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India has more claim over Tibet than China

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India is not more stable than CHina.
Wrong here.....India is more stable and day day getting stronger and stronger without using the state power that China uses on its citizen. China can erupt like Egypt but India being a democracy will never.

Unrest, ethnic violence, are more acute compared to China.
It may seem in a democarcy against dictatorial rule but it is more stable...6 decades + has proved it.

Violence by the naxalites, cahemire freedom fighters and Darjeeling unrest are not being reported by the Western media nor by the most famous CIA agent the Dalai Lama.

Indian Media reports these a front page abd exaggerates them. Indian Politicians highlight these and exaggerates them. Wwestern Media and the world knows that these are minor things in 1 billion + population. Darjeeling unrest and other unrest are for creation of new provinces..i.e. seeking more democarcy....they are not againts union at any point...

Indians are more deprived of their civil rights than in China.
Civil Rights are lot more than many countries ( China is no comparison at all ). Issue is education and poverty. But we are getting better day by day and with development in technology and vibrant media, foundation will becoem stronger and stronger..

So the Dalai Lama gives his evil benediction for the mass killing of Cachemire muslims inhabitants who are being prosecuted and killed by Indians Soldiers armed by the Sionists and US war Criminals.

mass killings from last six decades and still their numbers are increasing like no body.....Indians are magicians....isn't it, cause what you just said van not be a propoganda
Is Dalai Lama getting senile? Or is this part of an Indian plot to justify another "forward policy" in 2013-2015 time-frame?
Dont worry India, we got your back

Too bad the US government does not follow this line. Nor apparently do the American people, considering the latest polls.

If they did, India might be more courageous in backing up their back stabbing of us in 1959.
Actually Nehru contemplated it and sent IA officers to setup Indian presence in Lhasa when China was occupied by the civil war. He wanted it but in the end he thought better of it and didn't want to piss China off. (kind ironic that went and did it anyways by pulling essentially the same sh it 10 years later.)

you mean nehru wanted to capture whole tibet ? links please.
you mean nehru wanted to capture whole tibet ? links please.

It wasn't an invasion but more like a military mission. It in a documentary about Tibet made by some Indian dude. I haven't got the link. In it they interview a member of that mission.
Too bad the US government does not follow this line. Nor apparently do the American people, considering the latest polls.

If they did, India might be more courageous in backing up their back stabbing of us in 1959.

As we have other important issues to worry about, this does not concern us to much...

We know China wont attack, and India wont attack...

We should all just settle this peacefully my brothers
An attempt to divert the attention of Tibetan diaspora and refugees from what recently happened.
I guess Tibetans were a angered with Indian authorities.
He's just buttering his master.

what a despicable sycophant for a supposedly "holiness"!
Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama said on Thursday that India has a reason to have a claim on Tibet more than China. He said this in reference to the closeness of the Tibetans with India as he said that the Buddhist religion has its roots in India and it is still practiced abundantly along the border right from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh.

Looks like after spending some time in Bharat trolling and flaming germs have inflicted him too. The above statement was a troll attempt any ways.
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