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India is catching up?

Maira La

Mar 5, 2010
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Whenever Indians are shown the mirror this is the most common reply.. India will catch up with other great powers like China, USA etc in 2030, or 2040, or 20__. Just give it some time. After all they were the greatest country on Earth since the Indian plate merged into Asia before the British looted all the wealth right?

The internet if full of "educational" materials on how British destroyed India

The only problem with this narrative is.. it is completely WRONG. By the time the British left the subcontinent in 1947/1948, India had the most developed road and railways infrastructure in all of Asia. Indian had more advanced industrial sector than any country in East Asia, Latin Americas, Middle East or Eastern Europe, all built by the British. India had modern (by contemporary standards) educational and state institutions, all birthed under British supervision, that had few rivals anywhere outside the West (including other British colonies). If anything the British actually gave India a HEAD-START over numerous other countries that boast far better GDP/capita and/or HDI than India today.
How did it come to this despite the headstart?? Why is India doing the catch up when it should have been the other way around? What is wrong with these people? (There is all sorts of fake data, charts, and videos created by Indian incels in the net trying to prove India is catching up but none of them take into account what I have written above. India was already ahead of the game compared to East Asians, Middle Easterners, Balkan Europeans 70 years ago.)

Let's take a look at the present reality. For the past 20 years, the entire West (Anglos, EU, Japan, even Russia) have been trying to prop up India against China with all sorts of economic and military assistance. See the infographic below.


Despite all this for 20 f****** years, last time I checked India's GDP / capita is $1877, lower than a poor country like BD.
(Pajeets cope with this by showing "estimates" from Indian edited wiki pages.)

Imagine what India would be without all this support from the West and Japan to prop it up against China.

I believe at some point the West will simply give up on India once they understand the quality of the nation/people they are dealing with and come to terms with Chinese supremacy in Asia.. like they accepted PRC replacing Taiwan at the UN security council, or like they did gave up on the Afghan government, handing the country over to Talibans.
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The lack of depth in his analysis is more a reflection of his ability or the lack thereof in his understanding of the subject matter. A rebuttal of such theories is a waste of time when the ability of the person who it is addressed to is severely lacking.

Having said that, it's fascinating, particularly with Bangladeshis, how the perceived feeling of being looked down upon draws such insecurity.

For an Indian, it's very fun to see this behavior and we will do our best to induce more of it. Loving your frustration!
Exactly how I feel about your post. You predicted my response didn't you pujeet? :)
The lack of depth in Pajeet's post is more a reflection of Pajeet's ability or the lack thereof in his understanding of the subject matter. A rebuttal of Pajeet's post is a waste of time when the ability of the Pajeet who it is addressed to is severely lacking.
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The lack of depth in his analysis is more a reflection of his ability or the lack thereof in his understanding of the subject matter. A rebuttal of such theories is a waste of time when the ability of the person who it is addressed to is severely lacking.

Having said that, it's fascinating, particularly with Bangladeshis, how the perceived feeling of being looked down upon draws such insecurity.

For an Indian, it's very fun to see this behavior and we will do our best to induce more of it. Loving your frustration!
The OPs profile pic is George Clive whose father was uncle of Robert Clive

Same Robert Clive who conquered the OPs homeland
Battle of Plassey

Also, what Britishers did the Op's homeland is nothing less than over genocide attempt
Bengal famine of 1943

Hence OP has his/her reasons to champion British rule of subcontinent while feeling immense shame for freedom from British rule for his origin nation

There is strong academic bias in the West in regards to role of colonial empire

India is lucky to have leaders like Ghandhi and Nehru who saw the British for what they were
If not we would have ended up like natives of Australia and United States
The OPs profile pic is George Clive whose father was uncle of Robert Clive
View attachment 768781
Same Robert Clive who conquered the OPs homeland
Battle of Plassey

Also, what Britishers did the Op's homeland is nothing less than over genocide attempt
Bengal famine of 1943

Hence OP has his/her reasons to champion British rule of subcontinent while feeling immense shame for freedom from British rule for his origin nation

There is strong academic bias in the West in regards to role of colonial empire

India is lucky to have leaders like Ghandhi and Nehru who saw the British for what they were
If not we would have ended up like natives of Australia and United States

Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m not responsible for the reality exposed in the OP. :)
The only problem with this narrative is.. it is completely WRONG. By the time the British left the subcontinent in 1947/1948, India had the most developed road and railways infrastructure in all of Asia. Indian had more advanced industrial sector than any country in East Asia, Latin Americas, Middle East or Eastern Europe, all built by the British. India had modern (by contemporary standards) educational and state institutions, all birthed under British supervision, that had few rivals anywhere outside the West (including other British colonies). If anything the British actually gave India a HEADSTART over numerous other countries that boast far better GDP/capita and/or HDI than India today.
India luckily stayed out of the two great world wars which literally destroyed every city, town and village in east Asia. No descent industries can survive those great wars.
India is being pulled forward by the top ten percent. The average guy is too satisfied and set in the old ways to grow.

But the only real comparison is with China.
Countries like Malaysia were smaller and easier to develop.

If you don't think India is developing with time, you have probably never been here.
High end road systems are being built at a rapid pace. Modern cities are getting built.
We have one of the very few stock markets in the world with good returns.
The payment infrastructure is better than plenty of developed countries.
Crime and violence is quite low compared to regional countries.
You can eat for free/near free if you are poor. You can study for free.
Living here is cheap, and you can save big money over time.
There is stability in planning across governments.

It takes time.

Rivals will of course complain that you're still behind some of the best. Good to have criticism.
India is being pulled forward by the top ten percent. The average guy is too satisfied and set in the old ways to grow.

But the only real comparison is with China.
Countries like Malaysia were smaller and easier to develop.

If you don't think India is developing with time, you have probably never been here.
High end road systems are being built at a rapid pace. Modern cities are getting built.
We have one of the very few stock markets in the world with good returns.
The payment infrastructure is better than plenty of developed countries.
Crime and violence is quite low compared to regional countries.
You can eat for free/near free if you are poor. You can study for free.
Living here is cheap, and you can save big money over time.
There is stability in planning across governments.

It takes time.

Rivals will of course complain that you're still behind some of the best. Good to have criticism.

but indians trying to drag its neighbors down
India is being pulled forward by the top ten percent. The average guy is too satisfied and set in the old ways to grow.

But the only real comparison is with China.
Countries like Malaysia were smaller and easier to develop.

If you don't think India is developing with time, you have probably never been here.
High end road systems are being built at a rapid pace. Modern cities are getting built.
We have one of the very few stock markets in the world with good returns.
The payment infrastructure is better than plenty of developed countries.
Crime and violence is quite low compared to regional countries.
You can eat for free/near free if you are poor. You can study for free.
Living here is cheap, and you can save big money over time.
There is stability in planning across governments.

It takes time.

Rivals will of course complain that you're still behind some of the best. Good to have criticism.

You failed to grasp the point of the OP.

It's not that India is not developing. Every country is developing, and that includes India too. But India is not supposed to play catch up. The state it was in around 1950 compared to numerous countries in East Asia, Middle East, South America or Balkan Europe, it's supposed to be at the forefront of development with the tremendous British gifted head-start it had, and not the poster child of global poverty as it is today.
So isn't India a supa dupa power...quite strange and just occured to me.


-40% of NASA engineers are Indians.

-35% of Microsoft is run by Indians.

-India is an IT super power.

-India is a vaccine super power, the VishwaGuru.

-India is a pharma super power.

-India pips China in all stats.

Disclaimer: All that was written thousands of times by the Indians and by indian Godi media and other Indian English/non English media and millions upon millions of Indians believe in the above figures and data and keep reproducing it on social media.

When almost all of them was fake stats.
Whenever Indians are shown the mirror this is the most common reply.. India will catch up with other great powers like China, USA etc in 2030, or 2040, or 20__. Just give it some time. After all they were the greatest country on Earth since the Indian plate merged into Asia before the British looted all the wealth right?

The internet if full of "educational" materials on how British destroyed India

The only problem with this narrative is.. it is completely WRONG. By the time the British left the subcontinent in 1947/1948, India had the most developed road and railways infrastructure in all of Asia. Indian had more advanced industrial sector than any country in East Asia, Latin Americas, Middle East or Eastern Europe, all built by the British. India had modern (by contemporary standards) educational and state institutions, all birthed under British supervision, that had few rivals anywhere outside the West (including other British colonies). If anything the British actually gave India a HEAD-START over numerous other countries that boast far better GDP/capita and/or HDI than India today.
How did it come to this despite the headstart?? Why is India doing the catch up when it should have been the other way around? What is wrong with these people? (There is all sorts of fake data, charts, and videos created by Indian incels in the net trying to prove India is catching up but none of them take into account what I have written above. India was already ahead of the game compared to East Asians, Middle Easterners, Balkan Europeans 70 years ago.)

Let's take a look at the present reality. For the past 20 years, the entire West (Anglos, EU, Japan, even Russia) have been trying to prop up India against China with all sorts of economic and military assistance. See the infographic below.
View attachment 768731
View attachment 768732

Despite all this for 20 f****** years, last time I checked India's GDP / capita is $1877, lower than a poor country like BD.
(Pajeets cope with this by showing "estimates" from Indian edited wiki pages.)

Imagine what India would be without all this support from the West and Japan to prop it up against China.

I believe at some point the West will simply give up on India once they understand the quality of the nation/people they are dealing with and come to terms with Chinese supremacy in Asia.. like they accepted PRC replacing Taiwan at the UN security council, or like they did gave up on the Afghan government, handing the country over to Talibans.
As if in 1947 you are in a different world. You are in same boat as we are.
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