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India fuming over Russia lifting its Pakistan arms embargo, what next?

It's a win win situation for both Russia and Pakistan..... for if India can diversify her sources then why can't Russia sell to whoever it wants, at the end of the day, every country has it's interest at heart.
Exactly In my opinion Russians made a calculated move by offering defense equipment to pakistan. Pakistan defense establishment did not even confirm any such negotiations. Pakistani media is in habit of making a buzz out of nothing.

Such news come before they even become a news, and it will not counter India , but China. Because Pakistan buys a lot from China, and China will do everything to sell 3 helis at much more cheaper price. Russia cannot put billion dollars in stake for few millions.
Such news comes before they even become a news, and it will not counter India , but China. Because Pakistan buys a lot from China, and China will do everything to sell 3 helis at much more cheaper price. Russia cannot put billion dollars in stake for few millions.
Nopes, if anything it puts Americans in the corner, remember, Pakistan gets Russian engines through China.... do the Russians object. !! ??
This was coming from India. They cannot bear any thing good happening to Pakistan.
Nopes, if anything it puts Americans in the corner, remember, Pakistan gets Russian engines through China.... do the Russians object. !! ??
In private, however, Russian officials say they worry that China is about to start mass producing and exporting advanced fighters—without Russian help. China bought $16 billion worth of Russian arms between 2001 and 2008—40% of Russia's sales.

Photographs published recently on Chinese military websites appear to show engines fitted on the J-11B and a modified version—called the J-15—for use on aircraft carriers.

That has compounded Russian fears that China has reverse engineered an Su-33 prototype it acquired in 2001 from Ukraine, according to Russian defense experts.

At last year's Dubai Air Show, China demonstrated its L-15 trainer jet for the first time. In June, China made its debut at the Eurosatory arms fair in France.

In July, China demonstrated the JF-17—the fighter developed with Pakistan—for the first time overseas at the Farnborough Airshow in Britain.

China also had one of the biggest pavilions at an arms fair in Capetown in September.

"They're showing up at arms fairs they've never been to before," said Siemon T. Wezeman, an arms trade expert at SIPRI. "Whereas 15 years ago they had nothing really, now they're offering reasonable technology at a reasonable price."

China is generating particular interest among developing countries, especially with the relatively cheap JF-17 fighter with a Russian engine.

The Kremlin has approved the re-export of the engine to Pakistan, as it has no arms business there.

But it was enraged last year when Azerbaijan, an ex-Soviet republic, began talks on buying JF-17s, according to people familiar with the situation.

Also last year, China's JF-17s and Russia's MiG-29s competed in a tender from Myanmar, which eventually chose the Russians, but paid less than they wanted.

This year, both entered a tender from Egypt, with China offering the JF-17 for $10 million less than Russia's $30 million MiG-29.

That prompted Mikhail Pogosyan, who heads Sukhoi and the company that makes MiGs, to suggest that the Kremlin stop selling China the Russian engines for the JF-17.

The Kremlin hasn't done that yet, but Russian officials have suggested privately taking legal action if China exports more advanced jets like the J-11B.

Last month, Russia's government proposed new legislation attaching an intellectual property rights clause to foreign military sales agreements.


It was in 2010, and for this reason only which Chinese knew, they began developing their own engine a copy of RD-33 which is WS-13 since 2000.
India fuming over Russia lifting its Pakistan arms embargo, what next?

Rajeev Sharma is a New Delhi-based journalist, author and strategic analyst. He tweets @Kishkindha and can be reached at bhootnath004@yahoo.com.


Mi-35 helicopters (RIA Novosti/Alexander Vilf)

India is fuming with anger over Russia’s recent baffling decision to lift its embargo on the supply of Mi-35 attack helicopters and defense equipment to Pakistan.

Well-informed Indian diplomats told me on Thursday that the Russian decision would actually be the proverbial last straw on the camel’s back if Moscow does not abandon this move.

A lot of communication has taken place between India and Russia through diplomatic channels on this issue and India has conveyed to the Russians that until this red rag is removed once and for all India won’t be able to take it as business as usual with the Russians.

Russian diplomats have tried to calm the Indian nerves by saying that Islamabad won’t be given access to sensitive technologies. However, Indians are not convinced and are dropping hints of an all-or-nothing approach.

Though there have been no official statements so far, it seems that India would like Russia to scrap its plans to lift arms sale embargo on Pakistan completely. Nothing less than that would satisfy New Delhi.

‘Spit on my face’
Indian diplomats have reminded their Russian counterparts of very strong statements made by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin on October 14, 2012, during his official visit to India for talks with then-Indian External Affairs Minister SM Krishna. Rogozin had told the Indian media to “spit on my face” if Russia were to arm India’s enemies.

Sample the highly publicized remarks of Rogozin in New Delhi: “You must understand that we do not deal with your enemies. We don't deliver any arms to them.... If you see otherwise, you may spit on my face.”

Rogozin did not stop there, saying that Russia had no restrictions in delivering arms and weapons to India "because there are no conflicts and contradictions in our relations." He added: "We never created problems for India on its frontiers in difference from other countries. That is a political advantage (for Russia) as a friend of India."

Indubitably, the Indian diplomats would be reminding Rogozin of his remarks along with press clippings when he arrives in New Delhi at the end of this month.

Rogozin came to India just 100 days ago and said some very positive things about Indo-Russian ties. He talked in glowing terms about the possibility of a new oil pipeline between Russia to India which will run parallel to the $7.6 billion Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline. Rogozin had gone on record as saying thus about the new pipeline in his media interview: “This is one of the major infrastructure projects that can be implemented. I think it has a right to exist, but we should make calculations to see how profitable it can be.”


India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi (R) shakes hands with his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif before the start of their bilateral meeting in New Delhi May 27, 2014. (Reuters/Adnan Abidi)

Tough Indian stand bamboozles Russia
It is quite probable that given the solid, half-century-old strategic relationship between India and Russia, Russian policymakers underestimated the Indian response. They timed the move at a time when a new government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has just come into office.

While the Indians have dropped hints to Russians about their “us or them” approach – meaning that it is for Russia to choose between India and Pakistan – India has not come up with any official statement so far, nor is it likely to.

Nobody from India has officially conveyed the “us or them” approach to the Russians officially, nor has anyone told the Russians that India would go slow on its current defense deals with Russia and push the pause button in its relationship with Russia, but the fact is that all these are strong possibilities.

One thing is for sure: That Rogozin will be told in clear terms that the Russian move has triggered a question of trust deficit with the Russians, something that never happened all these decades.

The Russian diplomats are already realizing that they enormously underestimated the response of the new Indian government and perhaps mistakenly thought that the new government would be too busy with other issues to bother about the Russian move.

Yes, it is true that Russia has had “very good cooperation and cohesion” with the new Indian prime minister, as stated by Russian Ambassador Alexander Kadakin.

Yes, it is correct that Modi had three successful visits to Russia when he was the chief minister of Gujarat.

Yes, it is also correct that Russia never denied a visa to Modi, like many western countries, including the US and EU bloc did over his alleged role in the 2002 Gujarat riots.

But Russia needs to remember that Pakistan still continues to be a major concern for India and no Indian government can expect Russia to make this kind of move and arm that enemy of India which has waged three full-fledged wars with India (1947-48, 1965, and 1971) and one limited war in Kargil (1999).

India would never compromise with any country on the issue of Pakistan. This is the bottom line that all friends of India need to understand and this has nothing to do with who is at the helm of power in India.
From Russia with Love to Indian Nation.......
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It's a win win situation for both Russia and Pakistan..... for if India can diversify her sources then why can't Russia sell to whoever it wants, at the end of the day, every country has it's interest at heart.
just compare both defense budget ?
will russia want to loose dollar for few penny deal ?
will US allow pak to do so ?
US dont even allow to use f16 in your excercise?
care to explain
russia is free to sell but not at cost of india..and they know it..

indian are crying like a small baby hahahhahahahahha ...
world know who goes to usa on holiday and cry river...
who cry when helicopter come and take their national asset .
just compare both defense budget ?
will russia want to loose dollar for few penny deal ?
will US allow pak to do so ?
US dont even allow to use f16 in your excercise?
care to explain
russia is free to sell but not at cost of india..and they know it..

world know who goes to usa on holiday and cry river...
who cry when helicopter come and take their national asset .

your nonsense claims shows the fire is getting intense in indians A$$'s , going off topic proves you nothing but stupid
Biggest thing came when during war Russia stopped the supply the spare parts like US did..... and we will see who will cry.

Its good for India, more the PAK take Russia arms more Its chances they become sitting duck like F-16 during war.
Well-informed Indian diplomats told me on Thursday that the Russian decision would actually be the proverbial last straw on the camel’s back if Moscow does not abandon this move.

what other sins Russia has committed or shall I say the crimes that have broken the heart and the back of the Indians?
if Putin backs out then it will be a major win for India and Modi will turn to Obama and say.. Putin is my Bitch.. now tell me do you want me to tell Russians to get out of Ukraine?
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