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India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Since India officially holds good relations with most islamic States, but in many forums on the Internet, the views(people who can read and Wright !!!) are very negative and point to some outright animosity on the part of the same people(Hindus) towards Islam in general.

Our governments are dealing with India economically at least, it seems that there is nothing from India that we can not produce, make or import from others.
There was this very long history of trade between Muslim nations and India in the past, but animosity, siding with the enemies and all what it implicates will surely kill this relationship in the future.
Am I still optimistic about this relationship, despite distortion of historical facts, insults, insinuations, hatred, violence, arrogance and too much negativities to name here... not really.
In normal circumstances no one (Pakistan is a good example of this state of matters) will take an individual or entity of this nature as a friend a companion or even a circumstantial acquaintance, the only way is if one is forced to, but then by whom!
I would however like to know any positive thoughts on this subject.
Friend? Foe?

India missed being a prt of OIC by a whisker. Yes Pakistan has so far been successful in keeping India out of the OIC but as the world's third largest Muslim population country, India deserves to be a part of the OIC.

...and I'm not sure for how long Pakistan will be able to keep us from the OIC given the increasing economic stature India is acquiring with time?
The problem arises when u demand either u r with us or against us, we cannot be against or for a country based on religion.
Hindu baniya (as believed by some pakistani) look for only own profit.

And this is true. India don't do lobbying. india is non alligned country. India has good relation with muslims sme time there arch-rival jew.

India enjoy good business with communist, same time good business with capitalist.

Our Indian culture is flexible and mature. We Indian race are not emotional fool.

note: indian race means, hindus and converted hindus along with indian jews.
Good and bad people are in every country but this becomes cruelty when top officials and government are involved with the bad people of the country. Hindu Muslims riots in 2002 in which Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi deliberately allowed anti-Muslim riots in the state.
over two thousand innocent Muslims were killed and the houses of about 100,000 Muslims were destroyed, rendering them homeless.
BBC News - Narendra Modi 'allowed' Gujarat 2002 anti-Muslim riots
Gujarat Riots 2002: Indian-American Muslims mourn victims, demand justice | TwoCircles.net
Hindus found guilty over deadly 2002 Indian riots | IndianMuslimObserver.com
Mastermind of 2002 anti-Muslim riots in India is APCO's client too

ISo India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world
Everybody knows and very easy answer. Isn't this??
its truth buddy ...if you dont understand then its not our prob..

That is being discussed throughly in other threads with more than guts, so keep on topic, if you can not than it is your problem of concentration.
India looks to it's benefit :-)tup:) so is a friend of those that do not oppose it, despite who it may be.

However in the long run, an enemy.
2nd most muslim population in the world is in India...and they are still asking friend or foe... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lazy:
There are no "Friends" in International Politics just INTERESTS.

$$$$ talks end of story.

India missed being a prt of OIC by a whisker....
...and I'm not sure for how long Pakistan will be able to keep us from the OIC given the increasing economic stature India is acquiring with time?
btw isn't India a Multi-Secular country? Why do they want to join OIC? (Just because?)
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