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India inching close towards Hindu-Muslim war. We need to stop the hate

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I agree with what Naseeruddin Shah said ( "Muslims should stop feeling persecuted" ) even in these difficult times.

Muslims in India should throw their weight behind progressive movements like AAP and behind progressives like Kanhaiya Kumar, Shehla Rashid and Umar Khalid.

From the comments screenshot I liked the comment of Sadique.

By the way, there is the commentor Kathin Singh in that screenshot and there is a PDF member @Kathin_Singh . Such coincidence about such an unusual name
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Hindu' need to take their country back, Lots of mosques are built on destroyed Temples .. but again Indian Muslims are ***** they have no spine to stand against the RSS goons and their rights . They will keep getting lynched for eating or carrying meat and eventually they will stop everything that offend their masters (Hindus) , Thank God For Jinnah and his Visionary leadership who foresaw this treatment of Muslims under Hindu raaj .
Its time to wake up to Jinnahs message

Hindus are your enemies

Either prepare to defend yourselves or see your people raped and killed

The fact of the case is that we, Pakistanis, are in no condition to suggest, conclusively, what is politically best for the Indian Muslims; since we are not as aware of their circumstances, as they themselves are. It is they, who have to chalk out a strategy, which suits there collective interests.
Many Pakistani trolls on social media are pretending to be Muslim Indians and inciting Muslims and Hindus. If you ask how do I know this? Indians don't spell words like Pakistanis. And their gau urine insults and prophecies of ghazwa e hind are a dead give away.

Burning your neighbour's home isn't such a bright idea.
It is our business to talk about indian muslims. Two nation theory still proved right. Pakistan will always raise voice for muslims of subcontinent. Dont u see arabs raising voice for other arabs, Turkey raising voice for turkic muslims around world, similarly Pakistan will raise voice for subcontinent muslims.
We r not the ones burning anyone's home. Blaming is easy. In india its extremist hindus who cant digest fact that muslims ruled india for a thousand years, n take out their anger on indian muslims.
Only option is to unite with sikhs and demand another independent state. Hindus have just started, they will get worse and worse. Muslims wont be even able to save their daughters from hindu mobs. Its time to start thinking.
When India disintegrates. BD and Pak should expand into India. BD should take over NE and Eastern India. Arunachal Pradesh should merge with China. In between BD and Pak, the Arya Bharat should be formed. I wont like to share border with Pak. In South, Dravidian India should be formed.
When India disintegrates. BD and Pak should expand into India. BD should take over NE and Eastern India. Arunachal Pradesh should merge with China. In between BD and Pak, the Arya Bharat should be formed. I wont like to share border with Pak. In South, Dravidian India should be formed.
Don't bite the hand that feeds, my little Bangladeshi friend.
Muslim Indians are distinct from Bangladeshis and we won't don't support your evil designs

It is our business to talk about indian muslims. Two nation theory still proved right. Pakistan will always raise voice for muslims of subcontinent. Dont u see arabs raising voice for other arabs, Turkey raising voice for turkic muslims around world, similarly Pakistan will raise voice for subcontinent muslims.
We r not the ones burning anyone's home. Blaming is easy. In india its extremist hindus who cant digest fact that muslims ruled india for a thousand years, n take out their anger on indian muslims.
Only option is to unite with sikhs and demand another independent state. Hindus have just started, they will get worse and worse. Muslims wont be even able to save their daughters from hindu mobs. Its time to start thinking.
I have seen pdf pakistani Muslim particularly - pathans and Punjabis bragging about they are racially superior to Indian Muslims. So I am not sure you are correct.
Don't bite the hand that feeds, my little Bangladeshi friend.
Muslim Indians are distinct from Bangladeshis and we won't don't support your evil designs

Indian Muslims can migrate to new Pakistan or Dravidian India. New BD, borders should connect with 100% non Muslim countries.
Pakistan should always be ready to give 'moral support' to oppressed indian minorities, in case the civil strife in india becomes messy :)

Hopefully our idaarays have detailed and well-hatched out plans for this eventuality.
I ve met these"muslims". I ve more respect for a hindu Indian.
Don't bite the hand that feeds, my little Bangladeshi friend.
Muslim Indians are distinct from Bangladeshis and we won't don't support your evil designs

I have seen pdf pakistani Muslim particularly - pathans and Punjabis bragging about they are racially superior to Indian Muslims. So I am not sure you are correct.

What hand is he biting? That term of expression implies that he is a dog and your Vedic country is the master.. Have some shame. You call yourself a muslim and say things like this?

I find it troubling you are able to extrapolate your findings to all Pathans and punjabis. Do not incite race here, this is not an Indian centric forum. Why do you join this forum and talk shit to Bangladeshis and Pakistanis if you are so happy with India then start an Indian muslim form and you can do population statistics there.
Agreed with you mate, even here in UK Indian muslims, mostly Gujarati origin love India, and they pretend that every thing is fine, while we all know the reality, so far as Pakistani's are concerned its not our problem let them sort it out themselves.
No problem..soon they will also be crying but until then we don't need to worry about them. Just keep our eyes open & monitor the situation.
Don't bite the hand that feeds, my little Bangladeshi friend.
Muslim Indians are distinct from Bangladeshis and we won't don't support your evil designs

I have seen pdf pakistani Muslim particularly - pathans and Punjabis bragging about they are racially superior to Indian Muslims. So I am not sure you are correct.

Since population is huge, there will be alot of idiots. What i am saying is based on ideology and the way it looks to majority. Discussion abt racial superiority even happens within Pakistan and within india and every country. This should not hide the main fact that its getting harder for indian muslims to survive. You cant even do qurbani of a cow. In the end we all are muslims of subcontinent.
Good, let them fight each other. indian Muslims are no better then indian hindus

All I see on social media is both Muslims and Hindus thirsty for each other blood. Sold out News channel talk 24/7 only about Hindu Muslim issues. They invite communal politicians and sold out religious leaders to poison the atmosphere of the country.

I was reading a very good article on Muslim issues in Modi's India. I was shocked to read the comments. Even such a nice article has hate filled comments. It's a nice article you should read it.

I will post pictures of the comments.




I want to say this to Hinduwadi, that Muslims belong in India. Trying to make Muslims 2nd class citizens won't work. or trying to expel nearly 30 crore muslims is not even possible in wildest dream. Let's not make our country worse than Syria.

To fellow Muslims, I would suggest to stop playing in the hands of Hinduwadis by replying to hate with hate. It will only benefit Hinduwadis who want to potray Muslims as violent extremists.

Let's not create a civil war in India. Only Pakistan and Bangladesh will benefit from these. As they will expand into India's territory taking advantage of internal instability.

From anti Pakistan to now anti Islam.
Can you even stop your Indian peers insulting your religion and your religious ideology and religious figures. They are committing blasphemy right left and center and you Muslims by name can do nothing about it.
@Riyaz Syed

At a fundamental level, there has to be a raproachment between muslims and Hindus. This constant friction cannot go on. The senior religious people have got to get behind this and end this hatred. We would all be better of for it.
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