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India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

Actually even Hindus and Christians are not united on religious basis but ethnic/civilizational/national basis.

Hindus are mostly concentrated in India and share a thousands year old civilization, Western Christians are united by the Greco-Roman civilization and Christian values.

European or American Christians don't feel the same connection to an African or Asian Christian as to a Western one (even a Western non Christian). Doesn't even need saying.

Muslims share no such civilizational bond. They are disparate people with disparate histories and come from disparate backgrounds.

That is, the strength of Islam, culturally, religiously, economically and militarily is found in its cultural diversity.

Islam was born in the midst of the oldest civilisations known to mankind; The Egyptian civilisation to the west, The mesopotamian one to the east and the Hindus valley civilisation to the south and all of them became Muslims.
The Hindu civilisation you are bragging about originated in the Hindus valley witch is modern day southern Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
We heard they were missing inside Bangladesh and India!
Any evidence of the bodies or body counts?
Muslim Nations have many foes my friend, be it the Christians, the Jews, some Hindus and many other atheists, they just couldn't understand that Islam is all about peace and quiet within ones self and with the others.
let me tell you this little story of the beginning of Islam where the first followers of the prophet Mohammad PBUH were slaughtered and most of them were killed while not carrying any weapons, and the prophet himself was attacked and a bounty was offered to his potential killers, he than had to hide in the desert, and the remaining of his followers started asking him to carry weapons and defend him, but he waited till it was dictated to him by God that He and his followers were under obligation to defend themselves and also the laws of warfare prescribed to Muslims: when an enemy wages war against you, than you wage war on him( you spare the kids, the elderly and women) and when you win you are obliged to be merciful to treat them with dignity and spare their lives. This is Islam at its extreme violent point.
I can not say this on any other one.
That is, the strength of Islam, culturally, religiously, economically and militarily is found in its cultural diversity.

There is no Ummah practically. Just individual nations.

Islam was born in the midst of the oldest civilisations known to mankind; The Egyptian civilisation to the west, The mesopotamian one to the east and the Hindus valley civilisation to the south and all of them became Muslims.

Islam has nothing to do with any of those civilizations.

People "became Muslims" through a process better not discussed here.

The Hindu civilisation you are bragging about originated in the Hindus valley witch is modern day southern Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

And see how it has been wiped out from those areas!
How can you implement strategies without using tactics? Please elaborate.

Sometimes we ignore the facts and try to perform as per our abilities, not as per the requirement. We generally ignore the bottom line facts and have strategies based on what we view from our own side, but the things work on ground in a very different way. And then whatever tactics we use, don’t work in the right direction as the strategy isn’t prepared considering what the client is looking for.

It was the time in 2007 when I joined a media sized local Industrial pump manufacturing company in Perth, MTP, as Project Estimator and there we 3 engineering professionals who prepared over $8mil project but the client went for the lowest prized products, most of them where from the chinese suppliers. There our boss said that we ignored the fact that in over 95% cases, price is the main criterion to measure ‘quality’. It is said in common business environment, 15% price difference is enough to lose a project no matter how efficient and reliable brand products you have. Clients generally look for the products which may do the work for 5-6 years and if they may get the expected profit then they may be in a better position to again buy new equipments but if they can’t make the certain profit out of their initial investment, the business is simply not feasible.

we were given the lesson that whatever tactics we used was a waste as the strategy prepared wasn’t in the right direction, considering what the client needs. If someone wants the cheapest and you don’t have then buy the same from chinese suppliers and sell. But yes we had ALCOA, BHP, Rio Tinto type customers who look for the good brands equipment but still 15% price difference is enough to lose the business to the competitors.

I saw a good line in the signature of LH, which everyone knows it but very few implement on the work place environment. And even if we have got experience, we still repeat the same mistakes, until if we fix few things in mind. he also looked like keeping it in his signature all the time :lol:
Islam is the Ummah, it is like if you are saying there is no Islam, please correct you thought process.
You are lacking a lot of knowledge about that area, it shows in your answers.
Those are western and modified -exagerated to the extreme- Indian claims , it was discussed in this thread before with links and conclusions.
The Hindus valley civilisation is not Hinduism witch is an amalgam of different concepts of religions from that area; from ancient Egypt to Mesopotamia than to the Hindus valley, when the truth came with Islam again , falsehood was pushed back from where it it came and it was not from the Hindus valley.
Sometimes we ignore the facts and try to perform as per our abilities, not as per the requirement. We generally ignore the bottom line facts and have strategies based on what we view from our own side, but the things work on ground in a very different way. And then whatever tactics we use, don’t work in the right direction as the strategy isn’t prepared considering what the client is looking for.

It was the time in 2007 when I joined a media sized local Industrial pump manufacturing company in Perth, MTP, as Project Estimator and there we 3 engineering professionals who prepared over $8mil project but the client went for the lowest prized products, most of them where from the chinese suppliers. There our boss said that we ignored the fact that in over 95% cases, price is the main criterion to measure ‘quality’. It is said in common business environment, 15% price difference is enough to lose a project no matter how efficient and reliable brand products you have. Clients generally look for the products which may do the work for 5-6 years and if they may get the expected profit then they may be in a better position to again buy new equipments but if they can’t make the certain profit out of their initial investment, the business is simply not feasible.

we were given the lesson that whatever tactics we used was a waste as the strategy prepared wasn’t in the right direction, considering what the client needs. If someone wants the cheapest and you don’t have then buy the same from chinese suppliers and sell. But yes we had ALCOA, BHP, Rio Tinto type customers who look for the good brands equipment but still 15% price difference is enough to lose the business to the competitors.

I saw a good line in the signature of LH, which everyone knows it but very few implement on the work place environment. And even if we have got experience, we still repeat the same mistakes, until if we fix few things in mind. he also looked like keeping it in his signature all the time :lol:

I agree with you in the case of business, it is certainly an uncertain world, but I was thinking in a broader sense.

you do not sound like a liberal Canadian, but a fanatic islamic comidean.

Truth hurts you badly!
At present , the only muslim countries which may prefer Pakistan to India are Turkey, Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia..

other countries don't give a damn about Pakistan's opinion when comes to its relationship with India..

its funny to see how these Pakistanis speaking for the whole so-called muslim ummah..:lol:

Sir one more thing, if you look on the countries like SA, Turkey then these are the countries who favor Israel more than Iran. therefore, there is no meaning of having friendship with those countries who are controlled by US, even if their newspapers/ media are heavily anti US, as per what we read from the newspapers of these 2 countries. If you have friendship with US then SA/ Turkey are your natural friends otherwise they will finally kick your a$$ whenever US will order them :wave:.

I even find, as per my experience, the Pakistan’s rulers are more likely to stand on their words in open politics but not the SA/ Turkey type countries :no:. Pakistani rulers do have strengths to openly criticize US but rulers of Arabs are simply cowards. Neither their people like US nor their newspapers say any good for West, only Arab rulers are always found loyal to US :lol:. Iran also has second largest gas reserve and among top 3 oil reserve countries but they aren’t slave of West. Money is not everything, if you know your people want money but self respect first. And after loosing a level of respect, how it matters whether Saudi are two times richer than Iran? :confused:
I sussed out the kid a long way back in this and another thread.

It was a waste of effort frankly. Moments of my life never to be retrieved.

Rub hard and the veneer cracks.

And what's below is not particularly attractive.

Everyone saw that it is you, you are talking about.
Sorry to have ill treated you that badly, that you sound like someone who has been beaten up on the streets of knowledge.
I don't think India had killed 3000000 Bengali Muslims in Bangladesh in 1971. Someone doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to identify who is the foe of Muslim Nations.

Pritam it was actually Bangladeshi Hindus who had mostly borne the brute of Pakistani onslaught athough many Bangla Muslim intellgistia were also killed. This is very well proved by the fact that of 10 million people ,90% people who fled to India were Hindus. Hindu women were raped infront on their families by PA. Muslim were largely sparred by Pakistan in Bangladesh that's the reason Bangladesh still has warm feeling about Pakistan. Go to Bangladesh Defence section is you got any doubts.
Everyone saw that is you, you are talking about.
Sorry to have ill treated you that badly, that you sound like someone who has been beaten up on the streets of knowledge.

I'm simply being honest. I erroneously expected more. And your discourse disappointed me - both in content and articulation.

To say I've come across better right here would be an understatement of epic proportion.

We each are sent down to Earth with a pre-determined quota of time. You will excuse me if I decide not to spend more of it on you.
They love muslims so much. They showed there love with muslims in kashmir wow awesome!!!!!!
After suffering from the rule of Muslims, it's quite obvious to guess how they feel.
I'm simply being honest. I erroneously expected more. And your discourse disappointed me - both in content and articulation.

To say I've come across better right here would be an understatement of epic proportion.

We each are sent down to Earth with a pre-determined quota of time. You will excuse me if I decide not to spend more of it on you.

You mouth shows how articulate you are.
you are still trolling!
You are excused to leave the conversation.
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