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India has raised the stakes

This is rediculous! What common people has do in this discussion. We are talking about games plyed at higher level where everybody knows that zionism has been using india against Pakistan.

Ridiculous?? I will tell you what is ridiculous..Intermixing the political challenges with a religion or rather religious movements and giving it an outlook of conspiracy theory is ridiculous.Its better to call a spade a spade.While these conspiracy theories may find appeal in some particular sections in Pakistani society,but they do not stand as they lack basic logic.Quite understandably the West doesnt buy it.....
I don't think Indian politicians, unlike Pakistan's, let their country be 'used' by anyone, least of all Israel. Even this current honeymoon with the West is being milked expertly by India to get the most benefit. The West will find out eventually that they've been duped and India remains independent. Credit where credit is due.

Good to hear my view from a Pakistani... :pakistan: Hardly acknowledged but true.
Finally some one realized the truth!
Hope that the Chinese will realize it sooner rather than later,for their own benefit.:meeting:
What would you like the opposing parties to do? Are we allies with India? or are we in a state of struggle? I wouldn't call their diplomatic blitz cheating. That's how the world works. The question is .. what are we doing about it? Our leaders are systematically getting abused and the comments that come from us that we are "deeply saddened" because we could not out maneuver them on the diplomatic front. How about we don't give out nonsense statements and start a hardline approach. We are being shunned internationally whether we like it or not. Lets just issue statements like "We really don't give a **** what England or America or India think about terrorism because it is us who gets attacked everyday while they issue these statements". Do you think that will happen? We need to tone down our complaining just a little bit and start showing results on the diplomatic front ourselves.
^^ How will that help Pakistan's cause ? They need loans for development. Aid for a diverse array of activities. They require support for arms. Will such statements help the cause ?
# For reasons unknown, Jews are in every discussion. Please leave them alone as India raising its stakes has nothing to do with them. 99 out of 100 in India can't point where Israel is on the map.

no no i know......:what: :confused: :angry: where is it ????
^^ How will that help Pakistan's cause ? They need loans for development. Aid for a diverse array of activities. They require support for arms. Will such statements help the cause ?

We support them back. We help in their designs to which they call us terrorists. It will not hinder any payment coming in. For sharp words, saying you are sad is downright stupid. Better would be to openly say that whatever comments coming out of the people who have a stake in this WOT does not affect what is being done. No amount of words from these countries will have them or us change the endgame outlook of the WOT which we are bearing the brunt of. What changed with the so called 92k pages of damning evidence? Everything is business as usual. A few counter punches will be in our best interest.
We support them back. We help in their designs to which they call us terrorists. It will not hinder any payment coming in. For sharp words, saying you are sad is downright stupid. Better would be to openly say that whatever comments coming out of the people who have a stake in this WOT does not affect what is being done. No amount of words from these countries will have them or us change the endgame outlook of the WOT which we are bearing the brunt of. What changed with the so called 92k pages of damning evidence? Everything is business as usual. A few counter punches will be in our best interest.

There's no point getting an ulcer thinking about Pakistan's politicians.

No matter what happens, Zardari will do his trip hat-in-hand around the world, pocketing a commission along the way, Nawaz Sharif will wait patiently by the side for his turn at the trough, the military will make sure its own is taken care of, and the super-rich of Pakistan will continue living their life of opulence in a parallel universe while poor Pakistanis die in suicide blasts and beg on the sidewalks for scraps of food.

Even after all this, Pakistanis will march in their thousands chanting jiye Bhutto and put Bilawal Zardari, erm Bhutto, in power come next election. Go figure!
Does that mean that Pakistan is no longer important?

Is that the Western countries now dont actually care of what they say and how Pakistan will perceive them?

Is that Pakistan is trapped in the WOT and cannot escape with the Western help?

Do the US/UK now have Pakistan on the mat?
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We support them back. We help in their designs to which they call us terrorists. It will not hinder any payment coming in. For sharp words, saying you are sad is downright stupid. Better would be to openly say that whatever comments coming out of the people who have a stake in this WOT does not affect what is being done. No amount of words from these countries will have them or us change the endgame outlook of the WOT which we are bearing the brunt of. What changed with the so called 92k pages of damning evidence? Everything is business as usual. A few counter punches will be in our best interest.

The bolded part is very tricky my dear friend.....What you say business as usual will remain business as usual until it remains under the carpet.....Wikileaks were not concrete reports and US administration was able to shun it saying "Its old and not depicting the currect picture"......HAd there been anything concrete Obama would have found it very difficult to justify any more aid/help to Pakistan without ot without your co-operation in WOT......

In Diplomacy lot of work is done in the background and very little come out in open....Using harsh language will do no change in status quo but will only harm in making lives difficult for opposite party to give any helping hand covertly or overtly....I am sure you would believe that Cameroon did not say all that by chance..right??? Now Pakistan should retaliate against his statements but by being diplomatic not by being brunt.....Like it or not you are not in a position to assert....You need to remove the dependency on west and then i am sure assertive tone will come along....


I have been reading about zionism and India....My advice to my Pakistani friends would be please first resolve issues inside Pakistan and then worry about rest of world....You may call us Zionist mind country or what not but on ground reality is that we are good friends with both Israel and Palenstine, Arab world... and also great friend with Russia and managing good relations with US...in short somewhere down the line we are doing some good work in diplomacy....
This latest bootlicking by David Cameron follows a disturbing new trend in South Asia affairs.

We can all debate why India has become the West's darling, but the fact remains that it has and, with its increasing clout, India has raised the bar for anyone wanting to curry favor: It is no longer enough for them to praise India, they must explicitly attack Pakistan.

From Hillary to Holbrooke to Obama and now Cameron, it all fits a pattern.

It is even true in Australian media. On 15th August, the media here not only shows Indian films and cultural programs, but they also throw in a few anti-Pakistan news stories or documentaries.

"Why"?.....2 words,Money and interests
The bolded part is very tricky my dear friend.....What you say business as usual will remain business as usual until it remains under the carpet.....Wikileaks were not concrete reports and US administration was able to shun it saying "Its old and not depicting the currect picture"......HAd there been anything concrete Obama would have found it very difficult to justify any more aid/help to Pakistan without ot without your co-operation in WOT......

In Diplomacy lot of work is done in the background and very little come out in open....Using harsh language will do no change in status quo but will only harm in making lives difficult for opposite party to give any helping hand covertly or overtly....I am sure you would believe that Cameroon did not say all that by chance..right??? Now Pakistan should retaliate against his statements but by being diplomatic not by being brunt.....Like it or not you are not in a position to assert....You need to remove the dependency on west and then i am sure assertive tone will come along....


I have been reading about zionism and India....My advice to my Pakistani friends would be please first resolve issues inside Pakistan and then worry about rest of world....You may call us Zionist mind country or what not but on ground reality is that we are good friends with both Israel and Palenstine, Arab world... and also great friend with Russia and managing good relations with US...in short somewhere down the line we are doing some good work in diplomacy....

How is saying we don't care for their flawed and single minded perspective being brash? We are being supported even by England while he was spewing diplomatic garbage for local consumption. It is business as usual till someones needs are met. We are friends only because of a common goal and that has been proved multiple times. All the supposed friendship's in the world are for a common goal now. You can list the reasons why America and Russia would want to share India's friendship, for the time being.
develepero again brings up a salient issue, thank you.

to counter it is difficult, it will take guts.

there is a sizable pakistani population in the uk, as individuals we should always take the opportunity to correctly defend pakistan and correctly criticise pakistan

india being the western darling is not new, its been slowly happening in the 90's and has amassed great pace over the last 5 years in particular

the scenario is such that india is now in the "us" camp and pakistan is in the "them" camp

in fact every muslim nation is essentially in the "them" camp because islam is basically the biggest ideological enemy of the west and like it or not thats what alot of western white people have in their mind due to the mass conditioning in the media, so we are now enemies by default, or to put it another way we can never be truly friends, thats the way the cookie has crumbled.

its time to take the head out of sand, think pragmatically and smartly
Definitely Indian influence increasing now in political level economic is strong and future opportunities
In case of cultural influence, thanks to overseas Indian they have done a lot in favour of India.

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