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India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

Are you speaking about India, with its few hundred families outright rich and the rest living in utter poverty, and who failed its nuclear test that fizzled?

Do Pakistanis even have a right to criticize India any more?? Or maybe you're from the minority who is well off here and thinks entire Pakistan is more well off than India. It's not the 1970's anymore when India was our poor elder brother and we were the thriving, hard working state based on Iqbal's ideals of a Muslim Ubermensch. People are finding it harder to live in Pakistan on a day to day basis, I have many middle class friends from India and the difference between Pak and India is that middle class people in India are living a decent life whereas the almost non-existent middle class people from Pakistan are in danger of drowning in poverty.
The largest Muslim country is Indonesia home to 12.7% of the world's Muslims followed by Pakistan (11.0%), India (10.9%), and Bangladesh (9.2%). About 20% of Muslims live in Arab countries !

So India is not far behind pakistan or Indonesia in Muslim population !

It doesn't make it a Muslim state, does it?
It doesn't make it a Muslim state, does it?

loll ur talking as if india is dying to be a part of muslim ummah. :rofl:
ppl like u are the reaosn why pakistan today is rendered as a rogue nation. u guys make relations on the basis of religion not interests. ur wish? i hope u live a great life. anyways ur govt has surrendered to us that u cant produce enough electricity for ur nation, so we r supplying for u. a kind deed of friend india.
religion is for fools if you ask me.... we are not friends with any religion rather we are friends with those who can help us and in return we will help them.

there is no religion of god, religion was created by man

Why don't you try to help yourselves first, than you can help others.
Oh , but I forgot Israel is helping you.

there is no religion of god, religion was created by man
words of ignorance!

The best scholars and scientists of the world believe in the existence of a supreme being, or supreme intelligence based on scientific facts, but religion as such has been used by ignorant men in all ages to wage wars and discontent between people, it is rather a way of life to be in harmony with the creator and its creations.
I am obviously talking about Islam or the surrender to the will of god like everything else in nature from the smallest part to the biggest. No one can do anything about it, but to abide by the immutable laws of nature, hence the supremacy of Islam.
In relation to Muslim children in India

A Muslim child attends school for three years and four months, compared to the national average of four years. Less than two percent of the students at the elite Indian Institutes of Technology comprise of the Muslim community. According to the National Knowledge Commission member Jayathi Ghosh, ‘there is a need to re-orient official strategies for ensuring better access of Muslim children to schooling outside the madrasas which cater to only four per cent of children from the community.

Your Claims are absoultely bakwass , had that been true than indian muslims would not have been more educated than pk muslims in terms of literacy rate .

Educational facilities are alloted to all irresperct to any religion or community and that too free if u are educated in govt schools.

but govt cannot force the parents who do not want to educate their children
Every time Indian Hindu's hear a hint about Muslim unity, they get irritated and start making statements that there cannot be anything like that etc. etc. I cannot blame them, after all they got beat up by the Muslim world for many centuries.

This is a good thread, it exposes Indian Hindu's hatred for Muslims and Islam, which they want to hide with their Big Lies and deception.

Everyone does business and trade with everyone else, even with sworn enemies. So I am not against business, trade and commerce, sometimes its unavoidable. But any country or people that want to build military and strategic alliance with majority Hindu India, it will affect their relationship with South Asian Muslims.

And when doing business with India, we, the Muslims of the world, need to help Indian Muslims as much as possible, by including them in the business, with employment and partnerships.

And here in PDF, we got a whole bunch of lying and deceiving false flagger Indians, using other country flags. Many of these people are probably resident in that country or spent significant times there so they know the language and enough inside info on that country. But for all practical purposes these expat Indians are rooting for India and we should treat them as such, Indians. Another example of how Indian Hindu's operate.

When we see the state of bangladesh and pakistan we are 1 million times thankful to ALLAH for giving is birth in india, your hate ideologies of anti india/hindu will never do any good for you neither your youth. your own people cannot provide basic facilites and employemtin your own country at least we have our own peace of land and every thing which a normal citizen of india should have ..... stop being a hypocrate , there are many (bangla bandus from your country) living in india and working under indian muslims/hindus and i spoke got a chance to speak to few of them they admit that they are more than slaves in their own country .......
No one can do anything about it, but to abide by the immutable laws of nature, hence the supremacy of Islam.

You perhaps don't realize but these two are absolutely not compatible.

In Islam Allah has absolutely free will and is not bound by any laws.

This was the reason why Islamic society turned against free thought and scientific inquiry pretty soon.
India is neither a friend of muslim world nor a foe.India is a business man !

India care of it's interests, on one side we have conflicting interests with pakistan ,

but we have converging interests with both Iran and saudi arabia.
Why don't you try to help yourselves first, than you can help others.
Oh , but I forgot Israel is helping you.

words of ignorance!

don't vent your frustration of jews on me and wtf is the bold part supposed to mean?

and if they're words of ignorance how come you have not contradicted me on it????? its true religion was created by man not god 2000 years ago any idiot could claim he had a vision from god and people would listen now a days if someone says they had a vision from god they would be classified as mentally insane or a heretic this is not my opinion its facts
You perhaps don't realize but these two are absolutely not compatible.

In Islam Allah has absolutely free will and is not bound by any laws.

This was the reason why Islamic society turned against free thought and scientific inquiry pretty soon.

But the laws are his since he sat them in the first place, so you are really incompatible with reality and science.

don't vent your frustration of jews on me and wtf is the bold part supposed to mean?

and if they're words of ignorance how come you have not contradicted me on it????? its true religion was created by man not god 2000 years ago any idiot could claim he had a vision from god and people would listen now a days if someone says they had a vision from god they would be classified as mentally insane or a heretic this is not my opinion its facts

That is exactly what happened to most prophets than, but the facts proved otherwise in many cases. they just preached the way to god.
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