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India is more Islamic than your country: Rajnath Singh tells chief of Pakistan Rangers

Makes sense.
India has a higher muslim population than 'em and is also home to all the 72 'firkas' (sects) of Muslims, which no other country has. Wow!
I bet some on the other side of border might find it hard to digest. :lol:

For those who only read the headlines, pld dont miss this...

Can you please enlighten us which these 72 Firkas are those?. Can you name it please?
Lol. More assasination of the Islamic character of Pakistan. It is a clear ploy to divide muslims between two different schools of thought. The creation of India is more of a problem for us Lucknowis than anything else.
Stop quoting yourself as lucknawi.

You're not and never will be, no matter who in your family is from here. You're a Pakistani, not a lucknawi.

P.s. its Lucknauwwa or Lucknawite.
You would find that funny, No surprise. If we had been more serious towards this issue since independence, prolly we would have something to be proud of. Don't you see Ahmadis, Christians, Hindus and Shiites being persecuted in this country? I dont think they are covered on ISPR media accounts or on PTV news channel if you are wondering about their current situation.

No actually I live in reality and is not suffering from inferiority complex like you. Unlike you I am not impressed by lies and propaganda about India.

ISPR or not. I am yet to see a Pakistani sunni pulling out his shia neighbor to slaughter him and his whole family out on the road. Something that has happened in Gujarat, Assam, Muzaffarnagar, Bhagalpur etc etc and would definitely happen in near and distant future too.

Get a cure for your delusions and inferiority complex. Jao shabash. And if you can't cure your inferiority complex, go to India. I am sure they would also treat you in a very tolerant manner. Even though they don't take muslim refugees. Ooops there goes the tolerance in the drain. :)
No actually I live in reality and is not suffering from inferiority complex like you. Unlike you I am not impressed by lies and propaganda about India.

ISPR or not. I am yet to see a Pakistani sunni pulling out his shia neighbor to slaughter him and his whole family out on the road. Something that has happened in Gujarat, Assam, Muzaffarnagar, Bhagalpur etc etc and would definitely happen in near and distant future too.

Get a cure for your delusions and inferiority complex. Jao shabash. And if you can't cure your inferiority complex, go to India. I am sure they would also treat you in a very tolerant manner. Even though they don't take muslim refugees. Ooops there goes the tolerance in the drain. :)

u dum bum not following killing of muslim in pakistan ? pakistan must wake 2 reality or india will always say blah blah blah we treat muslim better or muslim safer in india. now they ban calling unbeliver kufr so shirk is now legal in pakistan ?
Get a cure for your delusions and inferiority complex. Jao shabash. And if you can't cure your inferiority complex, go to India. I am sure they would also treat you in a very tolerant manner. Even though they don't take muslim refugees. Ooops there goes the tolerance in the drain. :)
So, you dont agree with me, and decided that i shouldn't live here. Tolerant level= Mullah.

Have you been to Hazara? Do you know what a Mob did to Ahmadis recently? How christians are treated? Watching PTV does have this i-dont-know impact.
So, you dont agree with me, and decided that i shouldn't live here. Tolerant level= Mullah.

Have you been to Hazara? Do you know what a Mob did to Ahmadis recently? How christians are treated? Watching PTV does have this i-dont-know impact.

I know everything about them and this is what happened to people who attacked hazaras, Christians and Ahmadis.


Three suspected terrorists killed in Lahore ‘encounter’ | PAKISTAN - geo.tv

Death sentences for TTP men behind 2010 Ahmadi attack - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

But despite we need to do a lot more. However saying Indians are more tolerant towards Muslims is nothing but bullsh!t. And I want you to go to India since only then you would get your problem of delusions and inferiority complex. It is for your own good dear. :)
You gave and you have replied to this thread. :)
Don`t be naive, son.I responded to this thread on ``Indian Media`s juvenile reporting and their twisting/distortion of FACTS`` and not to what this ganja minister said.Point...
But despite we need to do a lot more. However saying Indians are more tolerant towards Muslims is nothing but bullsh!t. And I want you to go to India since only then you would get your problem of delusions and inferiority complex. It is for your own good dear. :)
How many mainstream muslims in india you can count on the top of your head? Their entire film industry is full of them, Do you know about Abdul Kalam? He was the president of India. How many heads of state we had from hindus or christians or ahamdis?

Constitutionally, we made sure those minorities dont get equal opportunities to be leader of the state. Atleast let them have equal opportunities. Constitutionally we branded ahmadis as kaafir, the same thing which ISIS or typical extremist societies do. Where is the tolerance level in this society? What has happened to this country?
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Shows the chutya Mr Rajnath Singh in reality is. DG Rangers is a military officer not some masjid ka maulvi that you are discussing this BS with him.

Reality Check: And no India doesn't have more Muslims than Pakistan.
How would you know? last heard you guys did not have a census for over a decade.
Don`t be naive, son.I responded to this thread on ``Indian Media`s juvenile reporting and their twisting/distortion of FACTS`` and not to what this ganja minister said.Point...

Generally Media itself lives upon propaganda and twisting facts. Why should Indian Media alone be an exception ?
Can you claim from your heart that Pakistan or any other country's media is neutral and only reports meaningful news ?
How would you know? last heard you guys did not have a census for over a decade.

Everyone knows. Just because we didn't do census doesn't mean people can't estimate the population of a country.
Generally Media itself lives upon propaganda and twisting facts.
I m not talking about Indian media but generally speaking this is not true.
Can you claim from your heart that Pakistan or any other country's media is neutral and only reports meaningful news ?
Yes Pakistani media is mostly very neutral and presents facts....FYI There is absolutely no concept of national interest (unfortunately) in our media
I m not talking about Indian media but generally speaking this is not true.

Yes Pakistani media is mostly very neutral and presents facts....FYI There is absolutely no concept of national interest (unfortunately) in our media
Pakistan media needs to report more positive things. You turn on the news and all u see is the bad stuff going on when there is all out of positive vibes in Pakistan which many people don't get to see which makes them think Pakistan is like another Syria or Iraq.
Pakistan media needs to report more positive things. You turn on the news and all u see is the bad stuff going on when there is all out of positive vibes in Pakistan.
So true.What we see in media does not represent even 0.01% of the total life in Pakistan....so media needs to show positives a bit more
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