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India: Hope new Pakistan govt will work for terror-free South Asia

Rather, you lost over 60%, given the fact that you initiated the aggression in the "Princely state of Jammu and Kashmir". Indian just joined the party weeks later. :p:

No, the ruler intended to join Hindustan (hence why he tried to shift the population balance from Muslim to Kafir majority), so it was you who lost land where as we gained it.

india was yours you ran away

No, we lost it when Ahmed Shah Durrani died. After that, Muslims stopped completely dominating the region.
India: Hope new Pakistan govt will work for terror-free South Asia
Reuters, New Delhi
  • Published at 06:19 pm July 29th, 2018

Supporters of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) celebrate in a road as early count showed the party leading in the results of the general election in Karachi, Pakistan on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 Reuters
India and Pakistan have fought three wars since their independence in 1947

India on Saturday said it hoped the new government of Pakistan would "work constructively" to end militancy in South Asia, in its first comments following this week's general election in Pakistan.

Cricket star-turned-politician Imran Khan, who won the disputed election, has called for better ties with India.

"We hope that the new government of Pakistan will work constructively to build a safe, stable, secure and developed South Asia free of terror and violence," India's foreign affairs ministry said in a statement.

India accuses Pakistan of backing several anti-India militant groups and helping them to infiltrate the divided Kashmir region to stoke violence. Pakistan denies the charge.

On Thursday, as he declared victory in the election, Khan said India and Pakistan should resolve the Kashmir dispute through talks.

India and Pakistan have fought three wars since their independence in 1947, two of them over Kashmir, which they both claim in full but rule in part. Clashes between their forces in Kashmir largely stopped after a 2003 ceasefire but exchanges of fire have been more common in more recent years.

India's foreign affairs ministry did not directly comment on Khan's call for talks, but said it welcomed that "the people of Pakistan have reposed their faith in democracy through general elections."

"India desires a prosperous and progressive Pakistan at peace with its neighbours," the statement said.

On Saturday Khan opened coalition talks with at least one smaller party and independent politicians, a spokesman said, after the announcement of the full results of the election.

And we are also hoping that you guys get ride from your PM(Genocide King)
No, we lost it when Ahmed Shah Durrani died. After that, Muslims stopped completely dominating the region.

you people are still living in durrani dream ? he raped and killed punjab dozens of times .

And we are also hoping that you guys get ride from your PM(Genocide King)

he is slated to be reelected in 2019 . so live with it .
we don't supply arms to local common youth , don't even train the youth in our territory for violence, don't even supply drugs and fake currency....we don't even give centuries to salauddin(26/11 accused), hafiz saeed , masood azhar(for whom a plane was hijacked from india and taken to kabul) and dawood ibrahim(93 blast case accused , address already provided to your govt) in our country, ohhh i guess pak does all that...
and even after doing all the above stuff we don't go to UN and cry that there is violence in kashmir.
pak just don't tell them that isi does all that(creates all the violence) and then cry INDIA is bad...

But you tie Kashmiris on the police trucks and use them as human shields, you rape their women, you kill them and bury them in unmarked graves, your 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists lynch their kids and force them to chant "Pakistan murdabad", you conduct fake encounters, you used your TTP proxies to bomb Pakistani cities, towns and villages since 2007 killing 75,000 people, you send agents like kuldhushan to create terrorism in Balochistan and Karachi and still cry river.

think positive otherwise you will harm yourself , last 70 years history has proved it

Thinking positive doesn't mean accepting indian nonsense crap.

Well we are very generous as you make know. Every favour will be reciprocated with the interest compounded. :cheesy:

So as a good neighbour you must be happy, huh?? :p:

Don't embarrass yourself, look at LOC how Pakistan hunt those 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists.
But you tie Kashmiris on the police trucks and use them as human shields, you rape their women, you kill them and bury them in unmarked graves, your 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists lynch their kids and force them to chant "Pakistan murdabad", you conduct fake encounters, you used your TTP proxies to bomb Pakistani cities, towns and villages since 2007 killing 75,000 people, you send agents like kuldhushan to create terrorism in Balochistan and Karachi and still cry river.

Thinking positive doesn't mean accepting indian nonsense crap.

you are harming yourself from last 70 years , your present bad condition is because of policies of zia , afghan jehad ,using taliban as your proxy , searching of strategic depth has backfired . your own pakistani citizens are involved in suicide attacks . this is all because of nonsense policies .
you people are still living in durrani dream ? he raped and killed punjab dozens of times .

Durrani was born in Multan and was a Pashtun. Pakistan has the worlds the largest numbers of Pashtuns, and western Pakistan flourished under his rule. Of course we love him.

We are also Muslim first and foremost, ethnicity means bugger all, especially when we are all Bani Adam (Peace Be Upon Him).

He never raped anyone, and he fought against the Sikh Empire of the Punjab, the same Sikh Empire that oppressed Muslims in the Punjab.
Coming from "the mother of terrorism (Hindustan)," which has denied 37 groups from gaining their independence this is a joke. Pakistan & South Asia will be terror-free when RAW & MOSSAD are wiped out.

1) The Arunachal Dragon Force (ADF)
Also known as the East Indian Libertarian Front (ILF)
2) United Liberation Front Of Asam (ULFA)
3) National Democratic Front Of Bodoland (NDFB)
4) United People Democratic Solidarity (UPDS)
5) Kamtapur Liberation Organisation (KLO)
6) Bodo Liberation Tigers (BLT)
7) Dims Hakim Daogah (DHD)
8) Karbi National Volunteers (KNV)
9) Rabha National Security (RNSF)
10) Koch - Rajbongshi Liberation Organization (KRLO)
11) Hmar People's Convention Democracy (HPC -D)
12) Karbi People's Front (KPF)
13) Tiwa National Revolutionary Force (TNRF)
14) Bircha Commando Force (BCF)
15) Bengali Tiger Force (BTF)
16) Adivasi Security Forces (ASF)
17) All Assam Adivasi Suraksha Samitl (AAASS)
18) Gorkha Tiger Force (GTF)
19) Barak Valley Youth Liberation Front (BVYLF)
20) Muslim United Liberation Tigers Of Assam (MULTA)
21) The United Liberation Front Of Barak Valley (ULFBV)
22) Muslim United Liberation Front Of Assam (MULFA)
23) Muslim Security Council Of Assam (MSCA)
24) United Liberation Militia Of Assam (ULMA)
25) Islamic Liberation Army Of Assam (ILAA)
26) Muslim Volunteer Force (MVF)
27) Muslim Liberation Army (MLA)
28) Muslim Security Forces (MSF)
29) Islamic Sevak Security (ISS)
30) Islamic United Reformation Protest Of India (IURPI)
31) United Muslim Liberation Front Of Assam (UMLFA)
32) Revolutionary Muslim Commandos (RMC)
33) Muslim Tiger Force (MTF)
34) People's United Liberation Front (PULF)
35) Adam Senate (AS)
36) Harkat ul Mujahideen
37) Harkat ul Jehad.
you are harming yourself from last 70 years , your present bad condition is because of policies of zia , afghan jehad ,using taliban as your proxy , searching of strategic depth has backfired . your own pakistani citizens are involved in suicide attacks . this is all because of nonsense policies .

Somewhat cuz of Zia and mostly due to india.

well rather than denying or answering all the above things .....you started firing on me...with many other things
that means..either you don't have any answers to those things or may be you are proud of them....
i don't know and believe i don't even want to...because it will make me sick...if you will defend them somehow

now you have said some things ...so i will answer them...rather than backfiring on you...
1) tying kashmiris on trucks..yes that happened once ...well that was unfortunate ...i don't agree with it .

2) raping...i don't know which incident you are talking about...but let me assume you are knowledgeable and not just another pak kid...who talks without any basis....let me assume you are talking about kunanposhpura incident...well that also happened once....and army didn't admit it openly..but i have documented proof that 19 soldiers were sacked and are in military prison for 14 years because of that....hence they were punished.
and govt is working with many ngo's there to settle those people...so that they can have a better life.

3) killing and injuring of common people as well as soldiers happen almost every day but its only in 5 districts which share border with Azad Kashmir....out of 17 districts in our kashmir , not in jammu and not in ladakh

4) 7 lakh is a number created by pak media....we have not more than 3.5 lakh security personel including j&k police , crpf , bsf and army and they are not terrorists , they are respected soldiers of our country ...if you check stats of our other states....its equivalent ...to them some how...in maharashtra we have 2.3 lakh security personel but no violence

5) ttp is a backfired version of taliban's support to isi...it suits pak establishment to put everything on india because they are not able to deal with it and it suits them best to protect their political ground...if you don't believe me listen to interviews of asad durrani, ex isi chief ..he spoke openly about ttp killing 150 children in peshawar , and how it was not india but isi's child backfiring on them.

6)kulbhushan yadav....personally i don't know much about it, but unlike pak govt --indian govt admitted that he was ex indian navy personnel and a businessman in iran...if he was a spy they wont 't have admitted it, thats what my common sense says.
other than that...indian govt claims to have proof that he was captured by talibans in iran , and then sold of to ttp , which was further sold to pak army. i know it gives a lot of spicy hateful news to pak people about catching an indian spy but believe me incidents in balochistan happened way before india started supporting it...

in kashmir all the incidents which happen are really unfortunate and they usually happen in a war like situation
but all that is a outcome of a war like situation created by isi there...supplying arms, training and giving centuries to terrorists, fake currency and drugs and what not...
i hope isi some day stops all this and have some mercy on kashmiris...

he doesn't support terrorism....he supports india..
india has always been on a defensive position since our independence...look for india's history...we have never attacked any country....never..
in contrary to what's been taught to pak kids in their manipulated history books....
that's why who ever messes with us ...feels that there are no consequences to whatever they do..
whether its 26/11 or parliament attack or kargil or isi activities in kashmir...
now doval being nsa, india has changed its policy from defensive to defensive offensive.
so that our neighbours just don't keep on doing whatever and whenever they want to...
they have started supporting baloch freedom fighters who were brutally raped and killed by pak army... and officially they have opened a free balochistan office in delhi
i think its never good when even one person dies in any fight....and personally i don't support it but i hope if india supports baloch movement...may be pak will stop messing in kashmir....that's the best outcome we can get...
i guess

Nonsense crap, taught to you by your media and army. Complete BS that ISI is involved. If ISI was the case, they would also be involved in creating troubles in Gujarat through Muslims or UP, Bihar, Bengal, etc. There is an indegeneous struggle for independence since 1947 in IOK. Held a refrendum that Nehru promised and see the results yourself, unless you are declaring that entire Kashmir is ISI.
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