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India is no match for China in the SAARC summit

No, we were spreading buddhism which you guys are still following. So much learning from the cave dwellers...aye!
and do you know name china is derived from "cina" which is a sanskrit word. The world known you through us during that age.

Bhuddism is originated from Nepal, you Indians are just laugh stoke of the ancient time. and China or cina is a simplified version for other to understand but we call our nation 中国 which too sophisticated for you Indians to understand.
Why you guys again and again prove that you are bunch of morons.

Your post have nothing worth reading except open defection, India is worst country, India has nothing, China is much ahead etc. etc. Is it because of your poor education or for earning 50 cent? I am unable to understand till date.

What I said is not far from the truth :whistle:, what you Indians had achieved within SAARC?

everyone has a veto power in SAARC, so even Bhutan can hinder your inclusion into SAARC.
And did Bhutan objected China to be part of SAARC?
Lol that's loser argument, you really think we gonna let India to decide the fate of SAARC?? :lol: or should I say India's fate within SAARC is numbered. :lol:

Nothing gonna happen.We will determine the fate of SA.Entire world knows that.Dont overestimate Chinese power in here You can spend that cheap numbrr among poor SCS nation .But dont try to spend it in here.
Now that China has agreed to India's joining the SOC,our southern neighbour has one less reasons not to make a concession regarding China's becoming a full member of the SARRC.

India and China shoudn't be enemies. :-)
Are you accepting that you are a retard?:lol:
and spread of Buddhism is credited to Ashoka. He is the one who sent missionaries to china to make them civilized.

At that time, this Ashoka didn't call himself Indian, he had no clue what India will likely be in the future time..
At that time, this Ashoka didn't call himself Indian, he had no clue what India will likely be in the future time..
you really are making yourself look idiot with these stupid claims.
Mauryan dynasty started with the chanakya's ideology of "one India".
and why are you following the religion that is gifted to you by cave dwellers?
Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka will be keen to see PRC hop onboard.

the organization itself seems to have started on a bad foot and is hardly effective to this day....take Pakistan for example - our largest trading partners are US, EU markets, Middle East/Persian Gulf and of course China. Our trade in Central/South Asia is much smaller in comparison. Hope that changes - we will need to see the rise of the new SIlk Route in order to realize major benefits
If the best that Narendra Modi’s spin doctors could do to underscore his success at the recent SAARC summit was to boast that he stuck to a simple vegetarian meal while Pakistan’s Nawaz Sharif feasted on halal meat, evidently there is little else to crow about. Beyond a point, hype becomes counterproductive.

Modi should stick to mickey mouse hats and Nawaz should opt for hindu diet standards since he's over-weight and out of shape...maybe they shared the same brewed pot of tea, that's all they had in common that day.
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