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India is a reckless state actor

What a poppycock this Article is?. Since it is seen through Pakistani blinkers every other state actor would look like a reckless state actor while the non-state actors from Pakistan wreak havoc in the neighboring countries and so it does not have any responsibility in reigning in them. Gimme a break.
Reaction to your comments would be similar if some one accuses pakistan of funding BJP to demolish babri to create communal rights in india.!!!;).

Its WOT terror that is hurting your and not india my dear..!!!

Is it a coincidence that Pakistan sees its first suicide bombing in its soil when arch rival India makes its prescence in Afghanistan? I think not.
A bunch of mad mullahs and gun tottering taliban have overun half the country and applied the sharia law in Swat valley,then how safe are the pakistani nukes

Mullahs and Sharia law are here to stay...and taliban has overun Swat..Swat is not even a province its a district.

Dont worry the whole world knows that Pakistani nukes were made for india and only india...the nukes are no where near Swat...because the target will never be any country near our western province, the target will be towards our east to bharat.
What about NWFP ,Balochistan and FATA

lol lol i cant help but feel sympathy for your anguish and frustration.The nukes are never going to hit us we will never give that chance.In the mean Pakistan is
going to destroy it self.Thanks to Zia you are in self-destructive mode

You need to stop watching indian news media. Who told you NWFP, FATA, and Balochistan is overrun by Taliban? Why dont you come down to these areas and see for yourself if there is any Taliban controlling these areas.

Even when you indians are causing so much trouble in our western borders with supporting BLA and Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistan is still standing and will stand forever :pakistan:
Care to elaborate what we gain from supporting those to

Some times I get the Idea we are trying to blame India for the
Mumbai attacks. We need to accept the fact its the policies of our Pakistan goverement behind these attacks and accept the responsiblity for them this time or be ready to face consequences.

What are we cowards that cant face reality, that these terrorist are inhumane and unforgivable--an offense to morality, patriotism, international law. These terrorist are moral coward, who are afraid to face the burdens of living. Anyone who commits suicide is a coward, whether or not he kills others in the bargain

I think fanaticism and terrorism is based on incredible arrogance and pride. Allah hates that, according to the tenets of Islam. People who think they are judges of mankind, allowed to abrogate divinely revealed laws (thereby allowing themselves to wage war against innocent civilians) have appointed themselves 'God', and there can hardly be a more grievious sin. But they don't see it, for their pride. Their pride blinds them.

Theres an old saying A Man kills his own dogs if they need killing and we have some dogs in Pakistan that need killing.
Had India been a reckless state, it would have attacked Pakistan, it didnt despite enormous domestic pressure. You should be grateful to India rather than criticizing it.
Regarding the Gwadar port the est was worried of chinese using it as a refueling and naval base. But that is not bound to happen as long as Pakistan survives on US aid .The US likes to have sole control over trade route and doesn't like other's to play in it so that checks the Chinese ambitions.

US didnt spend a single penny on Gwadar Port. China spent more money on Gwadar Port than Pakistan did, and also helped Pakistan built the port.

The Chinese have every right to use Gwadar Port for its own interst. Read the news, during Zardari's trip to China Zardari offered China access to Pakistan's warm waters of the Arabian Sea by offering China to use ALL of Pakistan's ports, Qasim Port, Karachi Port, and also Gwadar Port. No one, including US, can stop China from using Gwadar Port, its a joint project between the Chinese and the Pakistanis. U.S. cant stop Pakistan from offering China its warm waters of Arabian Sea.
The port is intended to serve China's threefold economic objective:

First, to integrate Pakistan into the Chinese economy by outsourcing low-tech, labor-absorbing, resource-intensive industrial production to Islamabad, which will transform Pakistan into a giant factory floor for China;
Second, to seek access to Central Asian markets for energy imports and Chinese exports by developing road networks and rail links through Afghanistan and Pakistan into Central Asia;
Third, to appease restive parts of western China, especially the Muslim-majority autonomous region of Xinjiang, through a massive infusion of development funds and increased economic links with the Central Asian Islamic nations of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

The port, by design or by default, also provides China a strategic foothold in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, although to the alarm of India and the unease of the U.S. sitting opposite the Strait of Hurmoz, through which 80% of the world's energy exports flow, the Gwadar port will enable China to monitor its energy shipments from the Persian Gulf, and offer it, in the case of any hostile interruption in such shipments, a safer alternative passage for its energy imports from Central Asia. Its presence on the Indian Ocean will further increase its strategic influence with major South Asian nations, particularly Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, which would prompt the Indians in turn to re-strengthen their Navy.

Tarique Niazi teaches Environmental Sociology at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. He specializes in Resource-based Conflicts. He may be reached via email: niazit@uwec.edu

Association for Asia Research- Gwadar: China&#039s Naval Outpost on the Indian Ocean

Not all americans have reservations about the Chinese engagment with the rest of the world,,, The USA has spent billion and billions on foreign aid with a lot of postive results, most americans are thinking let the Chinese get their feet wet, see if they have any better results.
^ Bro the Chinese spent more time, money, and energy on Gwadar Port than Pakistan did, Chinese have every right to use Gwadar Port for its own interst and it'll be in Pakistan's best interst also to have China use its ports.

India can cry all they want over China's prescence in the Arabian Sea, U.S. is not worried like the Indians are.
yeah man , India's a reckless state. It's about time we learn something from Pakistan about how to keep a nation running and stable :hitwall:

the only reason our country is unstable is because of ur country's interference and the fact that u cant stand that we're standing even after 61 years of u trying to destroy us.
the only reason our country is unstable is because of ur country's interference and the fact that u cant stand that we're standing even after 61 years of u trying to destroy us.

You just spoke my mind here!! Can't you see the irony here. We both can use the same sentence to blame each other!! :blah: :blah: :blah:

Could not help taking this dig:

"The allegation coming from people from countries where half the land area is under terrorist control, and from another country, where there are mutiny amongst their military comonents itself, towards a country which had successfully carried out democracy for 60+ years, which have just prevented a war with its neighbours inspite of having enough provocation.. It sure can only be termed as funny. :rofl:"
the only reason our country is unstable is because of ur country's interference and the fact that u cant stand that we're standing even after 61 years of u trying to destroy us.

We are the problem, not any one else,,, not India, Not USA,,,its time to face the fact we are disfunctional.......
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