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India Hangs 1993 Mumbai Bomb Plotter Yakub Memon

So India claims he was a terrorist...... some send off for such a criminal.


Yakub Memon’s body being carried to the Chandanwadi burial grounds in Mumbai on Thursday.

Do you want me to post pics of Osama's send off in Pakistan? Or Arshad Mehmood's?

Arshad Mehmood: Hanged, then buried by crowds of well-wishers - Multimedia - DAWN.COM
LOL...Pakistanis ..

This is how it is done...even criminal is respected in his death..unlike Pakistan.. where the army refused to take back your own soldiers who died in Kargil war.... your soldiers had to be buried in Mass grave on Indian side by Indian soldiers.
Give it a rest you ranting idiot.
Let me remind you when some terrorist was hanged in Pakistan and a few dozen people attended his funeral, you Bhartis were falling over each other with hysteria. Now suck on it.
BTW, forget the dead, you people weren't even ready to accept your alive pilot in front of the media, in the end we had to hand him over to the UN, representatives.
Session Court, High Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Court (Review Petition), Supreme Court (Curative Petition), President Mercy Petition, Governor Mercy Petition, President Mercy Petition 2, Supreme Court Petition challenging the hanging all found out him to be guilty

Then why is that Rajiv gandhi's executor's are not hanged?.Balwant singh executor of Ex- Punjab Chief Minister was not hanged after death sentence, even though he never applied for reviews or mercy plea just because he was sikh?
Give it a rest you ranting idiot.
Let me remind you when some terrorist was hanged in Pakistan and a few dozen people attended his funeral, you Bhartis were falling over each other with hysteria. Now suck on it.

A terrorist is dead...Killed ...Finito..Its the terrorist sponsors like you who need to suck it up...

BTW, forget the dead, you people weren't even ready to accept your alive pilot in front of the media, in the end we had to hand him over to the UN, representatives.
Just because something comes out of HILAL... it may not be true..

Rerad facts: BBC News | South Asia | Pakistan returns Indian pilot

Then why is that Rajiv gandhi's executor's are not hanged?.Balwant singh executor of Ex- Punjab Chief Minister was not hanged after death sentence, even though he never applied for reviews or mercy plea just because he was sikh?
Ask Congress... they atre the ones who never went ahead with execution...all in the name of votebank politics.
A terrorist is dead...Killed ...Finito..Its the terrorist sponsors like you who need to suck it up...

Just because something comes out of HILAL... it may not be true..

Rerad facts: BBC News | South Asia | Pakistan returns Indian pilot

Ask Congress... they atre the ones who never went ahead with execution...all in the name of votebank politics.

Now bjp is their right why don't they go head and execute them?.For you kind information Rajiv gandhi executor's death sentence is halted during BJP government.
Why you did not include all the hanging from 1880 lol
Just take this government modi chaiwala how many Hindus hanged
Plzz answer
Didn't you guys hang several dozen terrorists very recently, all of them Muslims, and that too with much fanfare and chest thumping right here on PDF? Hypocrites!

As for only Muslims being hanged in India this should shut you up.


72 Muslims Hanged in India against 1,342 Hindus and Others -The New Indian Express

As someone said on twitter just yesterday, Terrorism has no religion, but apparently terrorists do! :hitwall:
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