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India is Losing Kashmir

I think that India can win back the support of Kashmiri people.

All India need is to keep on developing at a rapid pace and focus on creating equal jobs opportunities for every Kashmiri. that surely will make most of the Kashmiris to start preferring India over our neighbour.

Interaction between Kashmiris and the rest of Country should be increased manifold by creating massive infra and promoting tourism. if India can again usher in the era of 1950's to 1980's when every romantic Bollywood movie had a backdrop of Kashmir that would be the best way out.

But the most important is for Indians is to adhere to its commitment to secularism and respect for every religion of this world, to make itself a role model for international peace and unity.

The issue with Kashmiris is that, they are not protesting because of lack of development or jobs. They democratically elect their own govt., Enjoy huge subsidies and get reservations in educational institutes. And they even protest and come to the streets if they are denied any such benefits.

The problem is religion, a Muslim majority state don't want themselves to be part of a Hindu majority India, and to change that mentality nothing can be done. The only solution is, those who don't want to live in India, have to leave India
The issue with Kashmiris is that, they are not protesting because of lack of development or jobs. They democratically elect their own govt., Enjoy huge subsidies and get reservations in educational institutes. And they even protest and come to the streets if they are denied any such benefits.

The problem is religion, a Muslim majority state don't want themselves to be part of a Hindu majority India, and to change that mentality nothing can be done. The only solution is, those who don't want to live in India, have to leave India

Actually the solution is that India has to leave Kashmir.
Lmao . Look at the burn of the Indians on this thread.
Sir, With due respect, I really get amused with these type of threads and for me and other indians this forum give us lot of amusement and also some information. So obviously we indians do not get any burns etc. here. As to current topic, Please continue living in fools paradise and go on thinking that India will become so weak in future that it will break. In current world all that matters is economy. If we have economic power nobody can break us as we can afford any amount of aggression against us with our budget.
Well according to this theory we were loosing Kashmir in 1965 and in the 1990s too but that didn't happened and those who tried to quicken the process of India loosing Kashmir by try and helping Kashmiris to gain independence got their arse kicked not only by the Indian defense forces but by the local Kashmiris too.
Yup Kashmir will leave India, Israel will be crushed, US will collapse entirely, Europe will be under sharia and Islam......yep keep the same "just wait you'll see" stuff coming. All our eyes just glaze over each time.
Kashmir will expand with Allah's blessings.

Those Sunni idiots need to be made a minority. Mass settle Indian immigration from all states and use local police and armed forces heavy down approach.

Keep on shelling, droning and artillering across the border.
The issue with Kashmiris is that, they are not protesting because of lack of development or jobs. They democratically elect their own govt., Enjoy huge subsidies and get reservations in educational institutes. And they even protest and come to the streets if they are denied any such benefits.

The problem is religion, a Muslim majority state don't want themselves to be part of a Hindu majority India, and to change that mentality nothing can be done. The only solution is, those who don't want to live in India, have to leave India
no,,,we just need to sit tight,,keep doing gud job,,time is on our side,,no need of such stupid n radical steps,,what makes u so sure that Kashmiris will always remain religiously biased or even muslims,,beliefs chnge wid time,,ppl change religion,,in the past kashmiris were hindus n buddhist,now they r muslims,,,in future maybe somethng else.
so,,no need of ur proposed reactionary 'only solution' :)
The problem is religion, a Muslim majority state don't want themselves to be part of a Hindu majority India, and to change that mentality nothing can be done. The only solution is, those who don't want to live in India, have to leave India
Can't we educate these people about the shortcomings of becoming a religious state.

I don't think any sane person would like to live in an ISIS kind of regime.

Education, awareness and interaction is the key for reforming this mind set.

Majority of people will prefer a pluralistic society over a single religion driven one.
Can't we educate these people about the shortcomings of becoming a religious state.

I don't think any sane person would like to live in an ISIS kind of regime.

Education, awareness and connectivity is the key for reforming this mind set.

Majority of people will prefer a pluralistic society over a single religion driven one.

To be frank, ISIS regime is Dar ul islam


Kashmir is not. Pakistan is Dar al Islam.

Muslims want this. They strive their life for this. They even can give their life for it.
no,,,we just need to sit tight,,keep doing gud job,,time is on our side,,no need of such stupid n radical steps,,what makes u so sure that Kashmiris will always remain religiously biased or even muslims,,beliefs chnge wid time,,ppl change religion,,in the past kashmiris were hindus n buddhist,now they r muslims,,,in future maybe somethng else.
so,,no need of ur proposed reactionary 'only solution' :)

Well, I didn't say Kashmiris will be kicked out of their homeland,(well the pandits have left the valley, but nobody cares about them anyway), all I wanted to say was Kashmiris should accept the ground realities, and if they don't like it , they are more than welcome to leave India.

And yes I agree, India should maintain the status-quo and keep doing the good work.

no,,,we just need to sit tight,,keep doing gud job,,time is on our side,,no need of such stupid n radical steps,,what makes u so sure that Kashmiris will always remain religiously biased or even muslims,,beliefs chnge wid time,,ppl change religion,,in the past kashmiris were hindus n buddhist,now they r muslims,,,in future maybe somethng else.
so,,no need of ur proposed reactionary 'only solution' :)

Well, I didn't say Kashmiris will be kicked out of their homeland,(well the pandits have left the valley, but nobody cares about them anyway), all I wanted to say was Kashmiris should accept the ground realities, and if they don't like it , they are more than welcome to leave India.

And yes I agree, India should maintain the status-quo and keep doing the good work.
And still the people in the valley have participated in India's democracy by voting. After every 5 years they select a government with almost 65+% voting. Thats shows thee majorities are with India.
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