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India Has Planted Nearly 50 Million Trees In 24 Hours

Well, sir, actualy,,,,mmmm it tastes nothing like any curry :P
IT is just called curry pata! That is it, it enhances the taste of the dish (as per some claims :P )It is not like you can eat a mutton curry pata and get that taste of real deal lolz!

As per some claims :P

There you go again, busting up a perfectly tenable situation. Why did you have to blurt out the truth? Spoilsport.
I often say this, if TREE PLANTING / AFFORESTATION has to be done by any country, then it is CHINA. The government has the machinery and the manpower to cover miles and miles of land scape to plant and maintain sapling cover. And they do a bloody fantastic job with very little % of wastage / destruction of saplings.

Actually Israelis have been doing it far more consistently and more methodically. In fact, Israel is the only country/region in the world that has seen net positive tree/forest coverage as compared to 100 years in the past.

I think and I repeat, even before any afforestation can start, the land needs to be prepared to prevent run off, hold water and provide precious moisture during harsh Indian summers. Do it any other way - and you are only wasting the saplings and the effort of planting them like they did in the OP.
India can learn from this Chinese documentary.

@greenwood what kind of climate do they require? May not be compatible with our climate. Any pointers?

There you go again, busting up a perfectly tenable situation. Why did you have to blurt out the truth? Spoilsport.

Must work with the numerous biotech labs in Hyderabad sir. Good idea .. genetic modification can theoretically produce your desired plant .... get a patent on it asap.
@greenwood what kind of climate do they require? May not be compatible with our climate. Any pointers?

Must work with the numerous biotech labs in Hyderabad sir. Good idea .. genetic modification can theoretically produce your desired plant .... get a patent on it asap.

Or else wounded Chinese pride will force them to reverse engineer this some day.
Best tree to plant Imli trees.
They grow big, they grow anywhere and they need no maintenance. Just plant one and have nice Imli for a long long time.
There you go again, busting up a perfectly tenable situation. Why did you have to blurt out the truth? Spoilsport.
:lol: OH!!

no i was just kidding, actually the leaves of curry pata just tastes like mutton curry and in fact, they are working on a balochi saji tree these days as well :lol:

(well now as i write about it, i wonder if this could really happen, how cool would that be!!! :lol: )

150 of those are by me!!

Thanks for the support. It is needed for the whole of humanity.

I am your prisoner of war!!! I surrender :cheers:
150?? really?
That is impressive!!
Where did you plant those and which tress you selected?
150?? really?
That is impressive!!
Where did you plant those and which tress you selected?

Around 15 mix of sapota, guava, mango, tamarind around my house

Remaining in area around my work place;) ... Ample space in some areas .. A mix of neem, jamun, sapota, mangoes (baiganpally), and whole loads of tamarind again ....

All perfect for growing in Hyderabad .... Am making @Joe Shearer's environment green and healthy. :cheers::cheesy:
This is the kind of trees i would love to plant and own but they never seem to flourish in the city.

PLease dont post these mango pictures...I have put on 6 kgs in 2 months thanks to these culprits. I have stopped eating them already.....and controlling not to eat them the remaining season..

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