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‘India is a Hindu state now — we are second-class citizens’

Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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‘India is a Hindu state now — we are second-class citizens’
A controversial new citizenship law rammed through parliament last month has prompted huge protests by Muslims — and a brutal police crackdown. Hugh Tomlinson and Saurabh Sharma, in Lucknow, report


The firebrand Hindu governor of Uttar Pradesh has sent riot police on to the streets as part of a brutal crackdown on dissentadnan abidi/Reuters
The Times, January 10 2020, 9:00am
The crowd scattered and word spread up the street in panic: “Police, police.” While protesters scrambled to flee over the rooftops of the block in old Lucknow, dozens of officers burst in below, raining blows on women and children. The Muslim families cowered from their attackers.

“Take her veil off, check if she’s a man,” one officer yelled, pointing to Salma Hussain, 29, who wept as she recalled the humiliation. The women were groped and officers commented on their breasts as they beat them.

“One man put a gun to my head,” said Tabasum Raza, 26. “He said: ‘Tell me where the men are hiding or I’ll shoot you.’”


Tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets across India to show their opposition to the citizenship act, forced through parliament in DecemberGetty Images
Some officers tried to stop their colleagues from looting but the mob was out of control.…

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‘India is a Hindu state now — we are second-class citizens’

Totally incorrect and wrong.

India was, since 1947, a "soft" Hindu state, with Muslims, being it's Second Class citizens, ever since.

Now, BJP is trying to convert it into a "hard" Hindu state, with Muslims to be further degraded to a level of Third Class citizens.

That is the reality of the situation.
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1. India had Muslim Presidents, Intelligence Chiefs, Missile Scientists, Billionares... With No chance of having these for Hindus in Pakistan, what is the audacity for pakistanis to discuss about Muslims in India, when Hindus are far far worse reduced to 1% from muxh higher than 47 ?

2. CAA didnt add Srilanka which could have beniffited our Hindus... Why ?

3. India is a Hindu Majority state, coz it was decised by none other than Sir Jinnah. It was for the betterment if Muslims.

While Indians ( Hinu + Muslims ), Bangladeshi Muslims did much much better pakistan is still knocking the doors of IMF. And no, its not a situation fr a few years...it has been 13 times in past 40 years...! The Point is, even with partition what has gone wrong with muslims in Pakistan ?
CAA applies only to minorities of Af,Pak and Bangladesh.

The intolerance gang has misused the emotions of gullible and emotional Indian Muslims to shine their agenda.

And it IGNORES hindus of Srilanka in the process.
There is a solid reason why.

Your typical Saffron bandit emboldened under Modification of India.

Indiria Gandhi was not from RSS. Yet she was the one who split Pakistan. So when it co.es to dangers from outside, Congress or Saffron Bandits aka BJP make no difference.
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