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India is dominated by the West

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That JayAtl is from Vanga, today known as Bengal.

Aryans used to look down upon them calling them Mlechchas.

If you want, I can post evidence.

I'm not surprised. No evidence necessary, I already know that the Indo-Aryans had created a very methodical and efficient caste system, so as to separate the ancestors of those like JayAtl from those like my own.

Unfortunately, after a few centuries of living with each other, the Indo-Aryans started to take 'native' brides, and now take a look at India. Not exactly the pinnacle of Western civilization.
Look china man , you are not white even if you espouse to be one desperately here. I have never claimed to be one myself nor found it necessary to put forth any racist bigoted language to make my case. Now instead of trying to be so desperate, why not contribute to our soceity in a meaningful way. you have Indians to as benchmark to help , since you are a far second to them as an immigrant group.


You want to prove your success on the Land of US? Sick mentality! All your achievement should be thankful to US regime, education system, R&D expenditure and business friendly climate. So, the most essential factor decided you can only make progress in US rather in India. You can only stand up by adult's support!


You want to prove your success on the Land of US? Sick mentality! All your achievement should be thankful to US regime, education system, R&D expenditure and business friendly climate. So, the most essential factor decided you can only make progress in US rather in India. You can only stand up by adult's support!

spare me the fudged numbers from China. Stats from China is a standing joke.

I want o sure you that when both are given access to same opportunities, you Chinese are far second to Indians. Equal and level playing field= Indians out doing you lot. As sen in the chart I provided.
Nah 3rd worlder, the Indus Valley was within a millenium of a civilization by the name of.... "Ancient Greece".

Have you by chance heard of it?

And what happened to the IVC? Oh yea, those Dravidian's were destroyed by the nomads from Russia/Ukraine, who ended up creating the caste system to separate themselves from what they considered to be their inferiors.

Syrian civilization? If you are referring to the Fertile Crescent then those were MY people, just before the Neolithic migrations, in which they moved into Europe.


And who was the peoples who nurtured the Ancient Greece when it fell? The Brown ppls from the Arabia which stored all of Ancient greece studies to prevent it from being burnt by European barbarians.. Your culture is dependent on those Arab scolars who saved those documents..

And Indus Valley was a Indo-Aryan civilization... No dravidian influence.

And you can keep your fantasies to yourself, ok? Saying Syriac civilization was made by Europeans is a big LOL....

And I bet it burns you to know that ancient Egypt was also a brown civilization.
I think IQ tests and all these maths/SAT scores are not a valid measure of intelligence because they does not take into account any of the complexities of the human mind. It is invalid to simply assign an arbitrary number to intelligence because there are many aspects of intelligence and that not all of these can be quantified. You will be label as mentally retarded if you simply has a hard time understanding the format of the test. African american have better IQ than African living in Africa simply because they have better economic conditions

Well, what we call "IQ testing" is the reflection of the astonishing finding that all cognitive abilities which are valuable in the context of a modern, industrialized society are positively correlated. Seemingly unrelated skills such a backward-digit span, pitch recognition, and the ability to understand a passage of written prose all tend to rise or fall together -- and these correlations are not trivial, but the highest ever documented in the social sciences. Statistically speaking, Sandra who scores high on physics is also likely to write better essays than Mindy who scores low. Occasional exceptions to this rule do not disprove this overall trend. A narrow, one-dimensional measure of a "linear" sort of intelligence, IQ surely is not.

As for the notion that there are other definitions of intelligence that are just as valuable as our own, spare me your chicanery. In the 21st century, there is absolutely no alternative to industrial civilization. The fruits of modern science and engineering have produced a standard of living that is without parallel throughout the entire history of our species. We owe our long lifespans today to immunology, modern sanitation, physics, chemistry, and the fruits of modern medicine -- and it is just too bad that IQ tests do an excellent job measuring your ability to succeed in any and all of these fields. Emotional intelligence alone does not build skyscrapers or bridges; neither will it find the cure cancer or sanitize your water supply.

It is indeed that primitive cultures do honor alternative definitions of intelligence that are perhaps better suited to their environment. For example, the Waripari of Australia teach their children to search for water in the middle of the desert, otherwise they will die from thirst during the dry season. But we don't. We've got geologists and engineers for that. Third world immigrants from hellholes like Haiti and Guinea-Bissau are busy trying to emigrate here, and nobody ever tries to relocate themselves there -- so much for their native definitions of intelligence. Once you discount the three Rs (reading, 'riting, 'rithmetic), what's left?

Self-selection by immigrants doesn't explain away this phenomenon, either. Japanese Brazilians were imported to the sugar cane fields of Brazil as manual laborers. And yet mysteriously, they too face affirmative action "quotas" restricting their numbers at elite universities in Brazil. There isn't a single place on *earth* where East Asians do not constitute a model minority, and incidentally, these ethnic groups also tend to score higher than the White mean on IQ tests. It's true in Malaysia, where the Chinese are the descendants of illiterate tin miners. And in Canada, where they were hired to work the railroads.
I'm not surprised. No evidence necessary, I already know that the Indo-Aryans had created a very methodical and efficient caste system, so as to separate the ancestors of those like JayAtl from those like my own.

Unfortunately, after a few centuries of living with each other, the Indo-Aryans started to take 'native' brides, and now take a look at India. Not exactly the pinnacle of Western civilization.

That is what finally made the Aryans impure. Blood was polluted. Rosenberg also pointed out that reason. I will scan the pages of the book and post here.


Race, Soul, and Indo-Aryan Religion
That JayAtl is from Vanga, today known as Bengal.

Aryans used to look down upon them calling them Mlechchas.

If you want, I can post evidence.

Please post the evidence, since I am also curious to know Vanga/ Bengal connection.
Ḥashshāshīn;4622558 said:
@WhiteMansBurden what do you think about 'non white' caucasians?

Nothing against them; I really have nothing against anyone who is honest and truthful about things, and doesn't deny the significant racial differences in the world today.

Nah, even to give us a second chance, most of us will still choose to be Chinese. :coffee:

Fine with me. I was responding to the "Aryan" Indian man, who seems obsessed with Chinese people. He thinks you guys all want to be White. I never really heard of this in regards to Chinese people; I know this is true of Koreans though.
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That is what finally made the Aryans impure. Blood was polluted. Rosenberg also pointed out that reason. I will scan the pages of the book and post here.


Race, Soul, and Indo-Aryan Religion

Rosenberg believed that all mongrelized races should be eliminated, then you should do a favor to kill yourself if you really wanna follow this man's ideology. :coffee:
I'm not surprised. No evidence necessary, I already know that the Indo-Aryans had created a very methodical and efficient caste system, so as to separate the ancestors of those like JayAtl from those like my own.

Unfortunately, after a few centuries of living with each other, the Indo-Aryans started to take 'native' brides, and now take a look at India. Not exactly the pinnacle of Western civilization.

You are freaking Chinese ! LOL. Did someone tell you that a surgical alternation of some facial features = now white?
Nothing against them; I really have nothing against anyone who is honest and truthful about things, and doesn't deny the significant racial differences in the world today.

Fine with me. I was responding to the "Aryan" Indian man, who seems obsessed with Chinese people. He thinks you guys all want to be White. I never really heard of this in regards to Chinese people; I know this is true of Koreans though.

I am just curious of your version of white.

I mean, there are Arabs, Persians or Turks that would easily blend in with European people.
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