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India is no match for China in the SAARC summit

But here we will determine the fate of SAARC. SAARC contains only nations from South Asia.If China claim a membership in SAARC the US and Japan can also argue for the same.Should we allow that?
So except SA nations all other can sit in fence as observer.

Ask yourself the question, are US and Japan have any boundaries with SAARC countries? we don't have problem with that, the best it's to invite the entire world as we speaking. :lol:
People who are wondering about these things in terms of China's georgraphy should notice that China has historic geographic linkages with a big chunk of South Asia. Why are you bringing the US in discussion? Do they share an inch with historic sub-continent?
Base on your logic and past history Pakistan will eventually swallow up India and ruled over India by Muslim?

Their was no Pakistan before 1947 so should first read history. Most of the part those ruled by those arab and turkey are now muslim counties.
China border with many members states in SAARC. Therefore the idea of China entry to SAARC not so outlandish.
Ask yourself the question, are US and Japan have any boundaries with SAARC countries? we don't have problem with that, the best it's to invite the entire world as we speaking. :lol:

That is why we said that is not gonna happen.Before the next summit we will increase our relation with all others except Pakistan in allfields.Gosh we are already integrating rest of SAARC with us.Talks is already going on.
There will be no SAARC without India.
Ask yourself the question, are US and Japan have any boundaries with SAARC countries? we don't have problem with that, the best it's to invite the entire world as we speaking. :lol:
We got boundary with china.. is that mean. . we are in east??? what a weird logic. . is that exclusive logic...
Their was no Pakistan before 1947 so should first read history. Most of the part those ruled by those arab and turkey are now muslim counties.

No Pakistan or India before British arrived in South Asia and only the British left, India and Pakistan were form.
I laughed when Indians said that if Pakistan not happy with SAARC it can leave but I think eventually India will have to leave SAARC if they're not happy with China admission. As the author said the China admission issue is far from going away or being shelved, we look forward to be the member of 19th SAARC.:china::pakistan::china::pakistan:

SAARC is a non achiever still China is eager to be the member of SAARC.

The contradictions in post is a true reflector of Chinese Mentality.
I think it will be economically of great advantage to SAARC countries to have China as a member. The whole world wants to trade with China so why should we throw away the opportunity? Wasn't SAARC made to make the members economically stronger?
That is why we said that is not gonna happen.Before the next summit we will increase our relation with all others except Pakistan in allfields.Gosh we are already integrating rest of SAARC with us.Talks is already going on.
There will be no SAARC without India.

Problems India couldn't get any agreement among the nations in SAARC. Nothing important policy get done during the SAARC meeting.
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