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India hesitant over China, but not hostile despite US influence

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Ya depends upon my logic...
Indi got tied down in proxy war from pak and dont ve any solution about it.....check.
India facing demographic challenge in the east from BD....check.

I can also give plenty of such logics to you.....

Yeah, but Proxy war was already in place since 1965... so its not linked.. and about getting tied down, well I think its pakistan that got tied down in reality.. Read this


And demographic challenge again has nothing to do with slicing up Pakistan. That would have stayed along with the security challenge if 1971 breakup of Pakistan hadn't happened.
Its not Pakistan that is a contagious disease, but the mindset of some Pakistani fanboys and religious extremists that certainly is...Guess that's what he meant...
Pakistani mindset is much better as compared to indian ones.This thread itself is prime example.

As long as the man behind that hammer and sickle is looking out for India's interest, how does it matter ?? ;)
Ah i see hidden maoist................:azn:

The one who has nothing left to lose can do anything without fearing any loss.. The one who has a lot is worried about losing it and hence thinks and plans his actions.. If that makes him a loser and the destitute guy the victor by your logic, then so be it.. ;)
yes you have everything to lose thats what all matters ie to pull you down the dumps........:rofl:
And bleeding by thousand cuts.... Oops that's Pakistan's dialogue...

Lets not pour salt on their wounds.Alright :lol:
And pakistan regularly violets india's sovereignty last was in mumbai........:D
our dossiers have had a rather terrible impact on pakistan since. odd isn't it, even vehement PK supporters like you decided to stay in india even after marriage and demanding work permits for the pakistani spouse.

actions speak a whole lot louder than words, doesn't it?
once, Karachi getting screwed everyday, do you need the statistics :lol:
oh i forhot the bibilical style exodus.........................:china:

:lol: you are failing to understand even sentences now? It was not a fatwa, it was hard and cold logic.. Which is missing in some people's belief...
And you are unable to co-relate the words.:)
Pakistani mindset is much better as compared to indian ones.This thread itself is prime example.
i have to admit, pakistani mindset gives rise to epic comic content. :tup:
Ah..jaise india to america hai...............I think rats get plenty of food in india than the humans thats why one can always spot the cat size rats at indian railway stations.

Ah! resorting to poverty etc etc.. wonder how far behind in toilet situation ... :rofl:

just so that You do get a clue, we are talking about security situation here...
Yeah you did surpass it once in history and that too only some years ago and are jumping up and down.

We will restore the status quo.

lol for the time being restore ur international image, then dream of matching India. and sweet fact is pakistan can never ever match India, the gap will widen with every passing year :)
Yeah wishful thinking.60 Years and counting..:lol:

Arrey, kya tumhein 32 armed groups ka nahin pata jo IOK mein hein aur 80 such grooups in NE India.

Ye kya hai yaar, ya shyed tumhein nazar nahin ata.
that can be called as reaction to babari masjid.

How far back in to the history do you want to go.. ?? ;) There was something else there on top of which Babri Masjid was built ;)
The indian state cannot be trusted she is the reason for the distrust and hatred in the region, the poor indian people that I have seen with my own eyes, struggle to put food on the table, they must have our support and friendship, but the indian state is an uncivilized barbaric entity which must be destroyed for the benefit of humanity.

China and Pakistan - understand this reality - My Jatt clan - has understood this reality for generations - our swords will cut india to shreds if she dares to attack our country, we stand ever vigilant against the dark hordes from deepest dark india.
Have you even seen what's happening in Pakistan :azn:

Misguided Reaction to Islamic terrorism..
Do you even take a look whats happening in your own backyard.
motivated..systematically planned genocide of muslims
And you can suck on dossier papers while cribbing about 26/11

Sure.. As long as that continues to degenerate Pakistan's stature in international community as a hot bed of terrorism, a dossier is not too bad to suck on..
The indian state cannot be trusted she is the reason for the distrust and hatred in the region, the poor indian people that I have seen with my own eyes, struggle to put food on the table, they must have our support and friendship, but the indian state is an uncivilized barbaric entity which must be destroyed for the benefit of humanity.

China and Pakistan - understand this reality - My Jatt clan - has understood this reality for generations - our swords will cut india to shreds if she dares to attack our country, we stand ever vigilant against the dark hordes from deepest dark india.

^meanwhile Pakistan is busy pleasing India with MFN statuses, huge trade deficits and now freezing kashmir issue for a decade.
oh i forhot the bibilical style exodus.........................
one state to another.. And they are back already...

But what about the dead, you can't bring them back now can you?

And you are unable to co-relate the words.:)
if it gives winds to you mills, why not!
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