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India has 40% of world's malnourished: Expert

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India need to impose 2 child policy then only we can overcome this problem, Indian Muslims are biggest culprits of holding back my countries growth by giving birth to more than 5-6 children per couple, so 2 child policy will check fundamental demographics change as well as give our policy planners a breathing space.

And for that 40 B $ remark by some but hurts , I can understand their agony of sleepless nights. :lol:
income bears no direct relevance to mortality rates below five when as I said food and medical aid are free for the africans

also is life expectancy if you understand how life expectancy is calculated

Enlighten me....how come malnutrition infested Kerallites people can live longer while

ps: another stupid indian professor working in the states

No stupid is the Indian govt who swallows whatever statistics presented to them without a drop of water bcs challenging them will hurt their stupid socialist principles and be the at the receiving ends of NGOs and others with vested interests.One of the favourite statements of Indian detractors is that " India has more poverty than Sub Saharan Africa". No body cares to challenge how an entire continent is compared to a nation that has more population than the entire African Continent..again nobody cares to point out the fact that while the poor in Africa wait outside the feeding stations for that day's handout, BPL (Below Poverty Line) cards in India is the most misused govt document in the country. I know many poor who live in well built houses, own TV and 2 wheelers but is poor on paper.
On the other hand, Indian economic progress had brought a lot of people out of poverty. Lets look at some positives of what India have done, not just the negatives.

WTH did you just said something good about India
WTH did you just said something good about India

I'm just making a point about India's economic progress relieve poverty to lots of people in India. Though India still has a lot of poor and still have ways to go. Its a positive progress. I state facts, not whether something is positive or negative.
We have Integrated Child development service scheme since 1975 and no doubt the figures are not optimistic yet for a country with abundant food grains.We are spending almost INR 16000 Cr with an 11% rise in this financial year.This is not a small amount if spend in the right manner.

@qamar1990: We are already spending billions of dollars on several schemes for child development.If the result is still gloomy that does mean that something is wrong somewhere else.A simple reduction in defence budget won't help either.

maybe 16000 crore inr is not enough.i mean you guys have a billion people thats like a what 150 rupees per person a year or something?
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there is nothing in india that makes me fit for the label if you are directing at me

indians cant analyse and think; and astonishingly poor in simple math

The way you count today . .and the way the world counts today, was brought to this world by "astonishingly poor in simple math" people.


The language of mathematics and counting, brought to the world by India:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


The Hindu–Arabic numeral system[1] or Hindu numeral system[2] is a positional decimal numeral system developed between the 1st and 4th centuries by Indian mathematicians.
India's defence budget is less than 2% of GDP nor our government is accustomed with taking huge loans from IMF time to time.

with foreign debt hitting trillions- its just a matter of time-
By your logic Pakistan should not have an army at all, you borrow money to run one dont you?

where did you guys study logic? lol

our population overall in living a better life then a indian, true or no?

Around 12%.

Golden word coming from a Pakistani. :rofl:

exactly decrease that to around 20 billion thats more then enough to take on pakistan.
with foreign debt hitting trillions- its just a matter of time-

Indian Govt does not issue sovereign debt, denominated in dollars (or any currency, other than the INR), unlike what Korea, China, Indonesia etc do.

Indian household hold an estimated $ 1 trillion worth of Gold.

Its wiser to hold Gold than USD, which is a fiat currency.

In any case, the official reserves of forex, well cover the foreign debt held by Indian corporates etc.
This will answer your question steps are being taken to tackle the issue in the form of food security bill

Cabinet clears Ordinance to implement Food Security Bill - The Economic Times


(Reuters) - The government launched a $22 billion welfare scheme on Wednesday to give cheap food to hundreds of millions of people, a centre-piece of the ruling Congress party's plan to win a third term in office in elections due by May 2014.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...giant-cheap-food-programme.html#ixzz2Y2wicfbr

well this is good news then.

dude u live in us but ur knowledge about the worlds is worse than my pet ,we wouldnot have spent so much money on building bombs if our neighbours were not blood sucking monster
this is what i said:
no this is the stupidest thing i herd, you shouldn't be buying aircraft carriers when your country has 40% of the world malnourished population. you should have limits india does not need to spend that much on its security.

apparently since you seem to have a problem with what i said, then you think that an aircraft is more important then feeding a few million kids for a year?
where did you guys study logic? lol

our population overall in living a better life then a indian, true or no?
What a logic, insha allah!
Thank god, we Indians dint enjoy the so called better life you Pakistanis enjoy. :omghaha:
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