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India Got it's First Medal at Rio!!!!! Second on the way.........

When did he say he would?

Return on investment for 95% of olympic sports is very low and thus must be very carefully targetted if its taxpayer money.
Target the ones we think we can achieve something..like wrestling, shooting, archery, boxing etc. we are useless in track & field events!
Target the ones we think we can achieve something..like wrestling, shooting, archery, boxing etc. we are useless in track & field events!

Yes badminton has now shown the model for it quite well...we have to find ways to popularise a league based format for the other sports we have strong chances in that you mention.....and really rake in the private money....which will also find itself in the ground based selection/training infra. This will give a more steady income to all athletes and they wont be under such intense pressure to medal to get a boost.....plus general sporting exposure is helped outside of cricket for Indians.

Govt. should be more the enabler and not the main funder for this.

I wouldn't say we are useless in track and field, govt can certainly invest in more of this infrastructure by careful targetting....since there are multiplier effects for the general population regarding this anyway (i.e infra can be quite multipurpose etc).

It is important to have more easy road for those in non-traditional disciplines like Dipa in Gymnastics. I am sure she could have medalled if the route was easier for her (so she did not have to struggle so much in her early formative years).

So this goes for things like swimming, gymnastics, strength training, combat sports, aquatics etc,,,
What an Idiot. Having an Malik surname doesnt mean She is Muslim. She is an Indian and a "Hindu" if u insists upon religion.

Abdul Kalam was a Muslim and he built terrific defence for India. So much for Ummaah BS. :lol:
What an Idiot. Having an Malik surname doesnt mean She is Muslim. She is an Indian and a "Hindu" if u insists upon religion.

Abdul Kalam was a Muslim and he built terrific defence for India. So much for Ummaah BS. :lol:
Since you get personal on funny staff, you re an ignorant not worth a second of anyone\s time here....She is Muslim, maybe it hurtsyou.. and Abdul Kalam who told you he didn't built the same terrefic defences for the Ummah too..Of course an idiot like you would have expected him to say so!

Did you see her put palms together and bow to the judges at the start? No namaz or anything. You do realise many hindus have surnames like Malik and Shah as well? How muslim of a name is Sakshi? Stupid fool bringing in religion like a twit....without checking his facts to begin with.

When you will post mysore pak my favourite? :D
Did you want her to say she was Muslim and all hindus will be ashamed of themselves, feel idiotic and stupid because they can get a medal?
Malik is name derived from the sanskrit word malika. Guess this is enough for those who want to tear apart India's medal winner Ms.Malik on religious grounds. Pathetic really !!
Did you want her to say she was Muslim and all hindus will be ashamed of themselves, feel idiotic and stupid because they can get a medal?

Have you read anything about her family and upbringing?

You are sooooooo dumb.

Cornered into a little hole with a massive sign on your neck and you are still yapping that you don't.

Bugger off.
Since you get personal on funny staff, you re an ignorant not worth a second of anyone\s time here....She is Muslim, maybe it hurtsyou.. and Abdul Kalam who told you he didn't built the same terrefic defences for the Ummah too..Of course an idiot like you would have expected him to say so!

Did you want her to say she was Muslim and all hindus will be ashamed of themselves, feel idiotic and stupid because they can get a medal?
malik is a hindu surname too... i dont know whether she is hindu or muslim but why should it matter?... is not sania mirza muslim?
malik is a hindu surname too... i dont know whether she is hindu or muslim but why should it matter?... is not sania mirza muslim?

He suffers from massive inferiority complex. There is no reasoning with him that our lass is Hindu....religion means so much to this dumbass that he is blinded by one name and his dumb thought process on that its a religious identification for everyone.
Since you get personal on funny staff, you re an ignorant not worth a second of anyone\s time here....She is Muslim, maybe it hurtsyou.. and Abdul Kalam who told you he didn't built the same terrefic defences for the Ummah too..Of course an idiot like you would have expected him to say so!

Did you want her to say she was Muslim and all hindus will be ashamed of themselves, feel idiotic and stupid because they can get a medal?
@waz your attention needed here.
malik is a hindu surname too... i dont know whether she is hindu or muslim but why should it matter?... is not sania mirza muslim?
I was making a joke on my first post , because that what I thought , but knowing the hidus religion Ramboism , I expected some idiots not to understand the context and answer as hindu fanatics..well they are here and exposed now!

I was making a joke on my first post , because that what I thought , but knowing the hidus religion Ramboism , I expected some idiots not to understand the context and answer as hindu fanatics..well they are here and exposed now!
alright.. my apologies.. carry on.. :)
Today,Yogeswar Dutt is starting his medal hunt,right??

All the best to him..

Just bring a medal,if possible,a gold...

Today,Yogeswar Dutt is starting his medal hunt,right??

All the best to him..

Just bring a medal,if possible,a gold...


He drew the tough Mongolian and has just been knocked out of the first round. That's what the draw can do.
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