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India is no match for China in the SAARC summit

You are saying that China doesn't have a place in Saarc but then why is Afghanistan a part of Saarc despite being a central asian country. Also the US ad many European countries are observer members. I think Saarc would do well with a China. Moreover Pakistan Bangladesh, Sri Lanka all support China's inclusion. Only India is being a grouch about this.
What you get in India is 1.2 billion people thinking that they live in the best place in the world. That they all can become the next CEO of Microsoft or President of the United States (fancy that). Then a majority of them walk into the bush or the train tracks to openly defecate like its 2000BC, adding to the pile that was already there yesterday and the day before that and so on for the last 70 years.

If you did the math, the pile is unimaginable and no one knows what to do with it. So, there is this credibility gap which opens up for india. How do you take this country seriously when it won't and can't take itself seriously? One moment its trying to sell its neighbours the Indian silk road dream or global domination and the next you get 650 million going all caveman on us.... you get the idea.
India should welcome China's participation, today's world is not separate pieces, whether it's South Asia or East Asia, we are both on the Asia continent, in the world we also have APEC, ASEAN+China,Korea,Japan, TPP, RCEP across different regions.....all the regions come close together.
The only way for this crappy organization to prosper is for China to become a member, otherwise get rid of it.
India is the dominant player in SAARC right now. There is no way it will China into the group no matter how many SAARC members want it (right now it is only Pakistan).

As for the nonsense about all Modi could brag about after SAARC was having a veggie meal, a few deals were signed and many others scuppered by Pakistan. Bringing in another antagonistic into SAARC isn't going to add ANYTHING.
Chinese potential full membership has really messed up Indian thinking process. you need to spend money to keep the smaller countries on Indian side but here China might outbid you
Dont worry about that, we have our own plan.
Instead India should bring in Japan, they come with all the benefits of China (deep pockets) but none of the draw backs (antagonism, divisive nature etc) and Japan seems to have good relations with all SAARC members. Only problem is Pakistan is acting as a lobbyist for China in SAARC and would thus probably oppose any such move.
"Veto power is veto power, and Pakistan single-handledly is vetoing/blocking almost everything in SAARC since its inception" - Where is the contradiction?

Kids argue using the words like 'scared' and 'frightened', we should not use such childish words while debating about foreign policies. And our foreign policies are formulated to forward our interests, not others. :)
stop blocking China
its all business really
nothing personal. 1962 was long time ago India is much better than that .. thats what Indian military says. you better believe it
Instead India should bring in Japan, they come with all the benefits of China (deep pockets) but none of the draw backs (antagonism, divisive nature etc) and Japan seems to have good relations with all SAARC members. Only problem is Pakistan is acting as a lobbyist for China in SAARC and would thus probably oppose any such move.
just in case you missed chappy chap.. 3 countries in addition to Pakistan are supporting China's full membership

dont make China something its not. remember the phrase .. keep your enemies closer? ey?
just in case you missed chappy chap.. 3 countries in addition to Pakistan are supporting China's full membership

dont make China something its not. remember the phrase .. keep your enemies closer? ey?
Every single nation in South Asia bar India can support China's membership into SAARC but as long as India doesn't allow it there is no way it will happen. End of story sir.

Like I said, I think the Japanese are much more plausible entrants from East Asia than China.
Every single nation in South Asia bar India can support China's membership into SAARC but as long as India doesn't allow it there is no way it will happen. End of story sir.

Like I said, I think the Japanese are much more plausible entrants from East Asia than China.
this is what I suggested as a possible move to counter china, get other strong observer country in I suggested USA but I agree Japan makes more sense

China will continue to throw bones on other "non all weather friends" to gain more support.
India has to match or maybe double what China is offering to these countries like Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

India can use its military muscle to bring the eastern side of countries in line in this regard because once China gets in the SAARC then it will be game over for India.

India can launch a counter offensive and twist the arms of countries like Nepal, Maldives and Bangladesh to repeal the China's observer status get a majority/ popular vote. or it can lobby for American full status
this is what I suggested as a possible move to counter china, get other strong observer country in I suggested USA but I agree Japan makes more sense
Well you seem to be implying China's entry into SAARC is inevitable but as I have stated, as long as India (the undeniable dominant player in SAARC) opposes this China will not gain entry into SAARC.

As for bringing in the US as a full member, nope, India won't allow this either. I strongly feel that Japan has a legitimate shot at full SAARC membership, I don't see any nation (other than Pakistan but then Japan is investing in Pakistan too) in South Asia objecting to Japan's entry and in fact India would back their entry. And, like I said, Japan brings almost all the same benefits as China to SAARC without any of the baggage (boundary disputes, conflicting agendas and such).
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