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India has legitimate interest in Afghanistan: Petraeus

Sorry but under no circumstances is any other country allowed to decide for another country. In fact, under ALL circumstances, afghans are the ONLY ones allowed to decide on their issues/future.

in which world are you people living, Tell me how are they going to decide, on one side is Taliban & on the other side is ineffective Gov which has no writ outside the Presidential Palace :)
what a stupid comparison, Africans don't have Taliban which are out to massacre everyone in the name of religion & implement their stone age rituals on the whole world, A-stan is a international head ache & thats where all types of outsiders will interfere for extracting their interests though foreigners still interfere in Africa but certainly there's no comparison b/w Africa & A-stan

There is nothing stupid about it. At least, Afghanistan has some Government. In many African countries there is not even a government in place. Conflict, death and tragedy are common. Children die of starvation, billions in aid to Africa goes missing, and women are traded as if they are commodity. Just because of Al Qaeda, Taliban and US interests, Afghanistan is in media limelight. Many African countries are 100 times worse than Afghanistan
what a stupid comparison, Africans don't have Taliban which are out to massacre everyone in the name of religion & implement their stone age rituals on the whole world, A-stan is a international head ache & thats where all types of outsiders will interfere for extracting their interests though foreigners still interfere in Africa but certainly there's no comparison b/w Africa & A-stan

Yes, by your own statements, East Pakistan was your backyard once or may be front yard which is no more. Soon, Afghanistan will stand on its feet. This time US will not leave half done or they know that another 9/11 is eminent. India creating goodwill and eroding your backyard this time in a different fashion. Keep dreaming about having control of your backyard. Don't think we will use the same strategy every time. BTW do you have any proof of Indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan. Do you think US will allow this to happen putting their WOT on risk loosing American lives. Talk only if you can prove at least to international viewers. Not necessarily to India as we know what we do.

We are no angels. We know what good economy can do and have already seeing fruits here in India.
in which world are you people living, Tell me how are they going to decide, on one side is Taliban & on the other side is ineffective Gov which has no writ outside the Presidential Palace :)

How can the world give control back to taliban. You talk as if they have control. As you all said it will be decided by the outsiders and its definitely not Pakistan alone. So dont daydream. Nobody believes Pakistan any longer.
Nothing strange if they are losing their war in Afghanistan. They don't learn from their mistakes.

I think defeat is bound for them in Afghanistan.


India loosing in Afghanistan?? :hitwall::hitwall:
India's military and economic investment in Afg has been increasing all the time.
And you say we are loosing.
How much investment does Pakistan hold in Afg??
Dr. Sajeendram, India, offering valuable medical assistance to people of A'nistan


Indian aid being offloaded at Termez, Uzb-A'nistan border.
There is nothing stupid about it. At least, Afghanistan has some Government. In many African countries there is not even a government in place. Conflict, death and tragedy are common. Children die of starvation, billions in aid to Africa goes missing, and women are traded as if they are commodity. Just because of Al Qaeda, Taliban and US interests, Afghanistan is in media limelight. Many African countries are 100 times worse than Afghanistan


this some Gov is almost equivalent to No GOv, socail Problems & poverty are there in every country but A-stan has got its own breed of *** tag militants which are out to implement their writ over the whole world motivated by Pan-Islamic attitude, they need to be eliminated

Yes, by your own statements, East Pakistan was your backyard once or may be front yard which is no more. Soon, Afghanistan will stand on its feet. This time US will not leave half done or they know that another 9/11 is eminent. India creating goodwill and eroding your backyard this time in a different fashion. Keep dreaming about having control of your backyard. Don't think we will use the same strategy every time. BTW do you have any proof of Indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan. Do you think US will allow this to happen putting their WOT on risk loosing American lives. Talk only if you can prove at least to international viewers. Not necessarily to India as we know what we do.

East Pakistan is a simple slap on the face of Indians who think that that India don't interferes in the matters of other countries, no doubt you people pulled off a great stunt outta our internal rifts combined with your Humanitarian Assistance

& for the same reason why should we trust India's altrusitic motives which are certainly not restriced to building roads only but to influence the already weak Gov of A-stan to go aginst Interest of Pakistan, we are not going to tolerate anything against our interests,sometime back Indians were desperate that Media even gave out news about Indians trying to contact Hizb-e-Isalmi for their use, I want ISAF to succeed but at the moment things are not looking for them, they have to withdraw sooner or later & things will be ultimately shifted in favor of Pakistan & the solution of mess in A-stan will be ONLY possible because of Pakistan not because of Shiny roads made by India & then you will have to take our 'approval'
Hey indians now its time for ur public to realize tht all roads to Kabul go through Islamabad.... ur govt. has realised it nows ur turn....... take a look here


Did I deny your strategic location vis-a-vis Afghanistan. Yes for cheap transport, it has to go though Pakistan.

I did not deny the fact the Pakistan should ALSO play a role as India also has its interests. We are not against Pak not having a role like you guys.
How can the world give control back to taliban. You talk as if they have control. As you all said it will be decided by the outsiders and its definitely not Pakistan alone. So dont daydream. Nobody believes Pakistan any longer.

so whats the fuss about 'talk with Taliban ' :lol:

yes it will be certainly not decided by Pakistan alone but certainly India will not have a say in the political setup in A-stan, because they are simply not a party there, may be no one trusts Pakistan but they have to in this particular case
sorry but the ground reality is that Afghans cannot decide anything for themselves right now, not even the Government which rules the Presidential Palace can decide anything, it will be decided by the outsiders :agree:

Is that what we all want? Can't it change? The 'GREAT GAME' did'nt do anything good for anyone neither the 'players' nor the hapless 'audience'. If Central African Republic and Chad can be allowed to decide for them selves, why not Afghanistan. Time to call off the 'Great Game'. Back to the pavilion folks! 'Its not cricket' any longer.:cheers:
so whats the fuss about 'talk with Taliban ' :lol:

yes it will be certainly not decided by Pakistan alone but certainly India will not have a say in the political setup in A-stan, because they are simply not a party there, may be no one trusts Pakistan but they have to in this particular case

You need more knowledge

From Wiki

During the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, India offered intelligence and other forms of support for the Coalition forces. After the overthrow of the Taliban, India established diplomatic relations with the newly-established democratic government, provided aid and participated in the reconstruction efforts.[3] India has provided USD 650-750 million in humanitarian and economic aid, making it the largest regional provider of aid for Afghanistan.[2][3] The Indian Army's Border Roads Organisation is constructing a major road in the remote Afghan province of Nimroz.[2][3] India's support and collaboration extends to rebuilding of air links, power plants and investing in health and education sectors as well as helping to train Afghan civil servants, diplomats and police. India also seeks the development of supply lines of electricity, oil and natural gas.
And you say India has no role to play in Afg,yet being the largest investor their??
If Pakistan has no role in Afg,then please atleast don't post false statements, that India is not playing a role in making new Afg.


Afghanistan?India relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ever heard of this all, i know you havent

Allama Iqbal Faculty of Arts Kabul University



Under construction Jinnah Hospital in Kabul



Liaqat Ali Khan Engineering Faculty Blockat Mizar-e-Sharef


Pak to construct Rs 1.2b hospital in Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD (APP) - The Government of Pakistan will construct Jinnah Hospital in Kabul at an estimated cost of Rs 1200 million, which would have all the modern health facilities.

A contract signing ceremony was held here Tuesday between the Governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Commander National Logistic Cell, Brigadier Nisar Ahmed Mir and Brigadier (Retd) Anjum Saeed on the part of Planning and Development Division signed the agreement.

First Secretary Embassy of Afghanistan, Syed Maluk Fakhar was also present on the occasion. Senior Joint Secretary Planning and Development Division Raja Atta Mohammad on this occasion gave details of the project.

He said Pakistan has already committed an amount of US $300 million for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Afghanistan.

He told that the planned three-storey hospital would have a capacity of 200 beds with further space available for its expansion to 400 beds.

For this purpose, 25 acres of land has been made available by the Government of Afghanistan, he added.

He said it would comprise 50-bed Thalassemia centre, dialysis centre,surgical wards, besides others facilities.

He said the design of the hospital has been prepared by M/S NESPAK in consultation with Ministry of Health, Afghanistan.

Contract for construction has been awarded to National Logistic Cell, which is also constructing Allama Iqbal Faculty Block at Kabul University, Sir Syed Post Graduate Science Faculty Block in Nangarhar University, Jalalabad, Liaquat Ali Khan Engineering Faculty Block in Bulkh University, Mazar-e-Sharif and Nishtar Kidney Centre, Jalalabad, he added.

Raja Atta said that after completion, all the necessary equipment will be supplied by the government of Pakistan.

About other projects, the Senior Joint Secretary said “Nishtar Kidney Health Centre, Jalalabad is under construction while general hospital at Logar and Fatima Jinnah Nuclear Medicine Centre in Kabul are in the pipeline.”

Besides, Pakistan committed to construct a 100-bed eye hospital, he added.

He said Pakistan has made a donation of 100 buses, 300,000 student kit, 50,000 food packages and 9,600 tents.

About 14 Mobile Medical Units are under fabrication while Afghan officials have got training in Pakistani Institutes, he added.

Work on Chaman-Spin Boldak Railway Link will be initiated and a TV transmitter would also be supplied, he said.

First Secretary Embassy of Afghanistan Syed Maluk Fakhar lauded these efforts and said that Government of Pakistan is completing different projects especially in health sector of Afghanistan.

He said “Afghan people are thankful for government’s big assistance.”

Chairman PM Inspection Commission Major General Farooq Ahmed, representatives from NESPAK, Finance Division and Planning and Development Division were also present on the occasion.
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It finally appears that an official agreement(s) has been reached between the US military and Russian, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan governments concerning a supply route into Afghanistan. CentCom Commander for the region, General David Petraeus stated:

"There have been agreements reached, and there are transit lines now and transit agreements for commercial goods and services in particular that include several countries in the Central Asian states and also Russia."

In recent weeks, Petraeus visited Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and in the past couple days met with several members of the Pakistani government and military. "It is very important as we increase the effort in Afghanistan that we have multiple routes that go into the country," General Petraeus told reporters in Islamabad. Though it was reported awhile back that these routes may be allowed to supply the US military in Afghanistan with lethal goods, to go along with the currently transited non-lethal variety, but it is unclear if this was part of the deal.

Apparently, Petraeus and the US had to convince the CA states and Russia that these new routes, which will involve the building of infrastructure along the way, would not include any long term facilities that the US would control. In other words, No Permanent Bases. Scholar Stephen Blank analyzes the new deal and argues that its a good one for the CA states. The US has agreed to not only pay transit fees, but also buy many of the supplies from local sources and build up local infrastructure. During this economic slump, these CA states, especially Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, the latter of which Blank believes may be saved from collapse by this deal, could definitely use the aid. Maybe the US military aid will provide a 'stimulus’ for the local economies.

Recently, NATO officials have been meeting with Turkmenistan counterparts to discuss furthering their strategic relationship in terms of the transportation of goods into Afghanistan territory. The talks are not the first to occur between the two as Ashgabat has been a transport corridor for flights into the region for years now. Ties appear to be getting closer though as a new deal will hopefully be stroke soon regarding greater amounts of transit for NATO goods. Berdymukhamedov also made a strategic step last spring when he attended the NATO summit in Bucharest to discuss cooperation. At this summit he reportedly garnered a personal meeting with US President Bush.

Before the holidays took over for us in the West, NATO supply routes through Pakistan into Afghanistan were under siege by Taliban insurgents. Since then, actions have been taken by both NATO officials, to find alternative supply routes through Russia and the Central Asian states north of Afghanistan, and the Pakistani government, which shut down a crucial part of the Pakistan-based supply route to try and weed out Taliban militants.

It appears that NATO officials are finding friendly listeners in the states of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and even Russia when it comes to increasing their role in providing territory for NATO supplies into Afghanistan. Gen. Duncan J. McNabb, chief of the American military's Transportation Command, reportedly quietly visited nations along Afghanistan's northern border last month and it looks like their governments will welcome the increasing traffic of nonlethal goods. These CA states have revenues to gain, better relations with Europe and the US, and share NATO's struggle of combating extremism and bringing stability to Afghanistan and the region. NATO and US interests in a new, safer route are rather obvious and have become especially important as a surge in American troops is coming in the very near future and will need greater amounts of infrastructure and military supplies.
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