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India is a failed State (645 Million below poverty line)

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I thought Pakistanis dont read TOI?

ie. quality is not good
LOL..... no one needs your name...try and deal with your complex and very utter failing situation in your country.......and yeah donot forget to type LIFE on google ............
Hey shut up....India is a "super power" :rofl:

Don't post crap...If bhartis become angry then they will unleash their "Cold-Start" on Pakistan..so worry about your a$$,Ok. :rofl::lol:
India faces a lot of challenges and would remain a developing country for at least next 20 to 30 years , poverty is one of them. Lets hope India succeeds in providing its poor with a better life !

Poverty rate declines to 32%

NEW DELHI: The latest data of the Planning Commission indicates that poverty has declined to 32 per cent in 2009-10 from 37.2 per cent five years ago.

The preliminary estimates are based on the formula suggested by the Tendulkar Committee for computing the number of poor.

Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia on Wednesday told reporters that the 2009-10 data shows a decline in poverty from 37.2 per cent in 2004-05 to 32 per cent in 2009-10 as the per the preliminary data worked out by the Planning Commission member Abhijit Sen.

The Tendulkar Committee had suggested that poverty be estimated on the basis of consumption based on the cost of living index instead of caloric intake. It said that the basket of goods should also include services such as health and education. The new poverty line, as suggested by the Tendulkar Committee, is different for rich and poor States, and for rural and urban areas within a State. “These are preliminary data. Mr. Sen has worked on them. He has reported that the 2009-10 data shows a decline in poverty from 37.2 per cent in 2004 to 32 per cent in 2009. I agree with him,” Dr. Ahluwalia said.

He said the National Sample Survey, which conducts large sample surveys every five years, will launch its next round in 2011-12. Estimates of poverty are important because the cheap grains under the proposed Food Security law will be provided based on these numbers.

Dr. Ahluwalia also raised doubts over the feasibility of achieving 10 per cent average economic expansion in the 12th Plan (2012-17), and said the next plan would target GDP growth of 9 to 9.5 per cent in the next five years. “I think the target of 10 per cent GDP growth as an average for [the] 12th Plan is not feasible. It would be somewhere between 9 and 9.5 in the next Plan period,” he said.

“Our assessment is that the international situation is full of uncertainty. I feel that if we are looking at a five-year period (2012-17), we can do much better than we did in the 11th Plan. I don't think that there should be much difficulty setting a target of 9 per cent,” he said.

A major area of focus would be on increasing agricultural productivity. “In the 10th Plan, agricultural growth was around 2 per cent; in the 11th Plan, it looks as if it will be 3 per cent. It won't be 4 per cent that we had targeted. My view would be that in the 12th Plan we must make sure that we can get to 4 per cent,” Dr. Ahluwalia said.

The Hindu : National : Poverty rate declines to 32%

We have a long way to go but we don't live in a paranoia where in, It's OK to live a pathetic life until and unless if it's less pathetic than our enemy.

I think you forgot to change your calender and still living in 2010. FYI this article was published on Date:21/04/2011.
we wont see this thread tomorrow, probably``
Once upon a time the world looked down upon china like that but today China is dictating economic terms to world super powers.
Its better we look into our own shattered condition rather than looking down on indians..the indians had much more challenge than us being a large and poorest country but looks like they are faring well than Pakistan which is natrualy blessed with resources and trade routes.
couble of my buddies went on a vacation to india a while back. when they came back they by far have said it was the worst place they have ever traveled to. there were homeless people everywhere who looked like they have not taken a bath since they were born. and this was in india's capital of all places. just try to imagine the rest of places.
it is still an improvement considering that
in 2004 , the number was 830 million

well there are different measures of powerty

one which include food , healthcare and education
second which basically classify poor as those earning less than 1.25 USD a day
Third is minimum calori intake

rate of poverty will fluctuate quite wildly according to different methods
Once upon a time the world looked down upon china like that but today China is dictating economic terms to world super powers.
Its better we look into our own shattered condition rather than looking down on indians..the indians had much more challenge than us being a large and poorest country but looks like they are faring well than Pakistan which is natrualy blessed with resources and trade routes.

You'll believe that if you haven't seen Pakistan or India and just read western media.

Reality is India and Pakistan are currently not hugely different. Pakistan is better in some senses like infrastructure and general hygiene.

The standard of living between the two is not too different. Post war, Pakistan will most likely grow faster than India.
couble of my buddies went on a vacation to india a while back. when they came back they by far have said it was the worst place they have ever traveled to. there were homeless people everywhere who looked like they have not taken a bath since they were born. and this was in india's capital of all places. just try to imagine the rest of places.

There is Nothing to Imagine, We are Poor, and your president Asks for these poor Indians to Provide you Jobs, Something Fishy?? And Your President also is not happy with the Scientific Achievements Happening in India as was said By Him recently.... So the question for you is, are your friends delusional or is your president?
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