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India has no problems that can't be solved by killing a million Indians/day

I have to admit this Satishshantras Assistant is really needing physchiatric help. Firstly if anyone understands what level of trolling he is on about please enlighten me.
The title is clearly the sh1test title of the year - at least we can give hom this award...
You are wrong. Say fvck India and see how fast you get banned.

So you expect me to believe your opinion that India is full of paranoid conspiracy theorists? Nah mate, perhaps to a certain extent the degree of freedom that you perceive is lower in the subcontinent than it is in the states/united kingdom.

Arundhati Roy basically shits and PMS's all over Indian domestic/international policy. Yet she's not being made to shut up, annoying as she is. Freedom of speech. We may not like it when we hear something that displeases us, but we have to live with it.
It is preposterous to suggest that US satellites can make heavily shielded Indian planes crash with microwaves.

However, it is very possible that US HAARP is causing a weakening of the Indian monsoon and increasing food prices could be an indicator of that. Once the US has enslaved the world's food supply, they have enslaved the world.
Bravo SatishChandra's Assistant, Bravo....

You have united Indians, Chinese, Pakistanis under a single idea that you must be smoking something pretty strong when you posted this...

If someone like you worked towards world peace, you would achieve it overnight by uniting everyone under the WTF-Is-he-smoking-and-can-we-also-have-some banner.
The sudden decision to allow Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail, whose timing has amazed everyone, was prompted by what I wrote on November 18, 2011 about more than a thousand Indian Air Force aircraft having crashed since 1970, the vast majority of the crashes caused by microwaves from U.S. satellites and the new Chief of Air Staff, N. A. K. Browne, who is a CIA-RAW operative, causing two such crashes in his first week in office to boost his bid to buy worse than worthless foreign aircraft for tens of billions of dollars (see IndianAirForcePilotsMurderDOTblogspotDOTcom); this made the purchase impossible and so RAW dictated (see 'What You Should Know About RAW' in post # 1 of this thread for how CIA-RAW dictates all such decisions) the FDI in retail decision as another avenue to bring India into slavery to the white countries, as an act of defiance and attempted defeat of my defence of India.

Within hours of my saying the above, RAW, in another show of defiance, caused another Indian Air Force aircraft to crash, in Haryana. Nothing that any government minister says matters. Only what CIA-RAW DOES matters. And CIA-RAW does whatever it wants, whenever it wants (see 'What You Should Know About RAW' in post # 1 of this thread).

In a press release dated June 30, 2011 titled "National Security Doctrine" (included in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title) I said:

"An ugly white woman columnist at the New York Times wrote that she looks forward to having her columns written by "external cognitive servants" in Bangalore. The Manmohan Singh cabinet a few days ago approved a plan for bringing foreign investment and technology to create one hundred million manufacturing jobs in India, bringing essentially the entire population of India into servitude to the United States. A nation is not strong whose people are servants of an external power. The National Security Doctrine permits Indians to be neither cognitive servants nor manufacturing servants of the United States. 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' in my blog above provides the means for true prosperity and full employment for Indians."

In a press release dated November 17, 2011 titled "Liberating India" I said "Integrated Circuit chips made in the United States are required to provide for access to the United States National Security Agency so it can monitor and take control of their operations at will. Components and electronic equipment from the United States should be absolutely "haram"; far from lamenting 'technology denial', equipment from the United States should be rejected even if it is offered on a platter and free of charge as I have said. India's bought-up Defence, Atomic Energy, Space and other officials deliberately close their eyes to this threat. This also applies to U. S.- made civilian aircraft, for example. There are two hundred thousand Indian engineers and scientists working in Research & Development for foreign companies in India but instead of putting its money in Research & Development ( in my letter dated January 5, 2004 to the press -- see my blog -- I had suggested one million Research & Development workers in India in government-sponsored projects), India's CIA-RAW government buys foreign equipment in all fields to keep India poor, weak and enslaved. India's government lends hundreds of billions of dollars to the U. S. government in exchange for worthless U. S. paper but seeks foreign investment and World Bank loans for projects in India, giving ownership and control of India to India's enemies, despite the unlimited capital available to India by simply printing the money; see 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.' which can be found by a Google/Yahoo search with the title; as is described there, the United States has been applying my proposal about money by stealth and now also openly but Manmohan Singh refuses to do so because this bugger -- a CIA appointee -- does what serves the United States', not India's, interests."

I had asked the Indian Army to arrest the top one thousand or so officers of RAW. It has not done so. But, as I have said, India's nuclear forces obey Satish Chandra. He does not need India's conventional forces or the rest of the government and citizenry to defend India which requires the destruction of RAW which will be done by nuclear means, that is, the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York, with a warning that additional U. S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them by special forces, if there is any retaliation.

I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program, the world's greatest scientist (my biography can be found in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2011 and earlier editions) and India's legitimate ruler.

Satish Chandra
Indians as a rule are inferior Indian nig gers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially if it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his 'Mein Kampf' Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people from various countries did that for a thousand years before that.

A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them).

I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as they may be above cockroaches.

When I say the new Chief of Air Staff, N. A. K. Browne, is a CIA-RAW man, I mean he literally sits at CIA-supplied terminals to participate in crimes against India. More than a thousand Indian Air Force aircraft have crashed since 1970, the vast majority of the crashes caused by microwaves from U. S. satellites which can hack into and operate any digital equipment. In his first week in office as Chief of Air Staff, Browne caused two Indian Air Force fighter planes to crash with microwaves from satellites, to give a boost to his bid to buy worse than worthless foreign aircraft for several tens of billions of dollars of which he will get a hefty cut along with the Defence Minister and the Italian woman who gets the largest cut. When Kapil Sibal -- who also sits at CIA-supplied terminals to commit crimes against India -- says offensive material on the Internet will be removed by the government, he means it will be done - and is being done by CIA & RAW to U.S., Indian & other media -- using microwaves from U. S. satellites. See post # 1 of this thread.

On November 20, 2009 I wrote (see my blog): "While RAW has always been a branch of the C.I.A., the Tamil traitor-enemy Chidambaram has made other Indian intelligence agencies branches of the United States intelligence agencies, bringing in U.S. equipment to India to enable comprehensive real-time monitoring and interception ability for the U.S. of all communications in India, a comprehensive and total censorship power to the United States of not only what gets into the Indian media of all kinds [for example, CIA-RAW can block, partially block, alter or remove communications -- not just comments -- to news media at will and in real time and does it all the time; it can and does also alter the content of web pages, for example, published news reports] but even communications between individuals, bringing India into a colonial grip of and slavery to the United States such as has never been seen in human history. None of this will be allowed, no nuclear deal in any form, no IAEA inspections of any kind of anything in India, no guards of honour, no state dinners, no representing India for C.I.A.-RAW operatives."

November 17, 2011: Integrated Circuit chips made in the United States are required to provide for access to the United States National Security Agency so it can monitor and take control of their operations at will. Components and electronic equipment from the United States should be absolutely "haram"; far from lamenting 'technology denial', equipment from the United States should be rejected even if it is offered on a platter and free of charge as I have said. India's bought-up Defence, Atomic Energy, Space and other officials deliberately close their eyes to this threat. This also applies to U. S.- made civilian aircraft, for example. There are two hundred thousand Indian engineers and scientists working in Research & Development for foreign companies in India but instead of putting its money in Research & Development ( in my letter dated January 5, 2004 to the press -- see my blog -- I had suggested one million Research & Development workers in India in government-sponsored projects), India's CIA-RAW government buys foreign equipment in all fields to keep India poor, weak and enslaved. India's government lends hundreds of billions of dollars to the U. S. government in exchange for worthless U. S. paper but seeks foreign investment and World Bank loans for projects in India, giving ownership and control of India to India's enemies, despite the unlimited capital available to India by simply printing the money; see 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' in my blog; as is described there, the United States has been applying my proposal about money by stealth and now also openly but Manmohan Singh refuses to do so because this bug ger -- a CIA appointee -- does what serves the United States', not India's, interests.

I had asked the Indian Army to arrest the top one thousand or so officers of RAW. It has not done so. But, as I have said, India's nuclear forces obey Satish Chandra. He does not need India's conventional forces or the rest of the government and citizenry to defend India which requires the destruction of RAW which will be done by nuclear means, that is, the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York, with a warning that additional U. S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them by special forces, if there is any retaliation.

I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program and the world's greatest scientist (my biography can be found in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2011 and earlier editions); for more on the subject above see 'What You Should Know About RAW' in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title.

Satish Chandra
Why are you not in a mental asylum yet ? Or did you just escape from one ??
Indians as a rule are inferior Indian nig gers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially if it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his 'Mein Kampf' Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people from various countries did that for a thousand years before that.

A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them).

I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as they may be above cockroaches.

When I say the new Chief of Air Staff, N. A. K. Browne, is a CIA-RAW man, I mean he literally sits at CIA-supplied terminals to participate in crimes against India. More than a thousand Indian Air Force aircraft have crashed since 1970, the vast majority of the crashes caused by microwaves from U. S. satellites which can hack into and operate any digital equipment. In his first week in office as Chief of Air Staff, Browne caused two Indian Air Force fighter planes to crash with microwaves from satellites, to give a boost to his bid to buy worse than worthless foreign aircraft for several tens of billions of dollars of which he will get a hefty cut along with the Defence Minister and the Italian woman who gets the largest cut. When Kapil Sibal -- who also sits at CIA-supplied terminals to commit crimes against India -- says offensive material on the Internet will be removed by the government, he means it will be done - and is being done by CIA & RAW to U.S., Indian & other media -- using microwaves from U. S. satellites. See post # 1 of this thread.

On November 20, 2009 I wrote (see my blog): "While RAW has always been a branch of the C.I.A., the Tamil traitor-enemy Chidambaram has made other Indian intelligence agencies branches of the United States intelligence agencies, bringing in U.S. equipment to India to enable comprehensive real-time monitoring and interception ability for the U.S. of all communications in India, a comprehensive and total censorship power to the United States of not only what gets into the Indian media of all kinds [for example, CIA-RAW can block, partially block, alter or remove communications -- not just comments -- to news media at will and in real time and does it all the time; it can and does also alter the content of web pages, for example, published news reports] but even communications between individuals, bringing India into a colonial grip of and slavery to the United States such as has never been seen in human history. None of this will be allowed, no nuclear deal in any form, no IAEA inspections of any kind of anything in India, no guards of honour, no state dinners, no representing India for C.I.A.-RAW operatives."

November 17, 2011: Integrated Circuit chips made in the United States are required to provide for access to the United States National Security Agency so it can monitor and take control of their operations at will. Components and electronic equipment from the United States should be absolutely "haram"; far from lamenting 'technology denial', equipment from the United States should be rejected even if it is offered on a platter and free of charge as I have said. India's bought-up Defence, Atomic Energy, Space and other officials deliberately close their eyes to this threat. This also applies to U. S.- made civilian aircraft, for example. There are two hundred thousand Indian engineers and scientists working in Research & Development for foreign companies in India but instead of putting its money in Research & Development ( in my letter dated January 5, 2004 to the press -- see my blog -- I had suggested one million Research & Development workers in India in government-sponsored projects), India's CIA-RAW government buys foreign equipment in all fields to keep India poor, weak and enslaved. India's government lends hundreds of billions of dollars to the U. S. government in exchange for worthless U. S. paper but seeks foreign investment and World Bank loans for projects in India, giving ownership and control of India to India's enemies, despite the unlimited capital available to India by simply printing the money; see 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' in my blog; as is described there, the United States has been applying my proposal about money by stealth and now also openly but Manmohan Singh refuses to do so because this bug ger -- a CIA appointee -- does what serves the United States', not India's, interests.

I had asked the Indian Army to arrest the top one thousand or so officers of RAW. It has not done so. But, as I have said, India's nuclear forces obey Satish Chandra. He does not need India's conventional forces or the rest of the government and citizenry to defend India which requires the destruction of RAW which will be done by nuclear means, that is, the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York, with a warning that additional U. S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them by special forces, if there is any retaliation.

I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program and the world's greatest scientist (my biography can be found in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2011 and earlier editions); for more on the subject above see 'What You Should Know About RAW' in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title.

Satish Chandra

You highlight some valid truths about the Hindu population.
You highlight some valid truths about the Hindu population.
and what are those truths?
I am a Hindu, I have never discriminated nor does the 98 % Hindus discriminate Muslism. are you nuts or your showing off as of you know every thing, but at the end you are an onion like the OP which has no content when ripped appart.
The Indian press is full of headlines like "Harvard removes courses taught by Subramanian Swamy".

In a press relese dated October 12, 2011 I said: Subramanian Swamy receives red carpet treatment from India's press, courts, etc. because he is a "Harvard professor". His achievement, in Economics or any other field, is zero compared to mine which would easily merit half a dozen Nobel prizes. Someone posting a comment in a Bangalore newspaper with the user name "satishfan", explaining why this user likes comments I post, referred to my being "so professorial and precise"; CIA-RAW, which posts a torrent of abuse on my posts, told Swamy about it and after I referred above to CIA-RAW letting Indian political parties squabble amongst one another over corruption, etc. so long as its overall control over India is not threatened, someone on Bharat-Rakshak posted a tweet of Swamy's saying "My Italian students at Harvard say that 168 poor relatives of Sonia, have on kickbacks become $ billionaires since 2004"; this was Swamy's attempt at being "professorial and precise".

In a press release dated October 22, 2011 I said: I hope Pakistan realizes that it is not enough to say that Pakistan is a nuclear weapons state and the United States will have to think ten times before attacking Pakistan; through the drone attacks and in numerous other ways the United States is already attacking Pakistan; if Pakistan waits for the United States to escalate its attacks, it will be a grievous mistake; the key to victory over the United States is in destroying Washington and New York WITHOUT WAITING, with the warning that additional U. S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation.

In a press release dated October 24, 2011 I said: Before the U. S. attack on Libya, including special operations and air war, Gaddafi in recent years was working with the CIA to eliminate Al Qaeda in North Africa and in 2009 published an Op-Ed article in the New York Times saying that the jews' violence against Palestinians, driving millions of them out of their homes and into refugee camps where they remain, "never happened" and that the Palestinians left their homes due to "rumors" of violence; let him try saying that the jews' 'holocaust' during World War II "never happened". In a letter dated December 21, 1982 to Indira Gandhi as prime minister I wrote "There was sudden, terminal, overwhelming violence against me in a seminar at Harvard University ... India can expect sudden, annihilatory violence ... with nuclear weapons ... ." This violence occurred after the great man of the field, at Harvard -- whose worldwide reputation according to a survey exceeded the combined reputation of over 30 Nobel Prize winners in the Boston area -- wrote to me "How much I admire what you have done ... with breath-taking results. ... Seldom have I read a paper that seemed to me to contain so much that was new and forward moving", etc. Military men know the importance of surprise. When the U. S. Secretary of State made conciliatory noises toward Pakistan yesterday because of the above paragraph of mine, that will make a surprise attack by the United States all the more effective unless Pakistan destroys Washington and New York first, BEFORE the United States does any thing, with a warning that additional U. S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them by its special forces, if there is any retaliation.

In a letter to the press dated April 28, 2006 I said:
------------START QUOTE--------------

Dear Editor:

Regarding the case of a novel by an Indian sophomore at Harvard: a graduate student from the Indian subcontinent at Boston's Northeastern University was accused of plagiarism because the quality of English in assigned work she turned in for a course was incomparably superior to anything she was capable of writing and, to prove this, she was required to answer the same questions in the presence of a faculty member. She wrote about thirty pages in perhaps two hours which exactly reproduced what she had earlier turned in. The faculty member alleged she had copied from papers she had with her. In her rebuttal, the student wrote this faculty member was watching her like the proverbial "hawk" throughout this session and her charge of copying was a "damnable lie". She explained, in her rebuttal and to her faculty adviser, that she had "memorized" what she reproduced in the presence of the faculty member. The lying faculty member was obliged to leave the university.

The Harvard sophomore, an Indian-American, says (New York Times, April 27 '06, Internet) she had read the books from which she is alleged to have plagiarized three or four times, that she has a "photographic memory" and had last read the books some time before she wrote her own book. Psychologist B. F. Skinner, whose plagiarism I exposed (see letter dated February 26 '05 below), upon which he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Harvard and I was mugged in a Harvard seminar (see letter dated May 11 '05 below), wrote in his 'Notebooks' that the practice, several thousands of years old and still continuing, of Brahmin priests memorizing entire books (such as the Vedas) may have had a (genetically) "selective effect" endowing them with superior memory (and other cognitive abilities). Memorization of very long texts is still the standard way students learn, at all levels, in the Indian subcontinent and the practice is not limited to Brahmin priests (the Northeastern University student was Muslim). Such ability, commonplace to Indians, is astonishing to Americans. The Harvard sophomore, of Indian origin with near perfect SAT scores, can be expected to have genetically superior memory and her explanation of how she came to reproduce portions of books she had read is believable. This does not mean that she did not intentionally plagiarize, just that her explanation is credible.

Skinner, author of 'Verbal Behavior', describes playing the "sedulous ape" to established authors as a way budding authors learn. Examples of similarities between the Harvard sophomore's novel and the novels she read (Boston Globe, April 25 '06, Internet) would have fit this description if the similarities were intentional. The similarities could be unconscious yet intentional (there are unconscious intentions). But they could have been both unconscious and unintentional, because of the way a person's verbal repertoire is formed. Skinner's own plagiarism was infinitely more serious (see my paper in BEHAVIORISM, Spring, 1976). Skinner was voted by American psychology department chairpersons as the most influential living psychologist and, along with Sigmund Freud, one of the two most influential psychologists of all time. A survey showed that his world-wide reputation exceeded the combined reputation of the thirty or so Nobel prize winners in the Boston area. It was based on his position of 'radical behaviorism' which he defined in terms of his opposition to what he called 'mentalism' and Freud, of course, is the great mentalist. For his position to be viable, he had to provide an account of the so-called 'higher mental processes' such as language, which he did in 'Verbal Behavior'. By showing that his account of language was simply a refinement of the work of Freud, my paper in BEHAVIORISM eliminated any basic distinction between his position and Freud's and the basis for his claim to being a great and original thinker. In a question and answer session with thousands of his followers who packed the grand ballroom of the Hilton hotel in Chicago in May, 1977, he was very angrily denounced by his own followers, such as by one who stood up, livid with rage, shouting, referring to my paper and its implications ("SATISH CHANDRA HAS SHOWN..."), for the fraud he had perpetrated on them and the world; his world-wide reputation and appearance on TIME magazine's cover, etc., were due to the fundamental importance of the basic nature of human beings, for prescriptions on how they should live and be educated and governed, issues of freedom, etc., of whether they are machines or have a mind or soul and how they function. Skinner acknowledged "similarities" between him and Freud shown by "Chandra" in "BEHAVIORISM", but had no response beyond first emphatically and aggressively saying "Or Jesus Christ! Or B. F. Skinner!" in the same breath, then minimizing the importance of such matters by appealing to the general state of ethics and what is acceptable in academia with a light-hearted "what--Miller wrote it, Gallanter takes credit for it, Pribram believes it!" (these were co-authors of a book in cognitive psychology). Upto then, Skinner had had his critics such as Chomsky of M.I.T. but had, correctly, maintained that Chomsky's review of 'Verbal Behavior' was based on very poor scholarship and a misunderstanding of his position. He could not say that about my paper in BEHAVIORISM, the principal vehicle for theoretical work in radical behaviorism, whose editor called me with profound emotion about a day after he received it and wrote to me "Heartiest congratulations on what I regard to be a major contribution to work in the field". From Germany alone, more than two dozen psychologists wrote me requesting reprints, besides every behaviorist in the United States. That paper was effective in a way that Chomsky's was not and killed behaviorism ( the journal's name has been changed to 'Behavior and Philosophy'). Skinner himself wrote to me (see excerpts from his letter on my web page) about that paper, before the above session with his followers, "...want to tell you, while the spell is on me, how much I admire what you have done. You have made a much more courageous use of the autoclitic and the atomic operant than I did, with breath-taking results. Seldom have I read a paper that seemed to me to contain so much that was new and forward-moving...", etc. But after the above session with his followers, his behavior was very different (see the letter sequence below).

Verbal behavior is a far more complicated matter than either Skinner or Freud (or cognitive psychology) provide for. For example, person A can show induction from person B's verbal behavior without ever coming into contact (as conventionally understood) with person B's verbal behavior. The Harvard sophomore, though, had repeated, extended contact with the other author's books. In an example (Boston Globe, April 24 '06, Internet) both authors refer to "170 specialty stores". This puts a question mark on intentional plagiarizing, because an intentional plagiarizer would have changed the number to something other than 170.

Satish Chandra
------------END QUOTE------------

In a press release dated October 12, 2011 I said: I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program and the world's greatest scientist (my biography can be found in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2011 and earlier editions) and my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title describes how C.I.A.-RAW keep India poor, weak and enslaved by suppressing the best and rewarding the mediocre: "India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of [and interference with] communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media" and how this means the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States.

Satish Chandra

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