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India has the most enslaved people in the world

My heart goes out to lower caste Indians enslaved by the Aryans who invaded India centuries ago. I hope to see an end to the oppression of the lower-caste Indians, the Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and Buddhists. They have truly endured without basic necessities (such as toilets) and it is time they are rewarded for their perseverance.
Your heart should first go for Pakistanis i.e. citizens of your own country.
Walk Free Foundation – Global Slavery Index 2013 | Pakistan -

Source: India has the most enslaved people in the world | Page 5

Should you really be glad of this when you country is suffering from a severe absence of toilets?
lol,You are saying As Pakistan has taken great strides in reducing open defecation.

Toilet facilities — a luxury for most Pakistanis – The Express Tribune
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My hearts burns to see Muslims and Christians in such precarious situation, under the Banias. I have strong fear these Brahmins are going to fck India up again to its limits, as the history suggests past 1000 years.

Constant perseverance will bring fruits, the crimes committed by Indians on Indians and the neighbours must not go without punishment.

These Brahmins are heartless souls who enslave poor humans for their greedy purposes. These Hindus never ruled over a nation, and this temporary limelight of independent united India is giving them orgasms .

The oppression faced by dalits remind me of what dark-skinned persons faced in the United States and South Africa. We won't see an activist in India, though, as they have been pushed out of the country by the Brahmins and Aryans. India will remain in squalor until or unless Pakistan and the United States intervenes to get rid of the repressive government which persecutes Sikhs, Dalits and Muslims.
Trolling? I am extremely concerned about the plight of lower-caste, non-Aryan Indians who have suffered without toilets. Do you have no shame? When will you accept that India has suffered under the control of these Aryans and Brahmins? They control your money, government, businesses and lives.
mostly we have suffered under congress party rule

and you don't need to tell me about problems here, I live here and am the biggest critic of all that's wrong :smokin:
Your heart should first go for Pakistanis i.e. citizens of your own country.
Walk Free Foundation – Global Slavery Index 2013 | Pakistan -

Source: India has the most enslaved people in the world | Page 5

My heart goes, to Pakistanis who has to bear a country on its east, that is worse than Zimbabwe. There is no hope for Pakistanis or any other neighbours living around India, unless India must be divided into parts or foreign powers invade to settle the crimes against humanity committed by these brahmins.
Sexual Exploitation and Child Slavery only exist in Western dictionary.

India don't see it as a problem.

I don't see why should India feel on fire because of foreigner opinion.

The Inferior Complex Indian?
Your heart should first go for Pakistanis i.e. citizens of your own country.
Walk Free Foundation – Global Slavery Index 2013 | Pakistan -

Source: India has the most enslaved people in the world | Page 5

lol,You are saying As Pakistan has taken great strides in reducing open defecation.

Toilet facilities — a luxury for most Pakistanis – The Express Tribune

Thankfully, we do not have a repressive and inhumane Brahmin/Aryan class unprepared to see the masses defecate in toilet seats. I am glad to know that while Pakistan will eliminate any existing problems such as these. However, India which is considered a capital for rape and a centre for open defecation might not be keen to eliminate this problem, as the ruling class does not like this. My heart goes out to you, as I see that you too are probably a lower-caste Indian.
My heart goes, to Pakistanis who has to bear a country on its east, that is worse than Zimbabwe. There is no hope for Pakistanis or any other neighbours living around India, unless India must be divided into parts or foreign powers invade to settle the crimes against humanity committed by these brahmins.
My heart goes to Pakistanis???
Looks like you are ashamed of calling yourself a Pakistani,lol
Sexual Exploitation and Child Slavery only exist in Western dictionary.

India don't see it as a problem.

I don't see why should India feel on fire because of foreigner opinion.

The Inferior Complex Indian?

Unfortunately, centuries of rule under superior Aryans has made the Indians adopt a inferiority complex. They crave for admiration from their lighter-skinned masters. They reside in squalor because they believe that is where they truly belong. It is unfortunate, seeing the state of Indians.
My heart goes to Pakistanis???
Looks like you are ashamed of calling yourself a Pakistani,lol

You have serious issue of comprehension skills part of ur inferiority complex persona, a common Indian trait to superior races....I feel for the Pakistanis living as a neighbour to the most violent, most enslaved nation on earth. My heart aches to see Pakistanis facing the crap that comes out of India. India is totally a country, when it should not be a country anymore.

Brahmins have totally ripped India apart, and the blowback this is having on Pakistanis, gives me heart pains.

India has to be dealt with sooner than later, otherwise the internal explosion will have far reaching consequences for the whole world.
Why are you so full of hate and ignorance. India has made progress on all fronts. Still a lot needs to be done whereas on Pakistan side I see a blame game being played in which all problems are attributed to neighbouring countries and minority groups like shias, ahmadis etc. You are living in past and reason everything based on past that too with mostly wrong info.

World has changed. Stop living in past and acting like victim. Stand up and correct your problems and we will solve ours.
Unfortunately, centuries of rule under superior Aryans has made the Indians adopt a inferiority complex. They crave for admiration from their lighter-skinned masters. They reside in squalor because they believe that is where they truly belong. It is unfortunate, seeing the state of Indians.

You have serious issue of comprehension skills part of ur inferiority complex persona, a common Indian trait to superior races....I feel for the Pakistanis living as a neighbour to the most violent, most enslaved nation on earth. My heart aches to see Pakistanis facing the crap that comes out of India. India is totally a country, when it should not be a country anymore.

Brahmins have totally ripped India apart, and the blowback this is having on Pakistanis, gives me heart pains.

India has to be dealt with sooner than later, otherwise the internal explosion will have far reaching consequences for the whole world.
Do you know why Pakistan was ahead of India till 2-3 decades back on most parameters and is lagging behind now?
I will not blame your army or mullah or politicians. I think it is change in the mindset of youth.
Chinese strived for growth few decades back, Indianshave also started... high time Pakistan also focuses on development.
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Should you really be glad of this when you country is suffering from a severe absence of toilets?

But that is not the topic of the thread. Besides your country too has a huge percentage of population without toilets. Don't throw stones at others when you yourselves live in glass houses.
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