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India hits out at Pakistan for removing Ahmadi Atif Mian from Economic Council

While I still think it was stupid to remove him, it really isn't any of India's business whom Pakistan puts in which government position.

On a side note: I fear this would happen. Pakistan's reputation is already bad, this incident just gives Pakistan's enemies more material to work with.

India is crying because their asset has been removed.
Stop it. He isn't an Indian asset, stop your conspiracy theories.

His name is just being used as ammunition by the Indians. India WANTS your type of reactions, because it makes Pakistan look bad, and Pakistanis look paranoid.

Their end goal is to divide and conquer Pakistan, which is why they're turning Pakistanis against each other, by stoking the fires of sectarianism; from supporting Baluchistan ethnostate terrorists, to sowing hatred for Ahmedis within Pakistan.

They did this in Bangladesh, and they trying to do it again.

Don't fall for their trap.

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