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India is dominated by the West

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It's not about fair skin; it's about genetic ancestry.

And what Muslim scientists in particular are you referring to?

I don't judge scientists by their religion/races/colour/country etc . I am sure these scientists were more proud on their work for humanity than their white or brown race

as far genetic ancestry then white Charles Darwin suggested that we humans may have descended from a common ancestor in Africa and many theorists believe "homo sapiens" or modern man originated from East Africa
And elected by the minorities, seeing as how the Whites voted (by a landslide) for the 'other guy'.

Liberal douchebags, with their open borders and multiracialist slogans, are what brought us to where we are today.

If White people were race-conscious, incompetent minorities would never rule over Whites. The greatest threat to the White race it the White race itself. We are the only people that can truly do ourselves harm.

what next? will you claim you are a southern white now, because you call your sibling a friend w/ benefit?
Good God, I dont know wht kind of idiots Stormfront produces and we Homo sapiens have to deal with them...

Indus Valley Civilization was started by Indics living near indus river (us)
Some dravidians came from australia and migrated north interbred with us. (north indians)
some indics were left (pakistan) and then aryans came and further excelled our civilization.

Even the ever-faithful personal adviser to Indians, Mr. Wikipedia, supports my claim.

Indus Valley Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And oh pray do tell, what the heck is an Indic. If you are referring to the Indo-Aryans, please remove the word "us" from the sentence.

Saying Europeans first started "fertile valley" civilizations and then some migrated up as our map shows would in the first place not make the creators european!!

That's right. My paternal ancestors came from the Middle East. They created what we are today; Europeans. They took the high road by navigating the cold climate of Europe, while the others (the modern day Middle Easterners) stayed back and remained as sedentary farmers.

We were rewarded for taking the high and hard road.

Just because some Egyptians had red hair does not make it a white civilization

No, the fact that the genetic ancestry of many Pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty is coming out as European is an indication that part of the Ancient Egyptian civilization can be attributable to European people.
There is always this reason or that reason... The bottomline is White superiority will be broken, here is a prediction... Jusk like indo aryans the remaining White race will disappear:)
As i said, R1b belongs to the farmers from Middle East/North Africa, but they are not Indo-Europeans.

1: The farmers of the Middle-East before the Neolithic migrations were the ancestors of Europeans. If you deny this then you are not even an amateur, as any BS in Archaeogenetics can confirm this for you.

2: Stop skirting around the issue. We are referring SPECIFICALLY to R1b1b2, which is in fact predominantly European, or else why would these scientific studies claim they were European? Why do these scientists know so little and you so much?

but he belongs to the East European race

No such thing. Europeans all belong to the same population group. We are remarkably homogeneous.
Persians are quite different from S.Asians (e.g. Does not have Australasian genes). Chess was developed Independently in China and modern European Chess is largely Persian as it was modified by the Sassanids, hence Indian Chess made little impact to the West. Coffee is Ethiopian innovation not Arabic. Shampoo is not Indian but Arabic/Leventine, and was passed on to Europe via Islamic Spain.

My point wasn't this...

I hope you got my 'over-all' point...
I don't judge scientists by their religion/races/colour/country etc . I am sure these scientists were more proud on their work for humanity than their white or brown race

as far genetic ancestry then white Charles Darwin suggested that we humans may have descended from a common ancestor in Africa and many theorists believe "homo sapiens" or modern man originated from East Africa

Yes, and even before that we had descended from a common ancestor circa 6 million YBP, which resembled that of a Chimpanzee. What does this mean?

Well of course, we are all one race...... the Great Ape race.... lol

what next? will you claim you are a southern white now, because you call your sibling a friend w/ benefit?

Yes, I am actually a Southern White retard. My parents are from Texas, and I'm probably going back there before I ever have children. No way I'm raising them in Mexifornia.
1: The farmers of the Middle-East before the Neolithic migrations were the ancestors of Europeans. If you deny this then you are not even an amateur, as any BS in Archaeogenetics can confirm this for you.

2: Stop skirting around the issue. We are referring SPECIFICALLY to R1b1b2, which is in fact predominantly European, or else why would these scientific studies claim they were European? Why do these scientists know so little and you so much?

R1b1b2 was the late comer to Europe, they got heavy admixture from Middle East, they are the cousin clade to the PIE, but not exactly PIE.

PIE was probably East Europeans, but not all Europeans were PIE.

No such thing. Europeans all belong to the same population group. We are remarkably homogeneous.

He carried the R1a type from PIE and has an East European Nordic type of skull, he looks Russian, and why he has to be in common with the West Europeans?
There is always this reason or that reason... The bottomline is White superiority will be broken, here is a prediction... Jusk like indo aryans the remaining White race will disappear:)

Cool, and then you people can just start destroying each other. Remind me again what the world would look like if Whites never existed. If White scientists, engineers, innovators, discoverers, etc. never united all corners of the world?

Would you people even know of the existence of the Americas? Would you know of Australia? Would you have invented the automobile, the transistor, the aeroplane, the SPACECRAFT? Would anything resembling modern medicine have come into existence?

Without Whites, you will crumble. You will descend into a chaos far worse than what you are living in now. At least today, your politicians can take a sneak-peek at what we are building, what we have already built, and copy it. At least someone can hire you for cheap labor. At least Whites are coming to your country and teaching you how this or that works. At least White philanthropists are coming and forcing you to get vaccinated.

I suspect America will serve as a wake-up call for my people. We will rise again, far stronger than before.
Us "dumb" Westerners don't pray to a big Black house. We get educated, we spend our time creating, innovating, exploring, discovering, inventing, and creating new worlds.

Good for you..and good for us.

Last 250 years, you really shinned. Big deal though? LOL!!!!

Even by mid 17th, 'whites' were living in sh!tholes..and were getting their arse kicked by Ottomans..while Mughal Empire (Indians) held 25% of global GDP! Not to mention China, Ottoman Empire and others..

Over-all, us 'non-white' easterners were dominating global economy, were way more wealthy, and so on..you outperformed us in next 300 years? Good for you.

Now go back, watch ****, and keep mentally masturbating 'oh white so great'...while by 2050, the pendulum would've swung back to E.Asia/Asia .... lol..

You spend your time reading the same book for the rest of your lives. Maybe you need to diversify your book collection a little!

Another idiotic comment which shows your ignorance :lol:

And almost every single invention you ascribed to Persians/Arabs/Indians blah blah blah, was actually invented by White people.

Yeah..Arabs, Iranians, Chinese, Ancient Indians, Indus Valley people etc were all 'white' .... :rofl:

Dumb whittey..
Yes, I am actually a Southern White retard. My parents are from Texas, and I'm probably going back there before I ever have children. No way I'm raising them in Mexifornia.

It was Mexifornia before it got robbed by USA, why bother it?

BTW, if you are southern white, then you are probably mostly english/irish with some german, am i right? :coffee:
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