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India has become safer under Manmohan Singh.

r u autistic ? cant you read what i wrote ? no source because we dont make a hoopla out of it....

Seems like its the other way round... Can't you understand that I stated police and administration have an anti-muslim bias in terrorism and riots related cases and muslims have been languishing in jails for no fault of their own. And you said even Hindus face the same thing, So I asked you to present evidences supporting your claims as I've done but I guess its too much of an asking for a retard...

arey kattu....i asked you to show one hindu group that has been banned by the central govt for terror acts....also the link you shown was about extremists targeting theatres...no differnt from you kattus making a hoopla out of movies like viswaroopam and throwing petrol bombs on theatres screening them....

Petrol bombs thrown at theatres meant to screen Vishwaroopam | NDTV.com

Abey Chatte, Only morons like you can compare Petrol bombs with explosives of high intensity. Attack on Vishwaroopan theatre wasn't investigated by ATS and wasn't a pre-planned incident(At least you source doesn't state so) whereas Sanatan Sanstha's terrorists were arrested and sentenced for bomb blasts. A case been handled by ATS speaks volumes about this well organised terror group working from their sh!thole ashram. And as always chaddi baniyas like you always have this habit of jumping on conclusions....

Source: ’08 bomb attacks: 2 Sanatan Sanstha men held guilty - Indian Express

and the ban on SIMI was reinstated....looks like kattu is in full hypocrisy and selective truth mode today

Tribunal upholds ban on SIMI - Indian Express

btw the the ministry of home affairs lists SIMI as a declared Islamic terrorist outfit.....

nice try kattu.

Phir shuru hogaya Chattey, The article you mentioned is of 2006 whereas the sources I mentioned are of 2008 and 2012 so baasi taasi na kha taazi khabar ley and the ban case is still under review, so wait for the good news moreover ministry of home affairs lists SIMI as banned terrorists organisation and has no mention of Islamic... Go get some brain chattey...

because that was a linguistic ethnic war kattu.....hindu, christian, muslim tamils all fought for the cause....if you dont know about that stfu...

Kitne baar bolen tujhe chattey, that when Tamil Hindus/christians/muslims fight, won't they invoke their God to give strength and courage to overwhelm their enemy?? So how come Kashmiri terrorists any different? Kashmiri terrorists(locals) fought for their freedom and intruders fought to hurt India aided by our frenemy and all of them invoked their God for the same purpose as Tamil terrorists have done. If you don't want to accept this simple fact, then the only thing I have to say is STFU...

by the same logic you kattus call RSS a terrorist outfit for the reason it was banned once upon a time for political reasons and a dozen hindus have been arrested for the same political reasons (none of them convicted till date)....you cannot pick and choose truth....if you refer to them as terrorists i will call every muslim a terrorist or potential terrorist.....

It is well known fact that Paganic chaddis like you are devoid of any logic. Many RSS members have been charged of terrorism in the recent past and we are not speaking of 40's or 80's, so stop making illogical comparisons...:coffee:

but this one has empirical evidence.....1400 years you muslims have been indulging in the same vile against idolators...

Empty rhetoric when an argument fails...:cheesy:

A piece of advise for you: Go learn some English vocabulary as you seem to be weak in understanding the statements....

And finally I am done with you as I don't have enough patience to deal with your no-brainers:wave:
Seems like its the other way round... Can't you understand that I stated police and administration have an anti-muslim bias in terrorism and riots related cases and muslims have been languishing in jails for no fault of their own. And you said even Hindus face the same thing, So I asked you to present evidences supporting your claims as I've done but I guess its too much of an asking for a retard...

Police have anti muslim bias because of understandable stereotyping. A policeman after years of policing in India comes to the realization that most crimes and terrorist activities have a muslim hand. Its the same in US where most police men first suspect blacks and mexicans for crimes.

If mulims in India did not take to crime in Large numbers (disproportional to their actual population), the police would have no reason to seem them as first suspects. That is just a Fact of life .... irrespective if you accept it or not.

....Only morons like you can compare Petrol bombs with explosives of high intensity. Attack on Vishwaroopan theatre wasn't investigated by ATS and wasn't a pre-planned incident(At least you source doesn't state so) whereas Sanatan Sanstha's terrorists were arrested and sentenced for bomb blasts. A case been handled by ATS speaks volumes about this well organised terror group working from their sh!thole ashram. ....

LOL...his example was perfectly valid.

The source you gave showed a low intensity bomb thrown during movie Jodha Akbar as it hurt Hindu sentiment.

The source he gave showed petrol bomb thrown during movie Vishwaroopam because the attackers claimed it hurt Muslim sentiment.

Its your who are in denial of this obvious similarity.

.......... moreover ministry of home affairs lists SIMI as banned terrorists organisation and has no mention of Islamic... Go get some brain ...

SIMI stands for Students Islamic Movement of India .....:lol: .....and you are telling us it has no mention of Islamic.

....that when Tamil Hindus/christians/muslims fight, won't they invoke their God to give strength and courage to overwhelm their enemy?? So how come Kashmiri terrorists any different? Kashmiri terrorists(locals) fought for their freedom and intruders fought to hurt India aided by our frenemy and all of them invoked their God for the same purpose as Tamil terrorists have done. ....

The difference is obvious to all of us here.

LTTE fought a war against Racial and Linguistic discrimination. Religion had nothing to do with their reason for war.

Kashmiri Terrorist and Pakistani Terrorists fight for special status as Muslims...their whole POV is their ISLAMIC Identity. They fight IN THE NAME OF ISLAM. They want freedom to form separate ISLAMIC STATE. It have everything to do with Islam .......:disagree:........again its your who is in denial.
Bitter harvest


- The Italian marines’ issue could be damaging for the Gandhis

For the Congress, Italy has always been a touchy subject — at least ever since the Bofors scandal broke in Sweden in 1988. Those with memories will recall that businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi fled India (or, rather, was allowed to flee) in haste on the night of July 29-30, 1993, after the Swiss authorities had confirmed a Bofors trail to his bank accounts. And Quattrocchi was no ordinary Italian business representative of Snamprogetti; he was well-known in Delhi as a man who flaunted his social connection with Rajiv and Sonia Gandhi

Another confession! MahaCM P.Chavan admits on @ibnlive "we were wrong to start POPULIST irrigation schemes under pressure"

Italy asks its troops to be ready for strong unhappiness by India

Anticipating a strong wave of “unhappiness”, “discomfort” and “objections” from India after they refused to send the marines back, Italy has asked its citizens and armed forces to be ready to deal with any such eventuality.

“We have ordered millions of earplugs, oil, cleaning buds, dark glasses, chewing gum, and similar artillery to deal with the massive verbal onslaught that we expect India to unleash upon us,” Giampaolo di Paola, the Defense Minister of Italy revealed.

Reports say that before taking the decision of not sending back the marines, accused of killing Indian fishermen, the government of Italy had called a top level meeting where they concluded that Italy must be ready to face the consequences.

“Half of our worries were taken care of as we don’t play cricket,” an official in the Foreign Ministry of Italy told Faking News, “The only big threat remaining was India expressing strong disapproval.”:P

Sources reveal that top management of Ferrari was also called in by the Italian government to know how they dealt with the “strong objections” by the government of India when the car manufacturing company had decided to show support for the accused Italian marines during the Indian Grand Prix four months back.

“Ferrari officials first laughed, and then told us to ‘chill’, but when we insisted, they told us to make sure that we just nod our heads when India registers a strong protest, but not to laugh audibly as this could cause a prolonged session of protest,” an Italian source claimed.

Latest reports confirm that the government of Italy was already practicing the “counter offensive”.

“India and Italy are matured nations. We respect India as the largest democracy of the world and an emerging superpower. We hope this matter will be resolved amicably,” Giulio Terzi Sant’Agata, the Foreign Minister of Italy said without giggling or smiling even for a second.:lol:

Back home, the government of India was trying to find the ‘register’ button online to register a strong protest.
According to Police reports there are more than 2000 foreigners in our jails but no one has been ever allowed to visit his country
Whenever Maun Mohan Singh gives a speech he looks a like rare species - as if lip movements of a dead body - no expressions!
Police have anti muslim bias because of understandable stereotyping. A policeman after years of policing in India comes to the realization that most crimes and terrorist activities have a muslim hand. Its the same in US where most police men first suspect blacks and mexicans for crimes.

If mulims in India did not take to crime in Large numbers (disproportional to their actual population), the police would have no reason to seem them as first suspects. That is just a Fact of life .... irrespective if you accept it or not.

Yes it is one of the reasons but it cannot be the main reason for the anti-muslim bias. We are not speaking about muslim count in Indian prison but about the biased attitude of police. Even the blacks being targeted also have racial undertone in it and this has been confirmed in many studies and reports.

LOL...his example was perfectly valid.

The source you gave showed a low intensity bomb thrown during movie Jodha Akbar as it hurt Hindu sentiment.

The source he gave showed petrol bomb thrown during movie Vishwaroopam because the attackers claimed it hurt Muslim sentiment.

Its your who are in denial of this obvious similarity.

Dude you conveniently ignored the rest of the article. The article clearly mentions that they were high intensity explosives "The 1,020-page ATS chargesheet had claimed that all the explosives were of high intensity" and more over these explosives were placed and not thrown as you have mentioned.

SIMI stands for Students Islamic Movement of India .....:lol: .....and you are telling us it has no mention of Islamic.

LOLZ The ministry of home affairs didn't mention SIMI as "Islamic" terror organisation but just as banned terror organisation, so why goof up with names of the terror organisations...

The difference is obvious to all of us here.

LTTE fought a war against Racial and Linguistic discrimination. Religion had nothing to do with their reason for war.

Kashmiri Terrorist and Pakistani Terrorists fight for special status as Muslims...their whole POV is their ISLAMIC Identity. They fight IN THE NAME OF ISLAM. They want freedom to form separate ISLAMIC STATE. It have everything to do with Islam .......:disagree:........again its your who is in denial.

Pakistani/foreign terrorists in this case may have fought in the name of Islam but kashmiri terrorists did fight for their freedom as Tamils have done. I would want to remind you that even Kashmiri people are also a ethnic group...
Manmohan Singh seems a nice guy. He seems smart and a wise leader. I have respect for this man.
Seems like its the other way round... Can't you understand that I stated police and administration have an anti-muslim bias in terrorism and riots related cases and muslims have been languishing in jails for no fault of their own. And you said even Hindus face the same thing, So I asked you to present evidences supporting your claims as I've done but I guess its too much of an asking for a retard...

there is no bias....its common sense....whenever you look at terroirst activities in india....its almost always done by muslims......so its natural for police to arrest muslim suspects first...and in most cases.....the muslim terror orgs themselves proudly claim credit.....

'Indian Mujahideen' claims responsibility - YouTube

Indian Mujahideen claims Delhi blast, says it will hit market next Tuesday - Times Of India

naturally police will suspect jehadi involvement...if you dont want police to do that....ask your community men not to go around killing kaffirs....if you cant do that...then stfu.....

Plus...it does not deny the fact that indians of all faiths suffer from the lax police attitude and its not muslims alone who suffer....stop doing this dramabaazi...you are not getting any sympathy....

Abey Chatte, Only morons like you can compare Petrol bombs with explosives of high intensity. Attack on Vishwaroopan theatre wasn't investigated by ATS and wasn't a pre-planned incident(At least you source doesn't state so) whereas Sanatan Sanstha's terrorists were arrested and sentenced for bomb blasts. A case been handled by ATS speaks volumes about this well organised terror group working from their sh!thole ashram. And as always chaddi baniyas like you always have this habit of jumping on conclusions....

Petrol bombs thrown at theatres meant to screen Vishwaroopam | NDTV.com

The attack you mentioned was the same as few katuas throwing petrol bombs on theatres because they did not like the movie......dont deflect....it was not a terrorist attack....it was few fundamentalists showing off their frustration....even your community men did it.....

Phir shuru hogaya Chattey, The article you mentioned is of 2006 whereas the sources I mentioned are of 2008 and 2012 so

baasi taasi na kha taazi khabar ley and the ban case is still under review, so wait for the good news moreover ministry of home affairs lists SIMI as banned terrorists organisation and has no mention of Islamic... Go get some brain chattey...

SIMI - Students Islamic Movement of India.....lol...the name screams our that its an Islamic terrorist movement.....its common sense....

an btw dear kattu, this is from the link you provided

In August 2008, a special tribunal lifted the ban on SIMI after a long review process. The ban was immediately (in 24 hours) reinstated by the then Chief Justice of India KG Balakrishnan on August 6, 2008, at the special request of the Congress-led government on national security grounds. Though an appeal was submitted by SIMI leadership challenging the political ban, it has not been accepted in file by the Supreme Court.

lol the SC has not even accepted the appeal from the SIMI terrorist leadership...

your lies may work in the ghettos where you live.....but not outside where it will be challenged and debunked.

Kitne baar bolen tujhe chattey, that when Tamil Hindus/christians/muslims fight, won't they invoke their God to give strength and courage to overwhelm their enemy?? So how come Kashmiri terrorists any different? Kashmiri terrorists(locals) fought for their freedom and intruders fought to hurt India aided by our frenemy and all of them invoked their God for the same purpose as Tamil terrorists have done. If you don't want to accept this simple fact, then the only thing I have to say is STFU...

kattu...you seem to be in denial mode...what I said is they may pray to their gods....but that does not make it LTTE a hindu terror org....lol....by your logic, LTTE must have been simultaneously a hindu, christian and islamic terror organization because cadres from all three religions were in it....see how idiotic it sounds....:cheesy:

LTTE's aim was to create a Tamil Eeelam....not a hindu eelam....they might be an ethnic terror organization....but not religious terror organization...their aim was not religion oriented....

but the aim and motive of SIMI, IM, LeT and Kashmiri terrorist organization are toi establish an islamic caliphate/country....and they use your quran to justify their acts.....that is why they are called islamic terror orgs...

LTTE did not use verses from ramayana or vedas to justify their terror....but islamic terrorist organization regularly use qurani verses and islam to justify their acts...not to forget shouting allahu akbar before going kabboom in market places or bazaars....take that into your brain

It is well known fact that Paganic chaddis like you are devoid of any logic. Many RSS members have been charged of terrorism in the recent past and we are not speaking of 40's or 80's, so stop making illogical comparisons..

how many were convicted ? none.....if charging is alone enough for you to label them as terrorists then in the past two days 10 muslims have been declared terrorists in india..an hundreds more are done every year.....

regarding bolded part....ha, finally the hate for kaffirs coming out...after trying to disguise it.....be open...muslum....we all know what you guys think of hindus...no need to disguise that......

Empty rhetoric when an argument fails...

its the truth.....you are denial about your cult....
Yes it is one of the reasons but it cannot be the main reason for the anti-muslim bias. We are not speaking about muslim count in Indian prison but about the biased attitude of police. Even the blacks being targeted also have racial undertone in it and this has been confirmed in many studies and reports.

did you even read what he said.....that attitude is because most terrorist attacks in india and over the world are done by muslims for their perverted goals.....so its natural for the police to consider the islamic hand first.....dont cry about it....its actions of your own community men that have led to these attitude in not only the police, but also among the general population....

Pakistani/foreign terrorists in this case may have fought in the name of Islam but kashmiri terrorists did fight for their freedom as Tamils have done. I would want to remind you that even Kashmiri people are also a ethnic group...

when the largest militant group hizbul mujaheddin itself claims that it is fighting the pakistani war in kashmir, you are justifying their terrorist activities as freedom fighting....shamelesss....and then you cry why people suspect loyalty of muslims....

Hizb chief Syed Salahuddin warns Pakistan against withdrawing support on Kashmir - Times Of India

plus you forgot indian mujaheddin and SIMI who are home grown terrorists who have done numerous terrorist activities in name of islam ?
Yes it is one of the reasons but it cannot be the main reason for the anti-muslim bias. We are not speaking about muslim count in Indian prison but about the biased attitude of police. Even the blacks being targeted also have racial undertone in it and this has been confirmed in many studies and reports.

I am also talking about the attitude of India cops. ........ when day in day out they deal with criminals and terrorist who are majority muslims its natural for them to form an opinion guided by their experience.

Dude you conveniently ignored the rest of the article. The article clearly mentions that they were high intensity explosives "The 1,020-page ATS chargesheet had claimed that all the explosives were of high intensity" and more over these explosives were placed and not thrown as you have mentioned.

Its high intensity only when plastic explosives are used. Here ammonium nitrate was used...it was low intensity irrespective of what DDM says. The bomb resulted in zero '0' death ......only injuries. You throw or place bombs ....how does it matter :lol: ...you are grabbing on straws here.

LOLZ The ministry of home affairs didn't mention SIMI as "Islamic" terror organisation but just as banned terror organisation, so why goof up with names of the terror organisations...

.... clutching at straws again .......SIMI is Islamic terror ....nothing can white wash that.

Pakistani/foreign terrorists in this case may have fought in the name of Islam but kashmiri terrorists did fight for their freedom as Tamils have done. I would want to remind you that even Kashmiri people are also a ethnic group...

Kashmiri enjoy equal freedom as other Indians, in fact article 370 grants them extra rights. They are not fighting for freedom......they are fighting for an Islamic state. :lol:
I am also talking about the attitude of India cops. ........ when day in day out they deal with criminals and terrorist who are majority muslims its natural for them to form an opinion guided by their experience.

You are fighting a lost cause. Look at one of the excerpt from the report which is as follows:

"A report on Muslim prisoners in Maharashtra jails by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) establishes that most of them do not have connections with criminal gangs, and points to an acute bias of the police for arresting them in some cases only because they belong to a particular community."

Source: TISS report points to anti-Muslim bias of police - The Hindu

Its high intensity only when plastic explosives are used. Here ammonium nitrate was used...it was low intensity irrespective of what DDM says. The bomb resulted in zero '0' death ......only injuries. You throw or place bombs ....how does it matter :lol: ...you are grabbing on straws here.

I quoted clearly from a news article of a reputed daily and you still want to deny it. Well so carry on... And how in this world can you compare a bomb blast where good number of people were injured with vandalism during a screening of Vishwaroopam where there were no reported deaths/injuries?? You must be a brave heart to do that :omghaha:

.... clutching at straws again .......SIMI is Islamic terror ....nothing can white wash that.

So are Abhinav Bharat, RSS etc Hindu terror organisations....:police:

Kashmiri enjoy equal freedom as other Indians, in fact article 370 grants them extra rights. They are not fighting for freedom......they are fighting for an Islamic state. :lol:

It could be in your perspective but may not be in their perspective....
If Muslims Of India can't move beyond 1992 and 2002, how can Hindus move beyond Somnath Temple, Ghazni, Ghori, Khilji, Taimur, Babur, Aurangzeb, Tipu, Jinnah etc?

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