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India is being ruled by a Hindu Taliban


Aug 29, 2013
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The Hindu god Vishnu has several incarnations, many of them human. The latest of these appears to be Narendra Modi. All over India there are images of the man, right arm raised in the benevolent gesture of good fortune. But this strong-but-enlightened-man image hides the frightening and shrill reality of an increasingly Modi-led Hindu dominance of India.

The country’s openness to social and religious minorities (more than 500 million people) and regional differences is at serious risk. Of late, Modi’s regime has effectively tolerated – if not encouraged – a saffron-clad army of Hindu activists who monitor and violently discipline those suspected of eating beef, disobeying caste rules or betraying the “Hindu nation”.

In the UK, people might perhaps be familiar with India’s cricket prowess, atrocities in Kashmir or the recent horrific rape cases. But beyond that, many of us choose not to know. India’s global image now mimics China’s – a rising global economic power with attractive trade and investment opportunities. As a result, business trumps human rights, with little concern, especially on the part of David Cameron’s government, for the rising wave of Hindu tyranny.

All this is good news for Prime Minister Modi, who flew into London today. He won’t be seriously called to account for human rights abuses or systematic thuggery. If there is one thing that has marked the man’s first year and a half in power it is this: he is not a man who takes kindly to scrutiny or criticism. In fact, he has used the very economic agenda that causes Britain to turn a blind eye to his regime’s human rights abuses to muzzle dissent within India.

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Protesters demonstrate against Cameron’s welcoming of Narendra Modi on Thursday
Modi’s latest move has been the strangulation of Greenpeace India, culminating last Friday with the organisation’s licence to operate being removed. Respect for human rights and environmental organisations is so often a litmus test for the democratic state of a country. Worryingly, the Indian government has been cracking down on all “foreign-funded” charities for the past year, claiming that the national economy is threatened by environmental restrictions and other “un-Indian” activities. Nine thousand NGOs have been “de-registered” in a concerted effort to force out these “nuisance” groups and cast them as foreign enemies.

Of late, many Indian journalists and human rights activists have been harassed and threatened with “sedition” charges: for example, Teesta Setalvad, who still seeks justice for the victims of communal violence in the state of Gujarat in 2002, when Modi was the state’s chief minister; and Santosh Yadav, arrested in September in the state of Chhattisgarh on what Amnesty International believes are fabricated charges resulting from his investigatory journalism exposing police brutality against Adivasis (indigenous people). A few weeks ago, even a musician who sang a satirical song criticising the chief minister and state government of Tamil Nadu over alcohol sales was charged with “anti-Indian activity”.

This alarming erosion of democracy is a slippery slope that may end up targeting not just minorities and “outsiders” but any dissenting “insiders”. What I’ve seen happening is a spirit of fear taking hold, which threatens to silence activists, artists and intellectuals alike. We’ve never known that before.

India is being ruled by a Hindu Taliban | Anish Kapoor | Comment is free | The Guardian
Never knew this guy was so stupid.
Granted intolerance has maybe increased slightly on issue of beef but comparing bjp with taliban is epitome of stupidity.

Is this guy even educated??
erosion of Indian democracy? at the hand of Modi? the same Modi that campaigned and lost in Bihar due to the combined opposition of the three strong ones? BJP under Modi losing Bihar made me as proud of India's democracy as BJP under Modi winning outright majority last year in the national elections.

Well done Indian democracy!
This is nothing new. Lax and under-researched usage of terminology is a hallmark of South Asian discourse. Notice how callously the term "Hitler" is thrown around in India -every strict person is called a Hitler. South Asians do not even bother to find out who Hitler was. Similarly, they think that anyone who is slightly authoritarian in their style of functioning is Taliban, because why bother with who the Taliban really are and what they have done? This callous throwing around of terms has plagued the sub-continent since independence, and is not about to go away.
Mullah omar of India


Taliban do public beating for having suspicion that someone committed extra -martial affairs
Hindu Taliban do public beating for doing valentine celebration and for suspicion of beef eating

intolerance, imposing your own ideology on others, converting or reverting others for God is also something which is common between these two Taliban. If one is extremist religious then others is extremist hindu nationalist
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