the problem and fix it even if other countries are hypocritically making an issue only around us. But now I'm increasingly seeing that such stereo typing also has nefarious consequences. This event shows their 'fetish' has a dark side.
You still think, no damage was done, or this Psy ops was not part of BBC plan?
Can't be more naive than that.Don't cry next time if someone in Germany hits you,or the police arrest you since you look
like a Rapist Indian coming from a Rape culture.
We knew this was coming long before, we warned against hyping such things.But Our Liberals will only realize the damage done once its too late.
This is just the start, wait for other countries to start racial profiling of Rapist Indians.Good job, you effectively raised the image of India in the world :)

Of course, this is seen as a punishment to India for banning this film.
How dare India ban this Doucmentary and India committed a suicide in International Arena was the outburst of the film maker.
Wait for more punishments to come from Feminist groups who are part of Education and other matters.
Director calls banning rape documentary international suicide for India| Reuters
If you don't see this Sanctimonious attitude of the British here, then i think you must be blind.
No need to explain it to the secular and liberal Indians, they have already moved away from this Rape culture and accepted the enlightenment from the western world.

In the beginning I had the noble notion that how India compares with other countries and that we should not be concerned about 'image' issues- just focus on the problem and fix it even if other countries are hypocritically making an issue only around us. But now I'm increasingly seeing that such stereo typing also has nefarious consequences. This event shows their 'fetish' has a dark side.
Are you suggesting a white person who has nothing but love for humanity and want to get rid of all the injustice and inequality from the mother earth have some ulterior motives?
Typical 3rd world mentality and a clear sign of backward and barbaric culture.
No need to explain it to the secular and liberal Indians, they have already moved away from this Rape culture and accepted the enlightenment from the western world.
True bro, even now some Secular Liberal Indians are somehow trying to justify this act, by saying "Don't shoot the Messenger".
When will they realize the Messenger was the real perpetrator and Propaganda Film maker? Are they so naive and blinded by their hate of India and BJP, that they will justify anything as long as the mud sticks on the ruling party.
What did the Idiots in India learn after 200 years of Colonial British rule?Do they still think the White man is falling over themselves to do good for Indians?How naive can they get?
Do they even consider the consequences they face outside India or other NRI's?for promoting Propaganda of Western Nations,smartly packaged as Human rights and womens rights issues.
One thing is said always, Don't wash your dirty linen in public and don't make your fights at home public, lest someone comes and takes advantage of it.British did when they entered India.
Yet our people haven't learnt their Lesson.Thick skulls!
This will only escalate from now onwards Mark my words it has just begun!
Instead of writing letter to professor Sickinge telling him all this, the Envoy should have wrote to his government suggesting strict action against the professor who refused internship to Indian student on the basis that are immoral in today's German society. Obviously India is not a country of rapist, individual's actions don't depict the society as a whole.

Very likely that he has already done. Nevertheless, this kind of public admonishing would have had its effect on her already.

And, this public dress-down was also necessary since obviously, it was not the official position of German government.
. .
True bro, even now some Secular Liberal Indians are somehow trying to justify this act, by saying "Don't shoot the Messenger".
When will they realize the Messenger was the real perpetrator and Propaganda Film maker? Are they so naive and blinded by their hate of India and BJP, that they will justify anything as long as the mud sticks on the ruling party.
What did the Idiots in India learn after 200 years of Colonial British rule?Do they still think the White man is falling over themselves to do good for Indians?How naive can they get?
Do they even consider the consequences they face outside India or other NRI's?for promoting Propaganda of Western Nations,smartly packaged as Human rights and womens rights issues.
One thing is said always, Don't wash your dirty linen in public and don't make your fights at home public, lest someone comes and takes advantage of it.British did when they entered India.
Yet our people haven't learnt their Lesson.Thick skulls!
This will only escalate from now onwards Mark my words it has just begun!

One mother teresa wasn't enough I guess, they wanted another Mother Udwin for India's daughter.

Oh well.. how can you blame the Germans when our own civil society, bazaru media & anti national political parties like Congress is hell bent on presenting India as rape capital of the world?
Why blame others when Modi isn't capable to handle them. A good for nothing leader.
One mother teresa wasn't enough I guess, they wanted another Mother Udwin for India's daughter.
Wait next, they will highlight Caste system and its Oppression.
That is next in the line.
One way we can do this is by protesting outside German Embassy wearing Yellow stickers of Om or Swastika on our Sleeves and make a video about saying,Please "NAZI GERMANY, WE ARE NOT RACIST".
Then make this video go viral.That will send the message of Tit for tat to them.
Our Indians think of "Live and Let live", but they forget the world doesn't think like them.
Show them the middle finger and Highlight the issues in their country.
GOI should unofficially sponsor Independent Film makers to film Social evils and problems in Western Nations.It is time we had our India based NGO's operating in foreign nations.Foreign policy is a two way street.
If you want to have a say in Global Power play, then start acting like one.
No matter how tiny our video might be, but it will send the message, we are hitting back and it will only get bigger and better with time.
That is the only way to fight such menace "Offensive Defence" ;)
One mother teresa wasn't enough I guess, they wanted another Mother Udwin for India's daughter.

Why blame others when Modi isn't capable to handle them. A good for nothing leader.
true.. current govt is going bit too soft on usual suspects! a hard nosed approach towards these rascals are the need of the hour!
Wait next, they will highlight Caste system and its Oppression.
That is next in the line.
One way we can do this is by protesting outside German Embassy wearing Yellow stickers of Om or Swastika on our Sleeves and make a video about saying,Please "NAZI GERMANY, WE ARE NOT RACIST".
Then make this video go viral.That will send the message of Tit for tat to them.
Our Indians think of "Live and Let live", but they forget the world doesn't think like them.
Show them the middle finger and Highlight the issues in their country.
GOI should unofficially sponsor Independent Film makers to film Social evils and problems in Western Nations.
If you want to have a say in Global Power play, then start acting like one.
No matter how tiny our video might be, but it will send the message, we are hitting back and it will only get bigger and better with time.
That is the only way to fight such menace "Offensive Defence" ;)
lol yeah right like anyone's going to watch it, I say lynch the next European pedophile caught in India, don't let him escape like the ones who fled this country earlier.

true.. current govt is going bit too soft on usual suspects! a hard nosed approach towards these rascals are the need of the hour!
Will Jaitley allow Modi?
lol yeah right like anyone's going to watch it, I say lynch the next European pedophile caught in India, don't let him escape like the ones who fled this country earlier.
It doesn't matter if anyone will watch it or not.The point here is a Bully is always sensitive about his image and will always investigate even small things against him.
Once they come to know,people are rising up and giving them back in same Psy-Ops ,They will understand the stage of tolerance has been breached and now comes the stage of equal confrontation.
We have a population of 1.25 billion people. even 1,000 people view it, it would have reached critical mass and it will go viral.
Why do you think these companies are coming to invest?Both China and India's population constitute more than half of worlds population, in other words, you need not spend on advertisements,promotions etc. all around the world in each country, if you just concentrate on both these nations you will achieve your target of reaching half of Humanity.

So start small and watch how it goes viral.Everyone starts small.You have a 1.25 billion nation as your ground.Anything you launch here will be a hit, because of our sheer numbers, Just like IPL,Football league or other events,Bollywood etc.
Understand the power of domestic consumption.
We Bharatis can trend on twitter and make it top trend in just hours.Realize what we can do.

Even Lord Hanuman, didn't knew about his power(forgot) he had to be reminded by others about his power and then went to Lanka and he is known for his deeds later on.
Likewise,we Indians don't know our power and need to be reminded.
Just like a tiny frail mahout sits on the head of the elephant and commands it, fully knowing the elephant can crush him in a second.Likewise we need to break off the shackles laid down by these nations and realize our true power.

Hello fellow rapists, what's going on here.
Love your Sarcasm,Brother :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I talk lot of countries people and most racist or ignorant people about India somehow belongs to UK , i wonder why ? :blink:
Because they still believe they rule over us and haven't yet gotten over that mentality.
My Aunt and Uncle were both doctors in UK,My Uncle was the head of reproductive health and family planning,NHS, UK.
Even he had to endure Racism in UK from the Nurses, who used to say,We ruled you, how come you order us.
He took Early Retirement unable to bear the harassment from the Head Nurse(Matron) and came back to India to live his life.

So, you know what British people think :)
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Sorry sir,I wont allow neighbours in our family even it is in case basis.People will always give much importance to privacy.

Well, I have been stopped in my life from being unjust or incorrect by others even strangers.
A- I'm man enough to recognize the fact;
B- I wish to thank them for stopping me.

If you don't agree, trying to stay proper, I'd say you are dangerous.

india is not rapist country but few BAD apples are everywhere such as @@GURU DUTT@@ranjeet@@Screambowl@@Bang Galore and @45'22'
Making it personal will nullify the problem? I fail to see the logic?

Mate we are barbaric people so west should invade than educate us under christian law :)
Adding religion to the stew? Is that really necessary? What's next : a map of rape by faith?

To be clear :
India does have a rape problem that should be addressed. This does not make it ( India/Bharat ) of lesser value but fighting for pride instead of looking for a solution would. *conditional tense, please notice!*

Other countries may have a worst problem in which case they should follow suite; barring which they are just as much culprits.

That Deutsche teacher was wrong; her ambassador that publicly denounced her and defended India's reputation was right … the rest is either ballyhoo or petty bickering in the face of a major moral problem.

Rape as any debased action is a problem for humanity as a species, Those that try to argue otherwise by including ANY subcategory are at best barking up the wrong tree and at worst part of the problem.

And with this, I'm out of this thread.

Peace out to those that want it, Tay.
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Thing is both of us are right while you on defensive and i want to be on offensive. I am more into keeping the opposite busy by his own medicine.

Being on defensive is difficult as you will put bandage on one cut and other will open while in my opinion attack the enemy and when he is busy work on internally.
That is right, we should attack back, Use the power of Democracy for once, I routinely saw English Articles in China , which highlighted the plight of Roma and gypsies in Europe and other things.Chinese show the finger when West does it.
We should start too,It is time the West got a taste of it's Psy-ops and Propaganda warfare back.
WE TOO CAN DO IT! Start from now on use your Video cameras and Mobile phones and make films.
which highlights human rights abuses in West.If West can send NGO's then so can we, since we are the largest democracy.
Start now.

Shubham Bhuyat!

Stick to the subject matter.. Do not derail the thread by unnecessarily dragging in third parties.. The topic is not rape.. The topic is the consequences of an documentary about rape
So rape never happens in Sri Lanka and Australia?:what:

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