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India has no desire to wage war

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We have some delusional people here, that think that the indian's can be their friends, they are a minority, the majority know the nature of the indian state, and know this indian - if your forces dare attack my motherland, this Jatt and millions of others will stand like a wall of steel against your hordes, that is a promise.
^there's nothing in PK that we indians covet, why on earth will we attack.
keep your trigger happy punjabis where they belong, who knows next time we may decide to keep lahore
^there's nothing in PK that we indians covet, why on earth will we attack.
keep your trigger happy punjabis where they belong, who knows next time we may decide to keep lahore

If you dream of taking Lahore in your sleep, you better wake up and apologize sonny. And there is nothing at all, we would want from india, us Punjabi's have our beautiful and fertile lands that produce millions of tons, of rice, wheat and cotton and other foods. But when needed, we know how to protect our motherland.
^ Last time u wanted lahore (when u attacked at night) you paid with quarter of ur AF,land and Gen prasad had to(literally) run for his life leaving his beloved mahendra jeep on the outskirts of burki (a village near wagah).... I guess the cost of a pint of whiskey at Lahore GymKhana Club was too much for the indian general..
Hyderabad, Aug. 27: The Union Defence Minister, Mr V.K. Krishna Menon, said here this morning that sovereign India had no desire to wage war against anybody.

Wonderful, in that case the Indian parliament should pass a constitutional amendment declaring that Indian will not 'wage war against any nation without UNSC Resolutions supporting India's decisions to wage war'.

Then we can actually assume this rhetoric means something ...
we've never started a war with anyone and never will
Actually you did, or at least played the role of aggressor and initiator of conflicts:

1. Junagadh 1947 - through support for rebels/terrorists, and later military invasion and annexation of the State in violation of the instrument of accession signed by the ruler of the State in favor of Pakistan.

2. East Pakistan 1971 - again through support for rebels/terrorists that committed huge atrocities and in fact contributed towards the massive refugee crisis that was subsequently used as an excuse to justify Indian intervention in East Pakistan, despite the fact that Indian intervention started long before the refugee crises assumed serious proportions.

3. Siachen - In violation of the Simla Declaration

4. LTTE - India supported and trained perhaps the worlds most deadliest terrorist organization.

Far from 'clean' hands, India's....
Wonderful, in that case the Indian parliament should pass a constitutional amendment declaring that Indian will not 'wage war against any nation without UNSC Resolutions supporting India's decisions to wage war'.

UNSC is supposed to guarantee the safety of states that are unable to defend themselves.
not everyone needs to go to tashkent AM
And why should dear sir Pakistan not do the same ?
Is this thread about a Pakistani or Indian political leader making 'no intent for war' statements?

And Pakistan has made clear that it is willing to redeploy troops away from the border/LoC provided India agree to do the same ... so ball is in your court. If you don't want to 'redeploy' and you still claim 'no intent to wage war' then India should have no problems passing such a constitutional amendment.
Actually you did, or at least played the role of aggressor and initiator of conflicts:

1. Junagadh 1947 - through support for rebels/terrorists, and later military invasion and annexation of the State in violation of the instrument of accession signed by the ruler of the State in favor of Pakistan.

2. East Pakistan 1971 - again through support for rebels/terrorists that committed huge atrocities and in fact contributed towards the massive refugee crisis that was subsequently used as an excuse to justify Indian intervention in East Pakistan, despite the fact that Indian intervention started long before the refugee crises assumed serious proportions.

3. Siachen - In violation of the Simla Declaration

4. LTTE - India supported and trained perhaps the worlds most deadliest terrorist organization.

Far from 'clean' hands, India's....

Supporting mukhti bahini and LTTE cant be called an act of war . They were not indian and neither were they soldiers

If that were true then Pakistan has been waging war on India for the last 22 years since 1989 in Kashmir . That leaves you with no ability whatsoever to say to anything to us .
Is this thread about a Pakistani or Indian political leader making 'no intent for war' statements?

And Pakistan has made clear that it is willing to redeploy troops away from the border/LoC provided India agree to do the same ... so ball is in your court. If you don't want to 'redeploy' and you still claim 'no intent to wage war' then India should have no problems passing such a constitutional amendment.

Intent is more than enough in the current circumstances .
so you feel it justified for US to attack PK for having OBL. you may wanna run back in your hole, apparently uncle wen said an attack on pakistan is an attack on china
China warns US against war with Pakistan | EUTimes.net

Pakistan didn't not harbored OBL, infact Pakistanis gorverment was searching to capture him and yes oncle Wen explicitely protect Pakistan because pakistan is innocents, we don't what U.S use any excuse to harm our all weather friend.

But Indian explicitely cover Dalai Lama, not only that your gorvernment even let him travel freely to U.S and Europe to harm China's interest...wait until Maoist leader come to us, we will do same maybe we wont provide weapon but we certainly will provide sanctuary and diplomatic cover for these staved, injured and exhausted people:cool:
That does not really answer my question ....

Wonderful, in that case the Indian parliament should pass a constitutional amendment declaring that Indian will not 'wage war against any nation without UNSC Resolutions supporting India's decisions to wage war'.

Then we can actually assume this rhetoric means something ...

this doesnt sound like a question to me. just more of empty rhetoric
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