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India is not a country of rapists: German Ambassador to India Michael Steiner


Sep 20, 2014
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Reacting to a news report about a professor from Leipzig University refusing internship to an Indian student because of the country's "rape problem", the German Ambassador to India, Michael Steiner, has written to Professor Annette Beck-Sickinger saying that India is not a country of rapists.

In her refusal to the male student, Professor Sickinger of the Institute of Biochemistry had refused the student citing the rape culture in India and had also said that many female professors across Europe were turning down male students from India.

In his letter to Professor Sickinger, Ambassador Steiner wrote:

"It has been brought to my attention that you denied an intemship to a male Indian student, giving "the rape problem in India" as a reason. Let me make it clear at the outset that I strongly object to this.

"The 2012 Nirbhaya rape case has refocused attention on the issue of violence against women. Rape is indeed a serious issue in India as in most countries, including Germany. In India, the Nirbhaya case has triggered a lively honest, sustained and very healthy public debate - a public debate of a quality that wouldn't be possible in many other countries. The Indian Government and Indian civil society organisations are very committed to tackling the issue.

"Yesterday we celebrated International Women's Day at the German Embassy here in Delhi with many local activists including many men. Your oversimplifying and discriminating generalization is an offense to these women and men ardently committed to furthering women empowennent in India; and it is an offense to millions of law-abiding, tolerant, open-minded and hard-working Indians. Let's be clear: India is not a country of rapists.

"I would encourage you to learn more about the diverse, dynamic and fascinating country and the many welcoming and open-minded people of India so that you could conect a simplistic image, which - in my opinion - is particularly unsuitable for a professor and teacher."

Read more at: India is not a country of rapists: German Ambassador to India Michael Steiner : India, News - India Today
It's safe than many countries including some of our neighboring countries .

I don't necessarily disagree.

But why then, is the Western/International media only focusing on India for this issue lately?

I read the international news every day after reading my local news, they seem to have a fetish for social problems in India, especially this issue.
I don't necessarily disagree.

But why then is the Western/International media only focusing on India for this issue lately?
In India itself, the media is very active in publishing rape cases after what happened in Dec 2012 and the massive protests that ensued thereafter. All the journalists jump on the stories and it quickly becomes international news. In the USA also most rapes are reported but nobody cares.

The difference between rapists in India and in USA is the main shameful thing for India and Indians. While all rapists are scumbags, in USA rape is more a "power" driven crime against women. In India, it is sexual depravity. Higher number of men vs women, poor education, and several years of islamic influence of burqa and purda - separate men and women schools and this up and rising influence of western culture creates a bad situation where the people want their daughters to go to school and have a career etc, but the men still have had no real interaction with women and are still jerking off to ****. The reason for all the rape in India is the shameful part.
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I don't necessarily disagree.

But why then, is the Western/International media only focusing on India for this issue lately?

I read the international news every day after reading my local news, they seem to have a fetish for social problems in India, especially this issue.

What else, but to tear down a rising economy. Indian culture is its biggest strength. It is the traditional family structure which has supported the rise of its educated masses. Taint the culture, kill the tradition, family, and then India will be a broken society like West and instead of churning out Engineers, Scientists, and Doctors, India would be churning out drug addicts, alcoholics, and criminals like in the West. It is as simple as that.

Where are the morons who were celebrating and congratulating the BBC for "India's daughter" ? :coffee:

Let them share the shame of promoting such bigotry all over the world. @sancho and his "liberal" ilk.....come out and join the fun.

I hope someone clobbers that Sancho in Germany for being a rapist Indian.
In India itself, the media is very active in publishing rape cases after what happened in Dec 2011 and the massive protests that ensued thereafter. All the journalists jump on the stories and it quickly becomes international news. In the USA also most rapes are reported but nobody cares.

The difference between rapists in India and in USA is the main shameful thing for India and Indians. While all rapists are scumbags, in USA rape is more a "power" driven crime against women. In India, it is sexual depravity. Higher number of men vs women, poor education, and several years of islamic influence of burqa and purda - separate men and women schools and this up and rising influence of western culture creates a bad situation where the people want their daughters to go to school and have a career etc, but the men still have had no real interaction with women and are still jerking off to ****. The reason for all the rape in India is the shameful part.

Introspection is good, if it is kept within the country itself.

But hyping it up in the international media is just giving a bad image. It hurts tourism, and also ends up with situations like in the OP where Indians get discriminated against.
Introspection is good, if it is kept within the country itself.

But hyping it up in the international media is just giving a bad image. It hurts tourism, and also ends up with situations like in the OP where Indians get discriminated against.

That guy is an AAPtard. He believes in the idea of burning down the house to kill a mosquito.

Also get his twisted logic where he excuses rapes in USA as a mere power game, but rapes in India as sexual depravity. Guess America women must be feeling grateful they were not raped for sexual depravity, but merely because it was a power thing.
Introspection is good, if it is kept within the country itself.

But hyping it up in the international media is just giving a bad image. It hurts tourism, and also ends up with situations like in the OP where Indians get discriminated against.
International media picks it up because of the space it occupies in Indian media itself. I don't think it is part of any smear campaign or 'western propaganda', its just that it sells.
LOL, this was expected before, What next will Nazi Germany,make us wear Swastika yellow badges on our sleeves to recognize Indians? or "No Indians or dogs allowed inside" Signboards outside establishments

To all those Indians,Celebrating BBC's documentary, understand the film was made to project India and it's culture as inherently bad and the need to reinvent its culture,which in other words is adopting Western culture and eventually embracing Christianity. Their plan is written well here.
Rape in India – Why it becomes a worldwide story

So all these films and publicity makers are not our well wishers
, only Foolish Indians are deceived into thinking a white man will actually care about you.Have you not learnt anything from their 200 year rule?
hey tried to project Chinese as a nation of Opium fed,lazy people.
They tried to change our culture, by Macaulay system of Education and banning our schools,Industry so that we are a nation of clerks not Entrepreneurs. "History repeats itself for those, who don't learn from it". The foolish Libtard Indians in their awe of Western nations,thought everything they do is for our own good.This is what you deserve.A straight kick in the *** to wake you up from your Westernized coma.:lol:

Now you know why the west is so obsessed about Poverty,Toilets and Rapes in India, While sweeping their social problems under the carpet to appear as if nothing bad happens there.Atleast, realize now, why we were objecting to such portrayals,since they want to brand India's image so that Tourism,Industry and development is stalled.

This is a sort of Economic Sanctions,earlier they tried the same thing with the help of NGO's stalling India's development projects under the guise of Human rights and Environmental Pollution.
Now,since GOI, cut the funding for such NGO's, they are sending propaganda film makers to tarnish the image of India.
West was never our friend and we should view them as such.
I don't necessarily disagree.

But why then, is the Western/International media only focusing on India for this issue lately?

I read the international news every day after reading my local news, they seem to have a fetish for social problems in India, especially this issue.

You should ask this question to the Western media .

Per capita rape at 1,00,000 people is 2.0 for India while it is 24.1 for UK .

Yet BBC is more interested in the speck in India's eye while conveniently forgetting log in UK's .
You should ask this question to the Western media .

Per capita rape at 1,00,000 people is 2.0 for India while it is 24.1 for UK .

Yet BBC is more interested in the speck in India's eye while conveniently forgetting log in UK's .

I think they just like to look down on non-Western and non-developed countries, in order to make themselves feel better.

That's why are obsessed with reporting social problems halfway across the word, while ignoring the same crimes happening in their own cities, which will be lucky to even get reported as a small story buried in local news. If they even make the news at all.
You should ask this question to the Western media .

Per capita rape at 1,00,000 people is 2.0 for India while it is 24.1 for UK .

Yet BBC is more interested in the speck in India's eye while conveniently forgetting log in UK's .
Britain has more rape so British people can't report rape in India.
Does this sounds correct to you?
International media picks it up because of the space it occupies in Indian media itself. I don't think it is part of any smear campaign or 'western propaganda', its just that it sells.

You must be naive indeed to think that Racist bigotry and Prejudices do not run these smear campaign.
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