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India Invites applications for Citizenship from Non Muslim Refugees

One has to be an absolute moron to come to India now - hindu or not.
I have not heard any Muslim from India moving to Pakistan

bcos you former PM Indra Gandoo thankfully shot dead by Sikh freedom fighters banned all migration of muslims to Pakistan in the 1970s..
One has to be an absolute moron to come to India to India now - hindu or not.

no we want all afgoons to go to india catch the indian covid and live happily every after
Pakistan will not mind 5 million Pakistani hindus migrating to India.
But but but the trillions of taxes and the good publicity they give us in Western media will be dearly missed :‘-(. And what about the 90% Hindus in the Pakistani army???

Seriously every Hindu should have the right to go from Pakistan to India, but please never come back!
If any Bangladeshi Hindus feel persecuted they can reach out to the relevant authorities for protection... mind you, any flare up in religious tensions is due to incidents that take place in India, mostly relating to lynchings and the sort.

I have never heard of a Hindu being lynched in BD... so try harder.

and If said BD hindus still aren't satisfied with Gov Response then they're free to do as they please, including but not limited to leaving for India.

BUT in 5 years time when they come running back, we won't accept them.

Hindus are an integral part of Bangladesh.

India loving Hindus are not and are in fact, security risks and fifth columnists.

Anti-state activities will not be tolerated, secularism isn't a get out of jail free card.

As for Indian Muslims, I could care less, they chose in 47, now they pay due penance.
We will ask that question in the questionnaire in our detention camps.

Maybe than we will finally have an answer....My guess is to spread terrorist activities,smuggling,human trafficking & prostitution.

If not we will be helping out Bangladesh by throwing its citizens back to their swamp.:lol:

With a GDP/capita less than BD's your entire country is a detention camp. Lol.

You become prostitutes and trafficked because you're poor.

Try throwing yourselves into BD. If you survive the border crossing I can get you a sweeper post. :lol:
As for Indian Muslims, I could care less, they chose in 47, now they pay due penance.
Why this brother? Most people at that time never left their villages and you expect all of them to go West or East? Not everybody could afford it or had the foresight to see what will happen.

But yes, BD and Pak cannot afford to take on 22-24 core new people. There is no space and no infrastructure for them. But we should be sympathetic to our brothers and sisters. Islam is not a nationality! I have more in common with a Bangladeshi Muslim like you than with a Hindu Kashmiri.
The Muslims who stayed in India understood and accepted what life offered to them in Hibdustan. It was their choice. The first constitution copy was full of Ramayan Pictures. They accepted it. Secularism was introduced in Constitution in India in 1976 and in 2024 it will get removed to put it back to 1947 position. Indian citizebship to only who has allegiance to Indian Constitution and laws .

If you read the Op and understood CAA, it is to save non musmilms persecuted in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. You are free to have same laws in your country for persecuted Muslims.

I have not heard any Muslim from India moving to Pakistan but ample hindus/ sikhs have moved to India ...from Pakistan.
What does it say?
Don't care what it says...don't care if India is heaven. If non Muslims of India's neighbors wanna leave and go to India at India's invitation...that's their choice...again I don't care.

What I do care about...and why I replied to u...is u freelancing Pakistan as the land for the subcontinent's Muslims(including Indian Muslims). Pakistan is for Pakistanis and that's that. It is not urs to hand out...to the subcontinent's Muslims...get that through ur head.

P.S. I didn't really care to fact check whatever it is u r stating about Indian constitution...but it sounds like some "WhatsApp University" crap.
Why this brother? Most people at that time never left their villages and you expect all of them to go West or East? Not everybody could afford it or had the foresight to see what will happen.

But yes, BD and Pak cannot afford to take on 22-24 core new people. There is no space and no infrastructure for them. But we should be sympathetic to our brothers and sisters. Islam is not a nationality! I have more in common with a Bangladeshi Muslim like you than with a Hindu Kashmiri.

Because as astonishing as it may be... hang on let me preface this... I have know over thousands of Indians growing up... there have been good people, there have been bad people...

But in school being Bangladeshi was always the subject of much mockery and disdain (up until my high school years when I started putting them in their place), I'm not lying when I tell you 80% of the time, It was an Indian muslim who'd pick on me and other Bangladesh and or Pakistanis.

They even called us slurs like "Atanki" "Taleban" and so on, whilst being muslims themselves...

I have over the years figured out why this is so... It's simple... in a need to prove themselves as "Patriotic Indians" they feel this need to be the first one to distance themselves from us and not just that but to malign us as well..

You will see this tendency in them... Wherever you go, Just have a dip in Facebook comments,.. So called Indian muslims jumping the gun and bashing Islam to much appreciation from non muslim Indians.. more often than not these posts are related to Pakistan btw.

Of all the Indians I've known.. I've found Indian Muslims to be the least friendly.. often confrontational to prove their Indianess infront of other Indians by selling their faith short.

Perhaps, I will change my outlook in the future but people who have so much love for a state that is actively trying to wipe them out.. all while bashing the rest of who are trying to help them... no, these sorts won't be getting any respect from me.

As with all Human beings, regardless of faith, I wish them good health but I hope none of them seek refuge in my country, the one they hate so much, when the going gets though.

I hate hypocrite scum.
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