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India globally isolated despite losing four territories to China. Modi & Ajit Doval failed

It's true India lost 4 territories to China

Aksai Chin
It's true India lost 4 territories to China

Aksai Chin
Tibet was never ours....
AJK and GB Pakistan captured from independent Kashmir before India joined the fight....
Only aksai chin was taken by China but in later years India captured Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim and thus earned much bigger area than lost in 62....

BTW Just came to know China captured Gujarat too and heading fast towards Maharashtra.....:D
A reality check:

India has lost territory to China at 4 locations - and is still losing it as we speak, while Indian friends (as they say) are quiet, unmoved and non-supportive.
  • Russia: is silent
  • USA: is silent (offered mediation to facilitate dialogue, not to back India)
  • Israel: is silent
  • France: is silent
  • Bangladesh: is silent
Indian plight is floating in the clouds. India is suffering and has lost territory at 4 points, yet there is ZERO support of India and ZERO condemnation of China.

Practically and literally, the hateful Hindu State is ISOLATED.

Do you realize that INDIA Itself is Not Asking for ANY KIND OF ATTENTION ?
We are not Pakistan running for Support as u cant do anything on ur own.

We Infact DONT WANT even US and we said that quite clearly. We can defend China like we did in Diklam WITHOUT any External support.


Ever since this stand off with China...I've been dying to hear Bipin run his mouth...but he is oddly not chirpy as of late. Perhaps his stance has changed...from being able to fight on two and half fronts...he is shitting from two and half behinds...
...and that's not something one announces publicly.

Since this thread is based on a YouTube video...and will mostly be used for trolling...I decided to dip my toes a little :partay:
He remembers his soiled chaddis from Feb 27th, 2019.
Do you realize that INDIA Itself is Not Asking for ANY KIND OF ATTENTION ?
We are not Pakistan running for Support as u cant do anything on ur own.

We Infact DONT WANT even US and we said that quite clearly. We can defend China like we did in Diklam WITHOUT any External support.


View attachment 636886

That is the only safe diplomatic line India can take, or it would have to accept mediation on remaining parts of Kashmir. Ladakh is anyway part of IOK. You accept mediation one part of it, you lose your "Atoot ang" mantra.

It's not a decision of preference, but the decision of compulsion.

Despite who doesn't want allies in wars? It would be funny if you say "Indians' don't need allies in wars" - which in reality means you are advocating your own isolation.
Tibet was never ours....
AJK and GB Pakistan captured from independent Kashmir before India joined the fight....
Only aksai chin was taken by China but in later years India captured Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim and thus earned much bigger area than lost in 62....

BTW Just came to know China captured Gujarat too and heading fast towards Maharashtra.....:D
I heard they are near Chennai border...
I heard they are near Chennai border...

Yes on eastern theatre our situation is even worsening.... China had already cut the chicken neck, 7 sisters gone.... Odisha, Andhra were taken yesterday and now they're knocking on the door of Chennai..... hey RAM....
Who grilled Modi?? Off late PDF has become play ground of trolls... Starting thread based on YouTube vedios...
lol chines beat indian or nepali show indian their aukat indian comes to Pakistani site and cry that its cuz of Pakistan. i suggest you to go indian sites so you know the true face of troll we havent said anything to put salt on your wounds yet so dont push us.. Cuz we are the only one who let you bark on us sooner or later you will lose this luxery as well.
Yes on eastern theatre our situation is even worsening.... China had already cut the chicken neck, 7 sisters gone.... Odisha, Andhra were taken yesterday and now they're knocking on the door of Chennai..... hey RAM....

Do you have any proof anything is happening apart from last few days issue along Pangong Tso?

Yes Tibet was never India's and only after Mongol dynasty invasion of Tibet was it a part of China. PRC got it from ROC who got it from Imperial China before revolutions. At most Tibet should be independent of both India and China but rightfully by law, it is Chinese like Falkland islands is part of UK. The mongol empires rightfully took over Tibet. If Tibet can be argued to be not China's then Australia can be argued to be for native aboriginals and same as California is Mexico's because in history, half of California and also Texas in modern day was always Mexico until the Americans won then through war. So it is up to Tibet to say they want to be separate from China but CCP of course will never allow just like US congress will never allow California and Texas to become separate. Expecting and demanding CCP to releash Tibet is met with no serious response. Of course so then westerners will argue that Tibetan people wish for this and suffering under CCP. Well then unfortunately this game just all propaganda war and there is nothing we can say or do even if CCP develops Tibet, allows for different types of bhuddism but still monitors everything so they stay under control for better or for its own good is hard to say but I'm sure everyone is convinced about this in their own way. Just perhaps not totally true or accurate.
Yeah, South Indian schools have started curriculum in Mandarin taught by pakistani mullahs


[QUOTE="serenity, post: 12381981, member: 2062"]Do you have any proof anything is happening apart from last few days issue along Pangong Tso?

Yes Tibet was never India's and only after Mongol dynasty invasion of Tibet was it a part of China. PRC got it from ROC who got it from Imperial China before revolutions. At most Tibet should be independent of both India and China but rightfully by law, it is Chinese like Falkland islands is part of UK. The mongol empires rightfully took over Tibet. If Tibet can be argued to be not China's then Australia can be argued to be for native aboriginals and same as California is Mexico's because in history, half of California and also Texas in modern day was always Mexico until the Americans won then through war. So it is up to Tibet to say they want to be separate from China but CCP of course will never allow just like US congress will never allow California and Texas to become separate. Expecting and demanding CCP to releash Tibet is met with no serious response. Of course so then westerners will argue that Tibetan people wish for this and suffering under CCP. Well then unfortunately this game just all propaganda war and there is nothing we can say or do even if CCP develops Tibet, allows for different types of bhuddism but still monitors everything so they stay under control for better or for its own good is hard to say but I'm sure everyone is convinced about this in their own way. Just perhaps not totally true or accurate.[/QUOTE]

This is what everyone here wants to see happening.... common if my keyboard gives them some satisfaction why not????

[QUOTE="serenity, post: 12381981, member: 2062"]Do you have any proof anything is happening apart from last few days issue along Pangong Tso?

Yes Tibet was never India's and only after Mongol dynasty invasion of Tibet was it a part of China. PRC got it from ROC who got it from Imperial China before revolutions. At most Tibet should be independent of both India and China but rightfully by law, it is Chinese like Falkland islands is part of UK. The mongol empires rightfully took over Tibet. If Tibet can be argued to be not China's then Australia can be argued to be for native aboriginals and same as California is Mexico's because in history, half of California and also Texas in modern day was always Mexico until the Americans won then through war. So it is up to Tibet to say they want to be separate from China but CCP of course will never allow just like US congress will never allow California and Texas to become separate. Expecting and demanding CCP to releash Tibet is met with no serious response. Of course so then westerners will argue that Tibetan people wish for this and suffering under CCP. Well then unfortunately this game just all propaganda war and there is nothing we can say or do even if CCP develops Tibet, allows for different types of bhuddism but still monitors everything so they stay under control for better or for its own good is hard to say but I'm sure everyone is convinced about this in their own way. Just perhaps not totally true or accurate.

This is what everyone here wants to see happening.... common if my keyboard gives them some satisfaction why not????[/QUOTE]

Most of Chinese will not want to see Tibet become independent. It is another neighbour and countries often have issues mostly with neighbours. Even if not issues like religious differences or terrorism or just old fashioned military rivalry, it is huge loss of land and resources for us. We will imagine independent Tibet the same day Australians all leave and give the land back to aboriginals and USA give California and Texas that used to belong to Mexico back to Mexico. And for Falklands to either become part of Argentina where most of the people there living before British settlement were from or for Falklands to be independent. I know they want to be British because the majority now are British settlers and also prefer British citizenship over Argentinian. Also after Kashmir is granted independence from India.

You see Tibet has been a part of China since part of Yuan dynasty since 13th century CE and even though Tibet became independent again until the 18th century CE, it was again captured the same way as other civilisations grow and shrink in territory by the last Chinese Imperial dynasty around 1720. This many decades before Australia was colonised by England and much older than India independence from Britain which created the origin of modern day Kashmir issue. Texas and California were a part of Mexico until after 1820. This is 100 years after Tibet was a part of China. China lost huge lands to Russian empire during Beijing agreement after eight nation alliance and opium war against China. All of these are just some examples of borders and lands changing hands many many years sometimes century after Tibet already a part of China.
Yes on eastern theatre our situation is even worsening.... China had already cut the chicken neck, 7 sisters gone.... Odisha, Andhra were taken yesterday and now they're knocking on the door of Chennai..... hey RAM....
Murga kapathu.... Bhagavanthuda Rakishichu... Jagannatha rakshamadu... Amme Narayana rakshikettu
lol chines beat indian or nepali show indian their aukat indian comes to Pakistani site and cry that its cuz of Pakistan. i suggest you to go indian sites so you know the true face of troll we havent said anything to put salt on your wounds yet so dont push us.. Cuz we are the only one who let you bark on us sooner or later you will lose this luxery as well.
We will talk about China beating India a little later, can you please share the Nepal'so Map where India's aukat is reflected.. Motor mouthing is very easy....you know Mahathir...now he is licking his wounds... We have voted Modi to make India first, he is doing it finely. Regarding China, when it tried to dominate in Bhutan, we stood and forced them to back out... Do you think, if they come to India, we will be silent. We will use all means to hurt China... Just we will recognise Tiwan, Tibet and Hong Kong scuttle trade with D10(which is contemplated by UK).

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