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India has 40% of world's malnourished: Expert

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Our cities are the dirtiest of the world. If there was a nobel prize for dirt and *****, India will win it. -Jairam Ramesh, Indian Minister of Enviroment
I am not challenging the validity of the report. I am just pointing out the same methology should be also applied to other countries covered by UNICEF and not just india alone

mismanangement corruptions etc are factors leading to indicators of HDI and rate of stunted growth go in sync

You cannot compare African height and weight status to India and then conclude that the Indians are stunted and are suffering from malnutrition.
dude u live in us but ur knowledge about the worlds is worse than my pet ,we wouldnot have spent so much money on building bombs if our neighbours were not blood sucking monster

All the neighbors of India don'thate it for no reason... :lol:
Our cities are the dirtiest of the world. If there was a nobel prize for dirt and *****, India will win it. -Jairam Ramesh, Indian Minister of Enviroment

Clearly he needs to get out more.
You cannot compare African height and weight status to India and then conclude that the Indians are stunted and are suffering from malnutrition.

when you go beyond just stunted and malnutrition to mortality rates then african and indian kids suffer the same dire situations
when you go beyond just stunted and malnutrition to mortality rates then african and indian kids suffer the same dire plights

Again as the article shows

Kerala exhibits vital statistics edging towards those in the developed countries:life expec-tancy of 74 years, infant mortality rate of 12 per 1,000 live births and maternal mortality rate of 95 per 1,00,000 live births. The corresponding figures for Senegal are far worse at 62, 51 and 410, respectively. But nutrition statistics say that Kerala has 25% stunted children compared to 20% of Senegal and 23% underweight children relative to 14.5% of the latter.

Kerala which is leading Senegal in life expentancy, infant mortality and maternal mortality lags behind Senegal in stunted and underweight children.There is no logical explanation for this.
Again as the article shows

Kerala which is leading Senegal in life expentancy, infant mortality and maternal mortality lags behind Senegal in stunted and underweight children.There is no logical explanation for this.

That may be true as many of these factors do not have the counts in foreign food and medical aid
So African countries fare better than Kerala
That may be true as many of these factors do not have the counts in foreign food and medical aid
So African countries fare better than Kerala

Then how come they don't have high HDI. Name a poor country malnutrition infested country with high HDI.
Then how come they don't have high HDI. Name a poor country malnutrition infested country with high HDI.

Of course they dont have
HDI comprises other programs than the very basic needs which are for life and death

This may be a revelation for the indian government to explore!
Of course they dont have
HDI comprises other programs than the very basic needs which are for life and death

This may be a revelation for the indian government to explore!

I don't know why you are acting ignorant. 2 of the main factors affecting HDI are life expectancy and income which are very essential for life.

Face it, the whole malnutrition statistics is cooked up by socialists and propagated by vested interests based on false parameters to meet their own ends. India have a lot of ills but the amount attributed to it is clearly over the top.
This is just sad, for a nation that spends 40 billion a year on bombs.

thats what you get when you buy fancy planes and carriers :cuckoo: but leave the population starving.

Look who is talking.....Pakistan 10 position below India....means Pakistan's condition is lot worst than India....
I don't know why you are acting ignorant. 2 of the main factors affecting HDI are life expectancy and income which are very essential for life.

Face it, the whole malnutrition statistics is cooked up by socialists and propagated by vested interests based on false parameters to meet their own ends. India have a lot of ills but the amount attributed to it is clearly over the top.

income bears no direct relevance to mortality rates below five when as I said food and medical aid are free for the africans

also is life expectancy if you understand how life expectancy is calculated

ps: another stupid indian professor working in the states
I don't know why you are acting ignorant. 2 of the main factors affecting HDI are life expectancy and income which are very essential for life.

Face it, the whole malnutrition statistics is cooked up by socialists and propagated by vested interests based on false parameters to meet their own ends. India have a lot of ills but the amount attributed to it is clearly over the top.

He is an indophobe
He is an indophobe

there is nothing in india that makes me fit for the label if you are directing at me

indians cant analyse and think; and astonishingly poor in simple math
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