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India is dominated by the West

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Rosenberg believed that all mongrelized races should be eliminated, then you should do a favor to kill yourself if you really wanna follow this man's ideology. :coffee:

See that, I have no problem ending myself and giving way to the superior humans. Only the fittest deserves to survive and if someone is superior to me in that sense, I will let him prevail.

I am a crazy hardcore social Darwinist that you can't imagine.

OK JayAtl asked me to post something, so I am leaving for a moment, will be back soon.
I love it when race wars get dirty :pop:
And Indus Valley was a Indo-Aryan civilization... No dravidian influence.

Sometimes I really hate living in a world where people can get away with such stupidity. The Indus Valley was Indo-Aryan... wow, just wow. So much for your 3rd world education system you brain-dead hippie.

They existed far before the Indo-Aryans even existed on the Indian subcontinent, and if tehy were Indo-Aryans in the first place then that would mean they are of European origin, further disproving the point you made about them being non-European.

God, you really are stupid.

Saying Syriac civilization was made by Europeans is a big LOL....

What the Hell is "Syriac civilization"? If you are referring to the Fertile Crescent, then yes, they were our ancestors, as is shown in the map above. This is what modern-day scientists believe, so stuff it.

And I bet it burns you to know that ancient Egypt was also a brown civilization.

How many "brown" people have red hair? :omghaha:

Also, this:

Although not yet published officially, the Y-DNA results were said to confirm the paternity between the Pharaohs. The video from Discovery Channel shows the Y-STR results*, which appear to be R1b and indeed the European R1b1b2 rather than the Levantine/Egyptian R1b1a. R1b1b2 is quite rare in modern Egypt (2% of the population) and was assumed to have come mostly through the Greek and Roman occupation. R1b1a makes up 4% of the Egyptian male lineages and dates from the Paleolithic.

The 18th dynasty (starting in 1570 BCE) follows the period of Indo-European expansion to Europe (4300-2000 BCE), India, Persia and the Middle-East (1700-1500 BCE). The Hittites took over central Anatolia from 1750 BCE, and the Mitanni (of Indo-Iranian origin) ruled Syria from circa 1500 BCE.

Egypt's 18th dynasty inaugurated the New Kingdom after the Second Intermediate Period, when the Hyksos ("foreign rulers") took over power between 1650 and 1570 BCE. It is very possible that the 18th Dynasty was of Hyksos origin, which could be Hittite or of other Indo-European origin. The Hyksos were described as bowmen and cavalrymen wearing the cloaks of many colors associated with the mercenary Mitanni. This strongly suggest an Indo-European origin indeed, as the steppe people were mounted archers, and the Mitanni are of proven IE origin.

*Only three STR results have been officially published : DYS393=13, DYS458=16, GATA-H4=10

spare me the fudged numbers from China. Stats from China is a standing joke.

I want o sure you that when both are given access to same opportunities, you Chinese are far second to Indians. Equal and level playing field= Indians out doing you lot. As sen in the chart I provided.

On an equal playing field the 82 IQ Indians would be smashed by everyone except for Blacks.
spare me the fudged numbers from China. Stats from China is a standing joke.

I want o sure you that when both are given access to same opportunities, you Chinese are far second to Indians. Equal and level playing field= Indians out doing you lot. As sen in the chart I provided.

This time, Mr Jay, you are wrong, this figure is taken from The Global Innovation Index 2013. It's not done by China, but the world.

You should face it bravely. Laughing at other members on the shoulder of US is a representativeness of weakness.

Here is the link The Global Innovation Index 2013 - The Local Dynamics of Innovation
How many "brown" people have red hair? :omghaha:

The ancient Egyptians were not white, even the knowledgeable white nationalists won't bother to argue with this stupid argument. :coffee:

The hair color of the mummies can turn into lighter color.
Us "dumb" Westerners don't pray to a big Black house. We get educated, we spend our time creating, innovating, exploring, discovering, inventing, and creating new worlds.

You spend your time reading the same book for the rest of your lives. Maybe you need to diversify your book collection a little!

And almost every single invention you ascribed to Persians/Arabs/Indians blah blah blah, was actually invented by White people.

The Indo-Aryans were White. So were the first Iranians. Your part of the world has very little to show for your history of existance.

Mecca is not a big Black box as you called it. Nor do Muslims spend time only reading one book- apart from being a bigoted statement, that is the most asinine comment I have read to date.

@Aeronaut, this what I talk about when I say that you guys allow bigots and racist to run around freely here.
This time, Mr Jay, you are wrong, this figure is taken from The Global Innovation Index 2013. It's not done by China, but the world.

You should face it bravely. Laughing at other members on the shoulder of US is a representativeness of weakness.

Here is the link The Global Innovation Index 2013 - The Local Dynamics of Innovation

who feeds those numbers to them? The Chinese govt! - how is it that when these great IQ'ers come out of china, they fail to be successful as they claim?
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The ancient Egyptians were not the whites, even the knowledgeable white nationalists won't bother to argue with this stupid argument. :coffee:

The hair color of the mummies can turn into lighter color.

I never said they were. You are taking too much out of my posts. It is clear though, that their were many Pharaohs which shared strong genetic affinity to Europeans.

How do you explain the predominance of R1b1b2 in Pharaoh Tutankhamun, Akhenaten and Amenhotep III?

How do you explain that this was during the 18th dynasty, coincidentally RIGHT at the time that the Indo-Aryans and Iranians were moving into Southwest Asia?

I want to see you wiggle your way out of this one.
All I know is that a Kenyan man banged a White gal and their "impure inferior" child is now ruling over superior whites in a country "built by and for Europeans" :)
Sometimes I really hate living in a world where people can get away with such stupidity. The Indus Valley was Indo-Aryan... wow, just wow. So much for your 3rd world education system you brain-dead hippie.

They existed far before the Indo-Aryans even existed on the Indian subcontinent, and if tehy were Indo-Aryans in the first place then that would mean they are of European origin, further disproving the point you made about them being non-European.

God, you really are stupid.

What the Hell is "Syriac civilization"? If you are referring to the Fertile Crescent, then yes, they were our ancestors, as is shown in the map above. This is what modern-day scientists believe, so stuff it.

How many "brown" people have red hair? :omghaha:

Also, this:

On an equal playing field the 82 IQ Indians would be smashed by everyone except for Blacks.

Good God, I dont know wht kind of idiots Stormfront produces and we Homo sapiens have to deal with them...

Indus Valley Civilization was started by Indics living near indus river (us)
Some dravidians came from australia and migrated north interbred with us. (north indians)
some indics were left (pakistan) and then aryans came and further excelled our civilization.

You think Indic = Dravidian which is wrong.


Which modern scientists? Stormfronts? :lol:

Saying Europeans first started "fertile valley" civilizations and then some migrated up as our map shows would in the first place not make the creators european!!


Just because some Egyptians had red hair does not make it a white civilization :lol:
Besides, red hair is caused by too much iron which can happen in any ethnicity. just google it.
I never said they were. You are taking too much out of my posts. It is clear though, that their were many Pharaohs which shared strong genetic affinity to Europeans.

How do you explain the predominance of R1b1b2 in Pharaoh Tutankhamun, Akhenaten and Amenhotep III?

How do you explain that this was during the 18th dynasty, coincidentally RIGHT at the time that the Indo-Aryans and Iranians were moving into Southwest Asia?

I want to see you wiggle your way out of this one.

As i said, R1b belongs to the farmers from Middle East/North Africa, but they are not Indo-Europeans.

If you wanna look for the pure Indo-European white warrior, then this Scythian guy from the West Mongolia is what you are looking for.



The skull of the Scythian warrior is Indo-European Nordic, but he belongs to the East European race, and he is much purer Indo-European white than any West European guy. :coffee:
Leave it to Pakistanis to jump into completely irrelevant fights and become a party :hitwall:
All I know is that a Kenyan man banged a White gal and their "impure inferior" child is now ruling over superior whites in a country "built by and for Europeans" :)

And elected by the minorities, seeing as how the Whites voted (by a landslide) for the 'other guy'.

Liberal douchebags, with their open borders and multiracialist slogans, are what brought us to where we are today.

If White people were race-conscious, incompetent minorities would never rule over Whites. The greatest threat to the White race it the White race itself. We are the only people that can truly do ourselves harm.
Leave it to Pakistanis to jump into completely irrelevant fights and become a party :hitwall:

He called you guys as inferior people who pray to a big black box and read only the koran. Maybe you bring the same call for " ignore it" -the next time you perceive an insult to your religion too?
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